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Author Topic: Using Univers Sandbox - Another Purpose  (Read 5028 times)


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Using Univers Sandbox - Another Purpose
« on: May 23, 2011, 01:41:35 PM »
I fully realise that most Users only use this for Fun.

A few actually use this Visualisation of Cosmology / Astronomy as a serious investigation or Study.
Well - Me - I am different ( always was - Lol )

I am the Game Master of a Sci Fi Game - where the Humans of Sol are expanding from A.D. 2130
with Fast FTL Drives, into Space.  Scouting and then Colonising other Star Systems in this Galaxy.

We ran into the expanding Empire of the Evil Zetans, who are trying to Conquer this Galaxy, Enslaving every Species who are of any use to them, and Destroying ones who are not.
We have managed to give them a bloody nose, but they are waaay more powerful than us - they already have as much as 60% of this Galaxy.  They are Hive Culuture like Ants, with a central Core Brain - communicating by Telepathy with Zetan drones.  However - we are much ahead of them in Tech, except FTL Drives.

So - I am using Univers Sandbox to model the complete "map" of our Systems, and I will be using it to "map" the locations of Zetan Systems.  Also I will be using it to develop Pics of our individual Star Systems - with Planets, Moons, Asteroids, Etc.
I got this from Steam - referred to this by one of our 15 Players.
It is extremely good !!!


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Re: Using Univers Sandbox - Another Purpose
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2011, 03:13:36 PM »
That's why I got this!!! I was playing Minecraft and loved the idea of making a story to go along with the evolution of the game world(or making a world based on story). Then I saw this on Steam and wanted to do it on a HUGE scale. I'm currently making a solar system in hopes to use it for various works of fiction I want to make.


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Re: Using Univers Sandbox - Another Purpose
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2011, 05:46:21 AM »
Sounds Very Good - Friend

Aye - this is a VERY USEFUL Tool for some kinds of Graphics in S.F. Games.

We just got a new Player joined - who wants to be the Leader of a new Alien Species, who are Refugees from the nasty Zetans, I found out that the 200 Million of them are only 1% of their Species which wasn't destroyed.

I usually design the Systems in my head - Posting them up as Survey Reports, Star Data, Planet Data, Asteroid Belts, etc.
I have not got round to actually doing the Star Systems in Uni Sand yet.
Maybe I am not too brave.
Sometime I am gonna have to do the "Dragon System" - Orange Star, Yellow-White Star, smaller Yellow Star orbitting them, two tiny White Dwarves orbiting at nearly 90 degrees - 7 Planets, two Asteroid Belts.

The nuisance is also doing Asteroid Belts.
I wish there was an option to creat one "to order" - with all the indivual Asteroid able to be clicked on and Named, properties set.
We often set out to build Bases on Asteroids - so naming them would be handy, and for completely New Systems, naming them and setting Properties would be good, to fit in with the Game.


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Re: Using Univers Sandbox - Another Purpose
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2011, 01:49:13 AM »
I admit that I did something like this too! I was just modeling my own little unique solar system of a fictional coalition of species. You can also use ubox to make "spacecrafts" (with the model for a planet or something, scale down the size and mass appropriately) and set them off in different directions as if they were on interplanetary trade routes, seeing how long it takes them.


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Re: Using Univers Sandbox - Another Purpose
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2011, 05:25:13 AM »
How exciting, I also use it that way (even though I also use it for making interesting simulations or plain fun). :)


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Re: Using Univers Sandbox - Another Purpose
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2011, 08:59:40 AM »
We already have orbital Defence Bases, orbital Fighter Hangars, orbital Shipyards.
Bases on Moons, Asteroids.

We are now buildinf 2 x giant Super Space Stations - "egg shaped"
These are 600 Km in diameter, but a bit "taller".
We are gonna put them into place "above" and "below" the mass of the Galaxy - as rallying points, Forward Bases, Fleet Assembly Points, and "invincible" Bases - for long range attacks deep into Zetan Space.

Nearer home - we are 6 Months ( 6 weeks real time ) away from completion of Terraforming Mars, gonna Terroform Venus.
We have loads of Asteroid Bases, Commercial and Naval Shipyards in the Asteroid Belt.
We have just found two inhabited Planets in other Systems
One 200 Million Aliens, Tech similar to ours, but different advantages - Refugees from the Zetans.
One stranger - 1.25 Billion Humanoids in pre-stone age conditions -
refer to "Bordered In Black" by Larry Niven.

Best Wishes - from Kris  8)


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Re: Using Univers Sandbox - Another Purpose
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2011, 01:57:35 PM »
...So I guess you play Astro Empires? :P
We also use Universe Sandbox this way (at least slightly) on the Solar System Creator Wiki, which NeutronStar from this forum made.


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Re: Using Univers Sandbox - Another Purpose
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2011, 12:05:13 PM »
Funnily enough - not using a normal Game System

The Game is a play-by-post Game, which started on an unlikely Site.
This is on the Armchair Generals Site ( called ACG by the Members ).

But we have managed to get 15 Players in this Game -
and a guy from COI ( traveller ) has agreed to do Drawings of our Ships for us.