Lyintaria Player #4 suffered a minor injury in the game between the Holy Yektonisa Bishops and the Lyintaria Lynx in quarter 1 with 3:45 remaining on the clock
kuŋevok eɰnak gevunáh suffered a very minor injury in the game between the Dvimne Spirits and the Pyxanovia Pixies in quarter 2 with 2:04 remaining on the clock
Phetdum Vatthana suffered a very minor injury in the game between the TND Tanks and the Boltway Bad Dragons in quarter 3 with 2:31 remaining on the clock
Fihana Jo suffered a major injury in the game between the Ethanthova Ponies and the Dotruga Falno in quarter 3 with 2:38 remaining on the clock
Himi Azumamaro suffered a very minor injury in the game between the Auspikitan Golden Falcons and the Manwx Saguans in quarter 1 with 3:29 remaining on the clock
Height Sagua Player #2 suffered a moderate injury in the game between the Sagua Ocelots and the Height Sagua Cats in quarter 1 with 10:38 remaining on the clock
Mawatari Kane suffered a very minor injury in the game between the Sagua Ocelots and the Height Sagua Cats in quarter 1 with 8:09 remaining on the clock
Danomobei Motxev suffered a very minor injury in the game between the Serkr Atolls and the Stedro Boulders in quarter 2 with 0:38 remaining on the clock
Sova Kłó suffered a moderate injury in the game between the Solea Geysers and the Shmupland Dictators in quarter 2 with 4:39 remaining on the clock
Asher Turner suffered a very minor injury in the game between the Blanaxon Hammers and the Calto Cows in quarter 4 with 3:24 remaining on the clock