Archive for June, 2014
Universe Sandbox ² Physics Videos
Jun 24th
Take a peek behind the curtain with some videos made by one of our developers, Thomas. He’s recorded a whole bunch of demonstration videos that can be found on his channel: Thomas’s YouTube Channel.
As the dedicated physics programmer, Thomas has lately been hard at work revamping and refining collisions in Universe Sandbox ².
Our Alpha testers have just begun to dig into Alpha 7, which shows off a completely reworked collision system. But the work of a physics programmer is never complete, so subscribe to Thomas’s YouTube channel to stay updated on his progress in simulating the universe.
Universe Sandbox ² Alpha 7 Preview
Jun 11th
Watch Chad run through some of the new features and updates in the upcoming Alpha 7:
Included: terraforming Mars and turning it into a star, tidally locking the Earth, and the ever-popular but now better looking Moon & Earth collision.
Universe Sandbox ² is currently in closed Alpha testing. You can read more about it as well as sign up to be notified when it’s available on our site: http://
Updates on the Road to Public Alpha
Jun 6th
If you haven’t yet, head over to our new page for Universe Sandbox ² and sign up to be notified when it’s available:
What have we done recently and what are we doing now?
Good question. We’ve been very busy…
- Working with our newest team member, Chad Jenkins
- Building a brand new website and logo for Universe Sandbox ²
- Overhauling the new Collision system
- better physics+ better visuals = even more realistic and mesmerizing collisions
- Integrating the new Materials system
- view and change the material composition of any planet or star
- Developing an Interactions mode and toolset
- an even easier, more intuitive (and more fun) method for manipulating properties and values
- push/pull force power, material hose/stream cannon for adding material to planets
- Integrating climate support for a tidally-locked Earth
Rest assured, there will be much more to say, and much more to see, on each of these points soon enough. Until then, here’s another screenshot from our collision tests: