There is a crucial feature that is missing in both Universe Sandbox 2 and in the forum. That is the ability to use a "live chat agent" so that users can directly text by typing right away to a real person. This is similar to using a phone, except that you only chat by text, not by voice communication. site has a built-in live chat agent so that users can send over complaints or speak about other subjects, plus being able to get one on one help sessions.
My suggestion is to have a build-in live chat agent that is included in both Universe Sandbox 2 and in the forum. People would need to be connected to the internet to use the live chat agent. The benefit of having an integrated live chat agent is so that users don't have to spend phone bills, and it also makes it easier to receive help straight away, and also immediately report bugs and glitches to developers.
What the Universe Sandbox 2 team needs to do is to hire several live chat agent so that users can report bugs and glitches, get help assistance and ask questions relating to Universe Sandbox 2. Live chat agents would really help users report bugs and receive comments and suggestions right away just by sending text. Also, developers can make the live chat agent support the ability to send images and videos of bugs and glitches as well as simulations and saved objects.
At the end of the live chat agents, users can send over feedback to how well the chat went and also give a rating of 0 to 5 stars on how well they met they help assistance. Please add a live chat agent to both Universe Sandbox 2 and the forum.
I have include four images of live chat agents as an example. This is extremely important to add such a feature in both Universe Sandbox 2 and in the forum.
Thank you.