Top 10 continuous sessions of blacraft
Started 2018-02-13 21:12:24 and went on for 145 hours, with a total of 394 hours of play time and a maximum of 8 players
Started 2018-01-12 21:07:39 and went on for 96 hours, with a total of 330 hours of play time and a maximum of 12 players
Started 2018-02-25 06:50:20 and went on for 87 hours, with a total of 179 hours of play time and a maximum of 5 players
Started 2020-03-18 02:26:29 and went on for 85 hours, with a total of 87 hours of play time and a maximum of 3 players
Started 2018-02-20 02:40:08 and went on for 64 hours, with a total of 145 hours of play time and a maximum of 5 players
Started 2018-06-10 17:13:33 and went on for 59 hours, with a total of 61 hours of play time and a maximum of 2 players
Started 2019-08-11 22:42:38 and went on for 57 hours, with a total of 59 hours of play time and a maximum of 2 players
Started 2020-03-28 22:04:41 and went on for 55 hours, with a total of 66 hours of play time and a maximum of 4 players
Started 2018-08-08 03:40:06 and went on for 45 hours, with a total of 60 hours of play time and a maximum of 4 players
Started 2020-03-15 04:15:54 and went on for 43 hours, with a total of 49 hours of play time and a maximum of 2 players
An event where 14 people concurrently played happened 1 times
The longest 14 people have concurrently played is 1.0 hours
On 2019-12-31 02:12:05 for 1.0 hours, with the following players:
darvince shimao bla bong fiah bryon tuto yqt matty ganxi sam kalassak x32 rod
An event where 13 people concurrently played happened 4 times
The longest 13 people have concurrently played is 1.1 hours
On 2019-12-30 20:22:07 for 0.8 hours, with the following players:
darvince shimao bla bong fiah tuto yqt matty ganxi sam kalassak bryon rod
On 2019-12-30 22:29:28 for 1.1 hours, with the following players:
darvince shimao bla bong fiah bryon tuto yqt matty ganxi kalassak x32 rod
On 2019-12-31 00:08:04 for 0.3 hours, with the following players:
darvince shimao bla bong fiah bryon tuto yqt matty ganxi kalassak x32 rod
On 2019-12-31 00:43:24 for 0.9 hours, with the following players:
darvince shimao bla bong fiah tuto yqt matty ganxi sam kalassak bryon rod
An event where 12 people concurrently played happened 5 times
The longest 12 people have concurrently played is 4.5 hours
On 2017-12-31 00:20:48 for 4.5 hours, with the following players:
shimao darvince bla bong fiah tmc yqt tuto matty kalassak bryon rod
On 2018-01-13 23:16:30 for 0.7 hours, with the following players:
shimao darvince lambda bong fiah yqt tuto matty sam kalassak yqt-alt rod
On 2018-01-14 00:13:38 for 0.7 hours, with the following players:
shimao ganxi lambda bong fiah yqt tuto matty sam kalassak yqt-alt rod
On 2018-12-30 21:51:50 for 0.4 hours, with the following players:
darvince omni bla bong fiah tmc tuto yqt matty kalassak bryon rod
On 2018-12-31 00:51:59 for 1.2 hours, with the following players:
darvince bla bong fiah tmc yqt-alt tuto yqt matty kalassak bryon rod
An event where 11 people concurrently played happened 2 times
The longest 11 people have concurrently played is 5.0 hours
On 2018-01-13 22:30:23 for 0.3 hours, with the following players:
shimao darvince lambda fiah yqt tuto matty sam kalassak yqt-alt rod
On 2018-12-31 02:27:10 for 1.7 hours, with the following players:
darvince bla bong fiah tmc tuto yqt matty kalassak bryon rod
An event where 10 people concurrently played happened 6 times
The longest 10 people have concurrently played is 5.1 hours
An event where 9 people concurrently played happened 12 times
The longest 9 people have concurrently played is 7.0 hours
An event where 8 people concurrently played happened 10 times
The longest 8 people have concurrently played is 7.6 hours
An event where 7 people concurrently played happened 33 times
The longest 7 people have concurrently played is 8.4 hours
An event where 6 people concurrently played happened 58 times
The longest 6 people have concurrently played is 9.1 hours
An event where 5 people concurrently played happened 101 times
The longest 5 people have concurrently played is 11.8 hours
Hours played by each user.
shimao: 2143.8
yqt: 998.8
fiah: 602.1
bla: 398.3
darvince: 358.0
kalassak: 276.7
bong: 269.6
x32: 268.0
rod: 261.2
shimao-alt: 254.0
yqt-alt: 250.9
tuto: 245.9
tmc: 175.1
jorster: 124.1
nova: 103.0
matty: 96.6
bryon: 74.0
sam: 68.8
ozol: 55.3
freeman: 31.4
lambda: 19.4
ganxi: 17.3
lukas: 9.6
swonx: 9.5
omni: 7.2
taraiph: 6.0
stevodoran: 0.4
Total time played on the server is 7087 hours, or 295 days
Graph of hours played per week
Graph of activity h-index (an activity h-index of k means that k different people played at least k hours of blacraft that week)