I am concerned about the perception of the product and I appreciated your suggestion.
And admittedly some of the forum content is confusing and might come across as childish. But that's what happens when you make a product that has such broad age appeal.
If I removed "Everything Else", like matty406 said, the randomness would move to other boards. In fact, that's why "Everything Else" was created in the first place.
Weren't you a kid once too? I was. I made and thought and did and wrote all kinds of crazy stuff. Don't you have any empathy?
This place has become a community for them, however small. I'm not going to destroy that over purely capitalistic concerns.
That said, it's hard to imagine that the financial impact, if any, is notable... Universe Sandbox is selling really well. I've got a handful of people helping out on the next version and it's going to be awesome. In fact, we're working on some experimental stuff I hadn't expected to get to start on until 2013.

I would ask for everyone to keep the posts outside of Everything Else solidly on topic. Consider again that this is not chat, but a forum where each post should contribute to the conversation at hand.