I would like to know something.
What's the point of VR in Universe Sandbox^2?
VR is, and only should be, used to represent a "first person perspective" in games like gta5, etc. but instead of using a cc controller, or mouse, the user uses her/his head to look around in the games world.
But it seems pointless in a gravity/physics simulator....
But Universe Sandbox 2 in VR is indeed from a first person perspective. Even so, I do not believe that VR (or any technology) should be limited to only one purpose. VR is certainly not
only meant to simulate the first person in games or videos, even though that is the predominant driving force for the development of the technology and arguably one of the biggest markets. There are plenty of other market sectors for VR including education, healthcare, construction and more. And there are VR platforms already either on the market or in development for each of those applications, I've seen some of them and they are game changers.
As a new owner of a VR platform, I can say that until I tried Universe Sandbox 2 in VR, I had no idea what I was missing.
Universe Sandbox 2 is a completely different experience in VR, it is absolutely amazing to interact with planets as if you are actually a participant in it, versus looking at it on a 2d flatscreen monitor.
Universe Sandbox 2 in VR is absolutely a valid effort and an incredible experience. I hope you get a chance to try it on the vive and am confident you would be convinced to its merit and how powerful of an experience it is.