it's done -- my final set of tools
all of the picks, shovels, and axes have eff 5, fortune 3, unbreaking 3, mending
one of the picks has silk
all of the bows have power 5, punch 2, unbreaking 3, flame, infinity, mending
actually only one of the bows has infinity because they recently disabled having both inf and mending on a bow
the swords have unb3, knockback 2, fire 2, sweeping edge 3, mending
one of the swords is smite 5, the other is sharp 5
all of the elytra have unb 3 and mending
all of the helmets has prot 4, unb 3, resp 3, aqua aff, mending
all of the chest/legs have prot 4 unb 3, mending
all of the boots have prot 4, unb 3, feature falling 4, mending
one of the boots has frost walker, the other 2 have depth strider
one of the armor sets has thorns 2 on 3 out of of the 4 pieces
everything is named. i am so tired of naming things
total anvils broken while enchanting everything: 8