Saturn’s New Moons | Update 23.2
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Introducing the new Moon Champion of the Solar System, with a total of 82 known moons, it’s the great ringed gas giant Saturn!
Take a tour through the discoveries of Saturn’s moons, from the first discovered moon, Titan, in 1655, to the latest discovery of 20 new moons in October 2019:
Home > Guides > Science > History of Saturn’s Moons
With 82 moons, Saturn now has the most known moons, surpassing the previous record holder Jupiter and its 79 known moons.
This update also includes a refresh of our database and Saturn simulations to add its new moons, plus a few smaller fixes and improvements.
Check out a full list of What’s New in Update 23.2
about 5 years ago
Jupiter: I am the moon king of the Solar System.
Saturn: I’m about to end this planet’s whole career.