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Author Topic: Ideas To Spice Things Up and Give Homage!  (Read 4956 times)

Thunder Ice

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Ideas To Spice Things Up and Give Homage!
« on: December 10, 2014, 07:44:33 PM »
I recently heard of Universe Sandbox 2 a couple days ago. I loved the hell out of the first one, and since this is currently in Alpha, I was hoping I could hop on the idea boat and give some ideas to help with development. I really hope US2 becomes even bigger than the first.

Here are the ideas.

1. Planet realism. I didn't know exactly how to word the idea, but the main basis is: While you see effects occur on Earth already [oceans boiling away, planet freezing, burning up], the surface is almost literally still. Even with the days zipping by, the clouds remain in the same position, there's no surface weather [thunderstorms, hurricanes, possibly tornadoes, dust/sand-storms]. It would be really amazing if there were things such as weather patterns occurring around the planet, especially fixed events [Katrina, 9/11, Boxing Day 2004]. Or like on Mars, dust-storms.

2. Realistic Impact Effects on Planets. As of A13, when an asteroid/planet crashes into another celestial object, there is a massive hot-zone where the impact center is. A visible blast-wave ripples across the planet, but quickly fades out. Despite the massive mini-strikes across the world, we never see any other effects on the planet's surface [fire, tsunamis, cracks in planet]. It would be really cool if, depending on the size of the object, when it hits, the blast-wave engulfs the globe in fire and flame. Take this video, for example.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3nyn_yZQ98 Notice how the clouds displace as the asteroid hits, how the explosion sends thousands of particles into the air, how the massive fire-blast sweeps and engulfs the surface below, and how the tsunami of fire completely engulfs the planet, incinerating everything. Or maybe, if a small asteroid strikes, there could be a 3D tsunami that is simulated like water [think of From Dust]. That would be interesting to see. Not sure how possible, but it would be interesting.

3. Surface Detail. I'm not sure how possible this is, or how possible it will be in the future, but it would be interesting to have some detail on the planets. Mountains, fluffy clouds, jungles, ice-caps. Maybe, if possible in the far, far future, cities and towns. It would be interesting to have an asteroid impact an inhabited planet [with the detail from #2], and have entire cities completely destroyed or flooded from a tsunami.

4. Continental Shift. Let's say we speed the simulation by millions of years. It would be interesting to see land-masses/continents on planets like Earth or others shifting and changing.

5. Beginning/Aging Universe. Five billion years from now, the sun will expand and take the Earth with it when it dies. Trillions, maybe even quintillions of years from now, the universe will burn out; the stars will die, the planets will go with them. The universe will come to an end. Now let's go back to 14 billion years ago; the Big Bang occurs, and the universe is born. It would be very amazing to be able to see this occur in-game if you felt like watching the last star go out or watch the universe begin.

6. Satellites and Explorer-Bots. There are moons and asteroids orbiting planets, but what of things like Earth satellites and space-stations. Hell, maybe even moon-bases encased in a dome to destroy with an asteroid. Or on Mars, with the rover "Curiosity."

Who says everything needs to be accurate, though? Why not add in some references to popular games, movies, and shows?

7. Death Egg. Everyone remembers that in the classic Sonic games, right? It would be really cool to see this thing flying around space, orbiting a planet, or smashing into a planet/sun. Not to mention, it could be used for destruction.

8. Space Colony ARK. Sonic Adventure 2 was fun, wasn't it? I've never seen any other game use the ARK in it, and with a Universe simulator, this would be fun to destroy a couple planets or more. [For those who don't know what the ARK is, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFEW_W3yVS0] A cannon with the power to destroy entire planets. Also, seeing as the ARK is 10 miles in diameter, it could also be used as an asteroid, so you can create your own ending to Sonic Adventure 2. Spoilers!

9. Gallifrey. The infamous planet of the Time Lords from Doctor Who. I'd love to see this planet, maybe even see the great city on the surface.

10. TARDIS. Could be operable, could not be. Either way, you can fling it at planets or the sun. If you blow it up, every star, including the sun, will instantly explode, destroying the universe.

11. The Impossible Planet. Another Doctor Who planet, this planet is a dead one, with a base set on its surface. But the catch? It's orbiting a black hole. Not sure of the possibilities of making that happen in the game, but it'd be cool to figure it out!

12. Death Stars 1 & 2. Star Wars is awesome. So is the Death Star. It also contains a laser to destroy planets and stars.

That's all I could think of...for now, that is. I will add to this. I'm not sure how likely some of these ideas are to be added in the future, but I really hope that this game will become big, the game that people will enjoy just as much as a game like Space Engine, for example. I thank you for making US2, devs. I wish I had the money to buy the game. I don't want to pirate it, unless I'm really desperate to play this.

But I will gladly contribute when I do have the money.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2014, 01:07:37 PM by Thunder Ice »

Gordon Freeman

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Re: Ideas To Spice Things Up and Give Homage!
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2014, 09:51:52 PM »
1. The clouds DO move, and the weather scientist, Naomi, is working on climate support for all planets so that everything can have ice caps.

2. I'll agree that the impacts look a little under-powered. At one point, cracks DID appear on the planet's surface, but for some reason they were removed.

3. Yup, I think cities are a planned feature.

4. Not practical. At that timestep, objects that small become unstable. Besides, I think it'd be hard to plan realistic plate movements.

5. Yes, but we are not even sure how the Big Bang looked like, what events took place, etc. etc. Same concept for the end of the universe.

6. Agreed. We need spacecraft models.

7-12. But none of these objects operate on real science, just "Movie Logic." It would confuse US2's purpose as a learning tool.


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Re: Ideas To Spice Things Up and Give Homage!
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2014, 02:01:56 AM »
Something similar was suggested here http://universesandbox.com/forum/index.php/topic,14148.0.html

4. http://sourceforge.net/projects/platec/ this looks very realistic. Time step for plate movements can be separately set 10e3 or 10e6 times faster than orbital simulations or they can be skipped if one's goal is to observe the plate movements rather than astronomical features. I personally don't like Space Engine planets. If your eyes are good at recognizing patterns after a few minutes they become very boring because they all look the same.

5. http://www.illustris-project.org/ check this out. It is about early universe.

6. Yes, user modable ones which will answer the questions 7-12!! Then I'll have an incentive to finish my giant asteroid cored space station/port and see how it'll handle the collisions  :)

Gordon Freeman

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Re: Ideas To Spice Things Up and Give Homage!
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2014, 03:36:38 AM »
I agree that we should just leave 7-12 to the modders. Think about it, do you really think everyone will want US2 to be filled with sanic/whovian madness?

Thunder Ice

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Re: Ideas To Spice Things Up and Give Homage!
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2014, 01:04:29 PM »
I agree that we should just leave 7-12 to the modders. Think about it, do you really think everyone will want US2 to be filled with sanic/whovian madness?

Who said it would be just those two subjects? There are worlds, systems and stars out there beyond fascination in the movie universe. Plus, it wouldn't damage US2's reputation as a learning tool. They wouldn't even have to use those if they don't want.

Also, to be honest, I don't recall dice, dominoes, or bowling balls floating in space, either. :D


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Re: Ideas To Spice Things Up and Give Homage!
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2014, 08:53:27 PM »
The funny thing here when I signed up for alpha testing way back in what? August, I suggest adding the death star orbiting endor xD and if there were any object s in front of it it shoot it's super lazer, my reasoning behind this was how in the first game, GA added the endor/death star 2.0 orbiting simulation ya'know for the Lulz and fun from killing millions


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Re: Ideas To Spice Things Up and Give Homage!
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2014, 11:02:41 PM »
Who said it would be just those two subjects? There are worlds, systems and stars out there beyond fascination in the movie universe.

That is why it is better to be up to the user. Take for example Space Engine- there are hundreds of sifi ships available for import and they are all made/converted/moded by the community. Even their Spaceship Editor is a user made utility!

Gordon Freeman

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Re: Ideas To Spice Things Up and Give Homage!
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2014, 01:52:20 AM »
it wouldn't damage US2's reputation as a learning tool.

It wouldn't damage the reputation, it would damage the quality. Since these superweapons were designed without consideration of the laws of physics, we don't have a real way of calculating their effects and power consumption.

Mixing that in with objects that DO use Real Physics can be a very confusing situation for a user.