Gravity Simulation Upgrade | Update 33

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Gravity Simulation
We’ve completely overhauled our gravity simulation to increase accuracy, stability, and overall performance. Run simulations at higher speeds than ever before while maintaining gravitational accuracy.

Many simulations can now be run at noticeably higher simulation speeds. Try increasing the simulation speed of the Solar System simulation or your own custom simulation.


The Hubble Space Telescope used to crash into or fly away from Earth at simulation speeds greater than a couple days per second. Now it maintains a stable orbit at much higher simulation speeds.

Choreography simulations, where moons are distributed evenly over a pre-computed path creating a unique design, are much more stable and create the desired patterns, like this fish, before becoming gravitationally unstable and falling apart, as expected.

We’ve also added more controls so you can fine-tune the balance between maximum simulation speed and gravitational accuracy. Learn more in our updated guide
Guides > Tutorials > Advanced Simulation Speed Controls

More Highlights
Small objects colliding with gas giants now create more realistic impacts with smaller, gradually growing impact areas

Object selection has been completely rewritten. It’s now much easier to select objects in crowded simulations with lots of dust clouds and fragments.

Check out the full list of What’s New in Update 33
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about 1 years ago
You’re doing a great job! I’m asking whether it could be possible to add rotational physics to Universe Sandbox one day or not (e.g. axial precession and nutation of the planets caused by gravitational torques).