,4961.msg63889.html#msg63889 based from this, i safq everything in those ten minutes after.
[2012-03-20 21:18:19] <Fiah> there, your safe.
[2012-03-20 21:18:32] <FiktylNaru> MY SAFE?
[2012-03-20 21:18:33] <Fiah> Okay, give me a question.
[2012-03-20 21:18:51] * FiktylNaru flips table, kicks it towards fiah
[2012-03-20 21:19:04] <Fiah> Where are we?
[2012-03-20 21:19:05] <Fiah> Resteraunt?
[2012-03-20 21:19:05] <FiktylNaru> In Bla's skirt
[2012-03-20 21:19:07] <Darvince> if i do get to nue without stalking, what wound your face when be?
[2012-03-20 21:19:07] <FiktylNaru> duh
[2012-03-20 21:19:15] <Darvince> *would
[2012-03-20 21:19:30] <FiktylNaru> Pokerface
[2012-03-20 21:19:39] <Darvince> kol
[2012-03-20 21:19:41] <Fiah> I would be a bit like, hurry up and admit your a girl at heart
[2012-03-20 21:20:01] <Darvince> i am though
[2012-03-20 21:20:10] <Fiah>

[2012-03-20 21:20:32] <Fiah> Quick, you wake up as a girl Darvince. Your parents are coming to your room.
[2012-03-20 21:20:46] <Darvince> not care
[2012-03-20 21:20:56] <Darvince> because my looks wouldn't start changing until several days
[2012-03-20 21:21:01] <Fiah> They open your door and are shocked
[2012-03-20 21:21:11] <Darvince> no because i would still look the same
[2012-03-20 21:21:14] <Fiah> No
[2012-03-20 21:21:23] <Fiah> You would look like a normal teenage girl.
[2012-03-20 21:21:25] <Darvince> then that's magic.
[2012-03-20 21:21:26] <Fiah> Unless...
[2012-03-20 21:21:33] <Fiah> Mindfuck
[2012-03-20 21:21:41] <Darvince> then they'd ask mee who stole jerry
[2012-03-20 21:21:44] <Fiah> Lol
[2012-03-20 21:21:47] <Fiah> wtf
[2012-03-20 21:21:54] <Fiah> Kol
[2012-03-20 21:22:02] <Fiah> What would you tell them?
[2012-03-20 21:22:17] <Darvince> oohh
[2012-03-20 21:22:21] <Darvince> najs channel
[2012-03-20 21:22:37] <Fiah> What would you tell your parents after they asked.
[2012-03-20 21:22:54] <Darvince> idk
[2012-03-20 21:23:00] <Fiah> Quick.
[2012-03-20 21:23:16] <Fiah> They're gonna throw you out if you don't say something.
[2012-03-20 21:23:24] <Fiah> And call the police
[2012-03-20 21:23:45] <Darvince> say nothing then
[2012-03-20 21:23:53] <Darvince> and be arrested
[2012-03-20 21:23:58] <Fiah> Why?
[2012-03-20 21:24:03] <Fiah> Sounds stupid.
[2012-03-20 21:24:04] <Darvince> my life if they found out my sex changed would be just as bad
[2012-03-20 21:24:11] <Fiah> Oh.
[2012-03-20 21:24:27] <Fiah> They realize you are jerry gone female.
[2012-03-20 21:24:34] <Fiah> You're in your bedroom still.
[2012-03-20 21:24:37] <Fiah> What now?
[2012-03-20 21:24:51] <Darvince> become really religious
[2012-03-20 21:24:56] <Fiah> Why
[2012-03-20 21:25:02] <Darvince> until i leave
[2012-03-20 21:25:06] <Darvince> at i'm 18
[2012-03-20 21:25:09] <Darvince> *when
[2012-03-20 21:25:10] <Fiah> wtf
[2012-03-20 21:25:14] <Fiah> wtf
[2012-03-20 21:25:26] <Darvince> *until i'm 18
[2012-03-20 21:25:34] <Darvince> then go back to normal
[2012-03-20 21:25:40] <Fiah> Naru, you wake up in the Blabunker.
[2012-03-20 21:25:57] <Darvince> i'd have sex with bla
[2012-03-20 21:25:58] <Fiah> Naru523 you wake up in the Blabunker.
[2012-03-20 21:26:01] <Darvince> i'd have sex with bla
[2012-03-20 21:26:02] <Fiah> wtf
[2012-03-20 21:27:04] <Fiah> noes
[2012-03-20 21:27:19] <Fiah> Quick, atomic, your crammed into a sleeping bag with Dan.
[2012-03-20 21:27:28] <atomic7732> wtf
[2012-03-20 21:27:31] <Fiah> It's -12 degrees celcius
[2012-03-20 21:27:32] <atomic7732> like seriously wtf
[2012-03-20 21:27:38] <Fiah> And if is rainif
[2012-03-20 21:27:39] <Matty406> Ask about progress
[2012-03-20 21:27:46] <Fiah> It's a mummy baf
[2012-03-20 21:27:52] <Fiah> So your not wet
[2012-03-20 21:27:59] <Fiah> Dan suddenly kisses you.
[2012-03-20 21:28:02] <Matty406> Ask why he's camping when he has US3 to work on
[2012-03-20 21:28:17] <Fiah> Matty, you do so
[2012-03-20 21:28:35] <Fiah> He replies: "Because I wanted to enjoy the wilderness...
[2012-03-20 21:28:55] <Fiah>

[2012-03-20 21:29:04] <atomic7732> oh
[2012-03-20 21:29:06] <atomic7732> meh
[2012-03-20 21:29:44] <Darvince> if i was crammed in a sleeping bag with dan, i would probably be like "oshit incoming erection" and get out as fast as possible
[2012-03-20 21:29:50] <atomic7732> that means they will never be able to find me
[2012-03-20 21:29:52] <Fiah> wtf erection
[2012-03-20 21:30:13] <Darvince> i have an erection at tight spaces.
[2012-03-20 21:30:13] <Fiah> ?
[2012-03-20 21:30:17] <Darvince> don't ask why
[2012-03-20 21:30:18] <Darvince> .
[2012-03-20 21:30:31] <Fiah> Then you should be good with tight holes.
[2012-03-20 21:30:39] <Fiah> Wink wink
[2012-03-20 21:30:44] <Darvince> oshit
[2012-03-20 21:30:46] <Fiah> Okay, I failed.
[2012-03-20 21:31:02] <Fiah> Crappiest joke evar

[2012-03-20 21:31:09] <Darvince> why would you stuff me in a hole
[2012-03-20 21:31:24] <Darvince> not tight hardness, tight softness.
[2012-03-20 21:31:26] <Darvince> or
[2012-03-20 21:31:26] <Fiah> No...
[2012-03-20 21:31:31] <Fiah> I mean, like...
[2012-03-20 21:31:31] <Darvince> oh god that sounds so wrong
[2012-03-20 21:31:43] <Fiah> The ass kind.
[2012-03-20 21:32:15] <Darvince> kol
[2012-03-20 21:32:35] <FiahOwl> Allrigh darv
[2012-03-20 21:32:36] <Darvince> ohi fiah
[2012-03-20 21:32:38] <Darvince> oshit
[2012-03-20 21:32:51] <Darvince> inb4 inside a too small sleeping bag with a male nue as a female darvince
[2012-03-20 21:33:08] <FiahOwl> Suddenly, you teleport into a forest with me hanging down from a tree.
[2012-03-20 21:33:17] <FiahOwl> I jump down, laughing.
[2012-03-20 21:33:22] <FiahOwl> And dust my shirt off.
[2012-03-20 21:33:36] <Darvince> then i'd have sex with you to confuse the hell out of you and run the hell away
[2012-03-20 21:34:02] <FiahOwl> You try to insert your penis down there, but I run to the nearest tree and start punching it.
[2012-03-20 21:34:27] <FiahOwl> Atomic suddenly wakes up on the forest floor
[2012-03-20 21:34:36] <FiahOwl> Kol
[2012-03-20 21:34:50] <FiahOwl> Matty suddenly falls from the sky into a nearby lake.
[2012-03-20 21:35:04] <Darvince> then i'd gather all active usforums members in a too-small room and then curl up in a ball with the incoming massive erection
[2012-03-20 21:35:26] <FiahOwl> We all follow you into a cave, and I notice you curling down.
[2012-03-20 21:35:42] <FiahOwl> I come over and ask you what's wrong.
[2012-03-20 21:35:49] <FiahOwl> You're turn.
[2012-03-20 21:35:59] <FiahOwl> No
[2012-03-20 21:36:02] <FiahOwl> Crap
[2012-03-20 21:36:06] <FiahOwl> No
[2012-03-20 21:36:07] <Darvince> I state what happens to cause me erections, and you move along in life.
[2012-03-20 21:36:27] <Darvince> except suddenly the cave turns really soft
[2012-03-20 21:36:34] <Darvince> and then i almost die from the massive erection
[2012-03-20 21:36:35] <FiahOwl> You state that, and I suddenly run into atomic and hug him.
[2012-03-20 21:36:37] <Darvince> inb4 kicked by naru
[2012-03-20 21:36:46] <atomic7732> it's like...
[2012-03-20 21:36:56] <FiahOwl> Atomic, suddenly I run into you and hug you.
[2012-03-20 21:37:00] <Naru523> dat pic
[2012-03-20 21:37:03] <FiahOwl> Your turn.
[2012-03-20 21:37:23] <Naru523> POO.
[2012-03-20 21:37:26] <atomic7732> something
[2012-03-20 21:37:28] <atomic7732> on you
[2012-03-20 21:37:30] <atomic7732> and you die
[2012-03-20 21:37:35] <atomic7732> ricin
[2012-03-20 21:37:37] <atomic7732> the power of ricin
[2012-03-20 21:37:40] <atomic7732> inb4 FBI
[2012-03-20 21:37:47] <Darvince> why
[2012-03-20 21:37:54] <FiahOwl> You poo in your pants as I hug you.
[2012-03-20 21:37:57] <Darvince> nuke bomb terrorist awesome communism
[2012-03-20 21:38:01] <Darvince> inb4 sikrit agency
[2012-03-20 21:38:12] <FiahOwl> I suddenly stop hugging you and go over and punch more trees.
[2012-03-20 21:38:16] <FiahOwl> The end.
[2012-03-20 21:38:18] <FiahOwl> Goodnight