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Author Topic: Light & Draw Order Issues  (Read 3060 times)

Dan Dixon

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Light & Draw Order Issues
« on: May 26, 2011, 11:33:46 AM »
A user reported these issues in an email. It thought I'd share my reply:

I especially love the surface point of view! It's awesome to see a double star rise in the morning! This is a brilliant feature! I didn't know I wanted it before but it's so cool I can't imagine why I didn't.

Awesome. Try loading up Saturn with it's Rings and attach to the surface. Notice how the rings seem to move in two different directions.

Some things I noticed:
- If I stand on the moon to watch earthrise (which rules big time) and keep on watching till earthfall (which should be the correct term, haha) the earth shines through the moon. Same goes for the sun(s) and other planets. This only happens when the scale width of the view is pretty small. (50m or so).

- Saturn's rings are visible through the planet (see attached file). Which is the same thing as the above, I guess.

Both of these are a problem with the drawing order of these objects. When you zoom in it causes the draw order of far away objects to get confused. I expect to fix this eventually but it isn't high on the list right now.

The stars don't feel bright enough. If I stand on the surface of venus the sun is a friendly dot. Not a glaring monster that wants to burn my eyes out. I could increase its brightness but that wouldn't feel right. The planets look good and would be washed out if the brightness was increased.

Agreed. I'm working on a long term fix for this.

If an object is modified to give light and it isn't a star (but a jupiter sized brown dwarf for instance) all objects in the system reflect the light (which is awesome) but the object itself has a day and pitch-black night side.

Yeah... this is the result of the 'attach light to any object' feature not being complete. It shouldn't do this.

But universe sandbox is awesome! And keeps getting better!

Thanks. I'm working on some long term plans to make sure that keeps being true.


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Re: Light & Draw Order Issues
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2011, 04:37:38 PM »
Won't atmosphere fix at least one of the bugs?