The Universe Just Got Bigger: Steam Workshop Support | Update 22

Run Steam to download Update 22, or buy Universe Sandbox ² via our website or the Steam Store.

Create and share your simulations and explore the creativity of the Universe Sandbox community!

Home > Workshop
Home > Save > Share to Steam Workshop

Use the new custom sim descriptions to detail the lore of your sci-fi worlds. Or discuss the reality behind the scientific phenomena in your simulations.

This update also includes changes to the interface with new tools for manipulating Property values plus styling improvements throughout. There’s a new autosave system to prevent accidental loss of work, and as always, there are lots of smaller improvements and bug fixes. See the full list of What’s New

Please report any issues on our forums (local forum | Steam forum) or in-game via Home > Send Feedback.

1) Workshop only supports simulations at this time. In the future, we hope to add support for custom textures and models.
2) Workshop is only available for the Steam version of Universe Sandbox. We’d love to use our own system in the future for sharing and exploring community sims on any platform, but we don’t have a timeline for this yet.
3) As of this update, Universe Sandbox no longer supports DirectX 9 or 32-bit operating systems. Users can run the last compatible version by selecting “*directx9-32bit” via Steam Betas (learn how). For more information on our decision to end support for DirectX 9 & 32-bit systems, please see our announcement from earlier this year.

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