Six Planet Solar System Discovered

The Kepler space telescope, designed to find planets around other stars, has found an amazing little solar system. Affectionately named Kepler-11, this solar system has 6 planets (all larger than the Earth), with 5 of those planets in a super close orbit to their Sun like star.

Open the Kepler-11 simulation on your computer

  1. Download & Install Universe Sandbox (it’s free and includes a 60 minute trial of all the premium features)
    You may want to run through the short tutorial to get a feel for how to navigate in the simulator.
  2. Download the Kepler-11 Solar System simulation.
  3. Open the simulation by either dragging the downloaded file into the Universe Sandbox window or by double clicking on it.

Check out the Bad Astronomer’s article for more on how humanity made this discovery.


Here’s a view of the complete Kepler-11 system. Note the size of the Sun is to scale with the entire simulation (it hasn’t been scaled up). The orbit of our Mercury (the closest planet to our sun), would be just slightly inside the orbit of g. In Universe Sandbox you can turn on the Solar System grid to clearly see this comparison.


Universe Sandbox’s Chart mode, by distance, view of the system. The colors and textures are mostly guesses, but astronomers are quite certain of the sizes. I’ve included our Earth for comparison. The white mass on the left is the Kepler-11 sun.

More Information

  • #1 written by Naru
    about 14 years ago

    A 6 planet system!? Wow, stuff is getting more complex!

  • #2 written by Darvince
    about 14 years ago

    Mercuries for the win. 😛

  • #3 written by atomic7732
    about 14 years ago

    I believe we shall see much more complex systems in the very near future… 🙂

  • #4 written by deoxy99
    about 14 years ago

    This is neat.

  • #5 written by jay
    about 13 years ago

    how do i acces this game i can download it but i cant play i it just says you dont have enough bytes and that would cause a problem then another window pop up and say its having a problem

    • #6 written by Dan Dixon
      about 13 years ago

      This is likely caused by an old or outdated video driver (or really old video hardware). Can you try updating your video card driver?