Multiple Languages in Universe Sandbox ²
One of our goals is to make Universe Sandbox ² accessible to a wide range of users. No matter your age, scientific background, or experience with other simulators or video games, you should be able to pick up Universe Sandbox ² and let your curiosity drive your exploration of the universe.
One obstacle that may stand in the way is language. Right now, if English is not your first language, you may have a somewhat difficult time navigating Universe Sandbox ².
The good news is that we’re making progress on language localization. This makes it possible to switch on-the-fly between a bunch of languages beyond English. Right now we’re working on German and Danish, thanks to the native speakers on our team. Below is an early screenshot showing most of the UI text translated to German. (Note: we used Google Translate simply for demonstration purposes.)
Also on our shortlist is French and Spanish. After that, there’s no shortage of languages we’d like to support, including Russian, Chinese, Portuguese, etc. It’s possible we’ll open up the translation process to the public community at a future date.
If you do not yet own Universe Sandbox ², you can buy it now to get instant access to the alpha, as well as free updates up to and including the final release:
about 9 years ago
I think you should set something up for community translations as soon as possible. Amount of translation needed for universesandbox will surely grow day by day. The sooner your community starts working on it the better. Otherwise a wall of text might scare volunteers. If we catch up to English now, pushing translation updates each time you add something new would be much easier. There are lots of websites you can use to manage and verify community translations. You could even use Google Drive if you set your permissions right.
I’m willing to take the time to help with Turkish translation at any date.
about 8 years ago
I hope french will out 😀
about 8 years ago
I bougth this game yesterday and it is amazing but the big problem is that I am from Spain and I dont understand some explications and some words. I hope Spanish dicionary will available soon as possible.
about 8 years ago
Thanks for your feedback, Ander. We’ve made progress on our support for other languages. Once we’ve got it set up, we’ll let the community know that we need help translating.
about 7 years ago
This is a great video game but I can not enjoy it at its best since I am Spanish speaking
about 7 years ago
That’s exactly why we’re very excited to add many more languages to Universe Sandbox ². 🙂