Alpha 19.5 | Prettier Moons & Bug Fixes | Now Available

Updated textures and coloring for Ganymede, Sedna, the Moon, and Earth's city lights

Updated textures and coloring for Ganymede, Sedna, the Moon, and Earth’s city lights

Run Steam to update to Alpha 19.5, or buy Universe Sandbox ² via our website or the Steam Store.

Alpha 19.5 is a small update which introduces a few graphics improvements, including updated coloring for Sedna and better textures for Ganymede, the Moon, and Earth’s city lights. It also includes a bunch of minor bug fixes, like correcting the scale for the new Juno model, fixing the appearance of rocky planets affected by supernovae, and addressing some smaller issues with volatiles and Roche fragmentation.

We are also happy to welcome our new team members, Mat and Jacob. As our new QA Lead, Mat has dived right into the project and has been busy finding and documenting bugs, which has already helped us for this update. Jacob is our new developer who will be working full-time on building and improving the VR experience.

And a warm, belated welcome to our new producer, David, who helped us get on track for Alpha 19 and continues to push us in the right direction as we move into 2017. We’re very excited for all of the new features and improvements coming to Universe Sandbox ² this year.


Check out the full list of What’s New.

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  • #1 written by Cesare
    about 8 years ago

    I hope that life evolution will be available soon in Universe Sandbox 2. I am looking forward on human habitation on planets.

  • #2 written by mijin
    about 5 years ago

    I have very good