I just like the galaxy update. I appreciate the work that developers put in to create this update which fixed bugs in galaxies and fixed the mass and radius of some galaxies. IC 1101 was too small before. Now it's the correct size. Also, the graphics for galaxies could be fine tuned to make them look sharper and more realistic.
I would like to know if it is possible to zoom into any galaxy and land on any star, gas giant or planet? How about landing on Earth when spawning the Milky Way Galaxy. This can be done in Space Engine.
I also want to know if it is possible to customize the colors of galaxies? That is very important because when the Hubble telescope took photo of the Ultra Deep Field, galaxies have many different colors as well as different shapes and sizes. I just want to be able to change the colors of galaxies by using the color panel in the galaxies properties tab.
I have found that when orbiting black holes or planets, they are very buggy. Please improve black holes by fixing any bugs you trace and add more custom properties just like you did with the recent galaxy update.
I hope there's going to be another galaxy update very soon. That update must include improved sharper graphics visualizations and customization of colors.
Please reply back to me Jar.
Thank you.
The graphics still in development, that aren't in final versions so don't complain bro, enjoy what the game can offer atm

I don't know if you are reading very well what did you say here, but Universe Sandbox simulate everything, space engine it's just for exploring, they are programed allready for rotation, movement, orbit etc etc, but here's in other scale, I don't think at the moment would be possible simulate a galaxy with star's bodies instead of particles, spawn milky way and land of earth it's a insanity indeed, but it's not posible cause even the highest pc is not able to render billions of stars lol.
About of customize the colour of galaxies I'm agree with you, but the problem is that the stars only haves to brown dwarfs to red giants, very hot and blue stars, white dwarfs, etc etc. I've never seen a purple star lol, I know what you wanna say, would be cool and I wanna this feature too, but it'll make a little little bit innacurate in stars's color xD.
BUT maybe a Spiral galaxy with only Yellowish white, yellow, orange and red stars with green nebulas would be amazing to see though.
More custom options for black holes? Be specific because The black holes are only know for being super massive and too much gravity. So... whut? hahah