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Author Topic: Textures locations and change textures  (Read 6575 times)


  • *****
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  • Universe Sandbox 2 is my favourite simulator.
    • Cesare Vesdani
Textures locations and change textures
« on: October 01, 2018, 10:53:56 AM »
Hi. I have two very important questions that I want the developers or other Universe Sandbox 2 experts to answer.

1. Where are the default textures for rocky planets stored?

2. How can I import downloaded texture images into a custom saved rocky planet?

Here is the .json file code for textures:



Also, please explain to me exactly what each line of code in the .json file stored in the saved custom object .ubox file does:

"MagPoleAxis":"(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)",
"LightColor":"RGBA(0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000)",
"Tint":"RGBA(1.250, 1.250, 1.250, 1.000)",
"RGBA(0.973, 0.867, 0.561, 1.060)","RGBA(0.710, 0.808, 0.878, 1.000)","RGBA(0.185, 0.358, 0.555, 1.060)"],
"AtmosphereColor":"RGBA(0.200, 0.600, 1.000, 1.000)",
"Color":"RGBA(0.403, 0.329, 0.297, 0.000)",


I want to load a downloaded image of the supercontinent Pangea into the code of the .json file inside the .ubox file of my saved custom Earth like planet. How can I load that image to make it work as a modded planet texture?


Thank you.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2018, 11:03:16 AM by Cesare »


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Re: Textures locations and change textures
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2018, 08:24:30 AM »
Universe Sandbox ² does not support using custom textures at this time. This is something we want to add in the future, but we do not know when it will be available yet.


  • *****
  • Posts: 656
  • Universe Sandbox 2 is my favourite simulator.
    • Cesare Vesdani
Re: Textures locations and change textures
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2018, 03:46:36 PM »
Thanks for letting me know that Universe Sandbox 2 will soon support custom textures. I hope that the ability to add custom textures to planets will be possible within the interface of Universe Sandbox 2. That includes the desktop version of Universe Sandbox 2, not only the Steam version.

Also, I have a few questions for you to answer:

1. Universe Sandbox 2 did not receive any updates this September, so will there be any updates released this October?

2. What will your next update release be about.

3. What will be the next big update to be released.

4. I have reported many known bugs, so will you fix them in the next update?

I do understand that its hard for you to know when or if an update of bug fix will happen. but please try your best to give me an approximate answer on my questions above. I really expect to get a positive answer from them.