
Surface Grids & Lasers | Update 24

Run Steam to download Update 24, or buy Universe Sandbox via our website or the Steam Store.

Surface Grids & Lasers are here! This is a big update that adds new layers to the simulation and new ways to experiment with planets, moons, and entire systems:

Simulate Surfaces
Surface Grids is a huge, complex feature that simulates the surfaces of planets, moons, and other objects. Every one of these objects now has simulated water levels, water and vapor flow, local temperature, material states like snow and ice, and more.

Vaporize Planets with a Giant Laser
Did we mention that there are lasers now? Whether you want to melt some ice caps or vaporize entire planets, the laser is the right tool for the job: Tools > Laser

And More to Come
This is the first version of Surface Grids; we hope to release many improvements to surface simulation over the coming months.

Check out a full list of What’s New in Update 24


Saturn’s New Moons | Update 23.2

Run Steam to download Update 23.2, or buy Universe Sandbox via our website or the Steam Store.

Introducing the new Moon Champion of the Solar System, with a total of 82 known moons, it’s the great ringed gas giant Saturn!

Take a tour through the discoveries of Saturn’s moons, from the first discovered moon, Titan, in 1655, to the latest discovery of 20 new moons in October 2019:

Home > Guides > Science > History of Saturn’s Moons

With 82 moons, Saturn now has the most known moons, surpassing the previous record holder Jupiter and its 79 known moons.

This update also includes a refresh of our database and Saturn simulations to add its new moons, plus a few smaller fixes and improvements.

Check out a full list of What’s New in Update 23.2


Galactic Clean-Up | Update 23.1

August 26: Updates 23.1.2 and 23.1.1 are hotfixes for startup issues for VR users and users with older processors.

Run Steam to download Update 23.1, or buy Universe Sandbox via our website or the Steam Store.

This update adds a bunch of improvements and fixes to the galaxy simulation, making for more stable and accurate galaxies and better collisions. There’s also a new and improved Introduction tutorial and a new simulation of 2019 OK, the near-Earth asteroid that surprised astronomers when it was observed just a day before it flew past us on July 25, 2019.

Some more highlights from Update 23.1:

  • Improved handling for galaxies & smaller-scale objects
  • More accurate galaxy masses
  • New galaxy Star Count property
  • New Teleport tool
  • Many smaller improvements & bug fixes

The new Introduction is designed for anyone who is just getting started with Universe Sandbox, but we encourage even the most seasoned creators and destroyers to check it out:
Home > Guides > Introduction

And have you tried the galaxy tutorial yet? It’ll show you how to get the most out of the new galaxies:
Home > Guides > Exploring New Galaxies


Check out a full list of What’s New in Update 23.1

Beyond the Milky Way | Update 23

June 28: Update 23.0.1 is a small patch to fix an issue with tidal heating.

Run Steam to download Update 23, or buy Universe Sandbox via our website or the Steam Store.

This update adds brand new galaxies that are much more interactive, accurate, and varied, making it easier than ever to create and customize on a galactic scale.

Three Types of Galaxies
Use the Add tool to procedurally generate a Spiral, Elliptical, or Irregular galaxy and add it to any simulation. Or select from galaxies like the Milky Way, Andromeda, or IC 1101, one of the largest known galaxies.

Accurate, Data-Driven Motion & Visuals
The motion and shape of the galaxy are now determined by its type and properties. You’ll also see red-yellow elliptical galaxies where the stars are older and bluer spiral arms where the stars are younger and hotter.

Full Customization
Adjust standard properties like mass and radius plus unique galaxy properties like the number of spiral arms and amounts of dust and gas.


Learn more about the new galaxies:
Home > Tutorials > 11 – Exploring New Galaxies

Or get started with the included galaxy simulations:
Home > Open > Galaxies tab
Check our a full list of What’s New in Update 23

A Big Day for Physics | Update 22.3

Run Steam to download Update 22.3, or buy Universe Sandbox via our website or the Steam Store.

This update officially switches over to our new physics system that is faster, more stable, and more accurate. This new system will be turned on by default, so there’s nothing you need to do to enjoy the improvement.

This update also includes a simulation commemorating an important historical date for physics: the 100-year anniversary of the total solar eclipse that was used to test and validate Einstein’s theory of general relativity.

Home > Open > The 100 Year Anniversary of the Eclipse That Validated General Relativity

General relativity is not simulated in Universe Sandbox, but even if it was, its effect would be hard to see. The difference in observed star position between Newton’s model and Einstein’s model is extremely small: about 1/2000th the width of the full moon.

Highlights from this update’s list of improvements and fixes:

  • New Delete tool
  • Reduced performance stuttering
  • Smoother trails for fast-moving objects
  • Fixes to updating Workshop sims

Please report any issues on our forums (local forum | Steam forum) or via Home > Send Feedback.

Check our a full list of What’s New in Update 22.3


We’re hiring a Graphics Developer! Learn more and apply

We’re hiring a Spaceship Physics Developer! Learn more and apply


Revamped Vapor & Engine Experiments | Update 22.2

April 18: 22.2.1 & 22.2.2 address a Mac-specific issue that caused crashes while using the Add panel. Known Mac issue: loading “Solar System Planets, Moons, and Large Objects” simulation sometimes results in a crash.

Run Steam to download Update 22.2, or buy Universe Sandbox via our website or the Steam Store.

This update adds improved vaporization effects that are more accurate and colorful. It also introduces an experimental version of our new physics system that makes gravity simulation faster, more stable, and more accurate. We’d love it if you tried it out and helped us test it!

Home > Try New Physics

Please remember this system is still experimental. If you experience any problems, let us know! You can report any issues on our forums (local forum | Steam forum) or via Home > Send Feedback.

There are also dozens of smaller improvements and fixes. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Added Fahrenheit as a temperature unit
  • Added Filipino to available languages
  • Improved Search in Open panel
  • Trails & orbits work on older hardware again
  • Object lighting on Linux works again
  • New simulation with all planets, moons, and large Solar System objects

Check out a full list of What’s New in Update 22.2


We’re excited for the upcoming official release of this new physics system so that everyone can enjoy the improvements to performance and accuracy. We’re also working on brand new galaxies and, while we had a setback with Surface Grids & Lasers, we are now making good progress again. Learn more about our progress on these features

We’re hiring a Graphics Developer! Learn more and apply

We’re hiring a Spaceship Physics Developer! Learn more and apply


Far Out | Update 22.1

The orbit stretching to the bottom left is 2018 VG18, the most distant known object in the Solar System. The orbit shown here is a preliminary estimate; more accurate data will be available only after years of observation.

Run Steam to download Update 22.1, or buy Universe Sandbox via our website or the Steam Store.

This is a small update that adds a few new sims in addition to dozens of improvements and bug fixes.

Check out these sims featuring incredibly distant Solar System objects, including the recently announced 2018 VG18, nicknamed “Farout”:
Home > Open > 2018 VG18: The Most Distant Object in the Solar System
Home > Open > 2015 TG387: A Goblin at the Edge of the Solar System
Home > Open > Voyagers 1 & 2 Start 2019 Outside the Solar System

Don’t forget to check out New Horizons’ upcoming flyby of the most distant Solar System object ever visited, scheduled for January 1, 2019:
Home > Open > New Horizons Ultima Thule Encounter in 2019

And here are some highlights from the long list of improvements and fixes:

  • Smarter autosaves
  • Improvements & fixes for opening, saving, & sharing sims
  • Better randomized properties for randomly created objects
  • Fixes for issues with frozen fragments & missing orbit previews
  • Restored visuals for explosions & fragments

Happy holidays! Stay tuned after the New Year for a recap of this past year and a look at what we’ve got in store for 2019.

Check out a full list of What’s New in Update 22.1

Please report any issues on our forums (local forum | Steam forum) or in-game via Home > Send Feedback.

The Universe Just Got Bigger: Steam Workshop Support | Update 22

Run Steam to download Update 22, or buy Universe Sandbox ² via our website or the Steam Store.

Create and share your simulations and explore the creativity of the Universe Sandbox community!

Home > Workshop
Home > Save > Share to Steam Workshop

Use the new custom sim descriptions to detail the lore of your sci-fi worlds. Or discuss the reality behind the scientific phenomena in your simulations.

This update also includes changes to the interface with new tools for manipulating Property values plus styling improvements throughout. There’s a new autosave system to prevent accidental loss of work, and as always, there are lots of smaller improvements and bug fixes. See the full list of What’s New

Please report any issues on our forums (local forum | Steam forum) or in-game via Home > Send Feedback.

1) Workshop only supports simulations at this time. In the future, we hope to add support for custom textures and models.
2) Workshop is only available for the Steam version of Universe Sandbox. We’d love to use our own system in the future for sharing and exploring community sims on any platform, but we don’t have a timeline for this yet.
3) As of this update, Universe Sandbox no longer supports DirectX 9 or 32-bit operating systems. Users can run the last compatible version by selecting “*directx9-32bit” via Steam Betas (learn how). For more information on our decision to end support for DirectX 9 & 32-bit systems, please see our announcement from earlier this year.

The Extremes of Our Solar System | Update 21.3

Run Steam to download Update 21.3, or buy Universe Sandbox ² via our website or the Steam Store.

This is a small update that features a new Parker Solar Probe model and new simulations exploring extremes in our Solar System:

Skim past the Sun with the Parker Solar Probe. The probe was launched in August and now has 24 trips around the Sun planned for its 7-year mission. Each year its orbit will take it closer to the Sun as its instruments capture data that will help us better understand our resident star. Its closest approach will bring it within 8.86 solar radii, or 3.83 million miles, of the Sun’s surface, more than 7 times closer than any previous spacecraft.

Home > Open > The Parker Solar Probe
Home > Open > The Parker Solar Probe’s Closest Approach to the Sun
Add > Objects > Parker Solar Probe

And ride along with New Horizons as it continues through the far reaches of our Solar System past Ultima Thule. After the probe’s flyby of Pluto and its moons in 2015, NASA selected the Kuiper Belt object Ultima Thule as its next target. When New Horizons makes its closest approach on January 1, 2019, Ultima Thule will become the farthest object ever visited by a spacecraft.  

Home > Open > New Horizons Ultima Thule Encounter in 2019


Plus: what if our Sun was replaced with one of the largest known stars in the universe, the red supergiant Betelgeuse?

Home > Open > Solar System with Betelgeuse Instead of the Sun

This update also includes an improvement to the accuracy of positions for moons and other objects in the Solar System Now & Real Time simulation, plus a few other smaller improvements and bug fixes.


Check out a full list of What’s New in Update 21.3

Please report any issues on our forums (local forum | Steam forum) or in-game via Home > Send Feedback.

Windows Mixed Reality Support | Update 21.2

August 13: Update 21.2.1 is a small update that includes a few minor improvements, bug fixes, and updated translations.

Update 21.2 introduces official VR support for Windows Mixed Reality devices. If you own WMR, just launch Universe Sandbox from Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR and start throwing planets.

There are also a handful of small bug fixes and improvements to the core Universe Sandbox experience. Check out the full list of What’s New in Update 21.2

Issues? Feedback? Let us know on our forums (local forum | Steam forum) or in-game via Home > Send Feedback.