The Color in Space | Update 24.1
December 20: Update 24.1.1 is a small patch that fixes a handful of bugs, including issues with gas giant band order and lighting for custom star colors.
Run Steam to download Update 24.1, or buy Universe Sandbox on Steam where it is 33% off until January 2, 2020.
Customize Those Colors
Customize colors for just about every object in the new Appearance tab. Add dozens of bands to gas giants, turn Earth’s atmosphere red, or color your alien star purple. We aim for realism in Universe Sandbox, but that doesn’t mean we can’t also allow for creativity.
Dock Those Graphs
Graphs are now docked alongside the other view panels added with Surface Grids, making it easy to keep your eye on data for different objects and properties as graphs, maps, and surface views.
Launch That …Sword?
We added a sword. Don’t think about this one too much. Add > Objects > Longsword
This update also improves black hole visuals, makes it possible to view Surface Grids data directly on an object’s surface, and adds a bunch of smaller improvements and bug fixes.
The name of this update is an homage to the H.P. Lovecraft sci-fi short story The Color Out of Space. A film adaptation of the same name, starring Nicolas Cage and coming to theaters in January 2020, features a scene with a character playing Universe Sandbox. Catch a glimpse of it in the trailer at the 0:17 mark!
Check out a full list of What’s New in Update 24.1
Happy holidays!
about 5 years ago
This color update is brilliant. Colors options must be added for all human objects, galaxies and clouds, water and city lights.