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Author Topic: Why does changing the name of a planet to "Earth" make the clouds clear/bright?  (Read 3426 times)


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  • Posts: 3
If I change the name of Earth to anything else, the clouds become dim and fuzzy. Does anybody know why this is? Also, changing the name of any planet to "Earth" makes its dim and fuzzy clouds suddenly become clear and bright. I've just taken to naming all my terraformed planets "Earth" so the clouds look right.

It appears there is some sort of code like this in the simulation: If (planet.name =="Earth") { // Cloud changes}

Has anybody found out how to deal with this? Is it a bug?


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  • Posts: 3
For reference, here's an example of a terraformed Mars. On the left, the planet is named "Earth", and on the right, it's named "Mars". That's the only difference.


  • Developer
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    • Universe Sandbox
Your code isn't far off.  :D

It's just how we handle rendering clouds for Earth in comparison to other planets. A similar effect can be achieved with "Mars."

We're aware of this issue and have it on our to-fix list, but it's not super high priority for us right now. Just think it more as a feature than a bug.  ;)


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  • Posts: 3
OK, cool. I also noticed there are some planet specific climate defaults which are loaded up depending on the planet name, and these hardcodes overwrite whatever is in the body.json file. So even if I change the ppm of C02 in a body.json file ("CarbonDioxidePPMV"), it will still be overwritten with the Earth default upon loading if the planet is named "Earth". Is that automatic overwriting going to be removed eventually (so the defaults are only applied if nothing is specified in the body.json file)?