I think the horses at Epicland's stable got at least triplicated or Idk, because I also had the impression someone went there and breed some houses, anyway several of them escaped and many of them ventured into the Border Hill farm and trampeled the crops, so I rage-killed some of them and moved the rest to the new horse island at Spawntown which now has a much bigger area for horses.
I plan to make horse parking areas in many places around Spawntown, but it's hard to find space for it. And I guess the horse island is nowhere big enough for the amount of horses here may be, so I'll have to make a big underground area for them as well.
The horse ring around Spawntown is completed, btw, as in it has all the planned ramps and you can ride all the way around it, but it's not decorated yet.
Here's an image of it and the original plan.
Green is the horse tunnel, yellow are ramps to ground level and red are ramps to rail stations. A new rail station has been built today, Horse Island Station. (It's not on this map and the red at the station on it is actually incorrect).
It could make a fun horse racing track maybe, there could be made segments on it specifically for racing mode.