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Author Topic: [INFO] GUI and Controls aren't responsive in-game after placing certain objects  (Read 3486 times)


  • *
  • Posts: 1
  • Super Hexagon
This bug only happens when I place down a certain object. Most things run smoothly, but when I place down, say Charon, the game starts to act funny. The GUI starts to flicker and none of the keyboard keys respond (WASD, Delete, H, Enter, Space...), even hitting Escape does nothing. I can still scroll and right click, but that's the most I can do once this bug occurs. I am forced to restart the game, and it is doesn't always happen when I do this.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2014, 03:23:21 PM by Jar »


  • ****
  • Posts: 30
  • UK alpha tester. (i bought it)
The best thing to do is upload your log file. or Make a video all about the bug.
You could also try:
1 - Force CPU Mode (turn off OpenCL)
- In Steam, Right-click on the game title under the 'Library' and select 'Properties'.
- Under the General tab click the 'Set launch options...' button.
- Enter  -forcecpu  into the launch options (note the dash) and click 'OK'.
- Close the game's 'Properties' window and launch the game.

2 - Set Graphics to Lowest Settings
- In Steam, Right-click on the game title under the 'Library' and select 'Properties'.
- Under the General tab click the 'Set launch options...' button.
- Enter  -safemode (or  -forcecpu -safemode  if you want both options on) into the launch options and click 'OK'.
- Close the game's 'Properties' window and launch the game.


  • Developer
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  • Posts: 732
    • Universe Sandbox
Won't hurt to try the suggestions above.

In your example you say it happens when placing Charon. Does it happen every time you place Charon? We're familiar with the UI flicker and keyboard lockup bug, but it would be strange if placing Charon in specific caused this issue for you. 


  • Development Team
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  • Posts: 544
If you're getting flickering in the UI, it's caused by an error or an exception in the game. It should be in your logs, if you could post them after this happens. I should be able to track down what's causing it. You can follow the link below for instructions on how to find the logs for Universe Sandbox ²

I have a suspicion that this is a bug we've already fixed in the latest build. But I'd like to make sure, so I can see about fixing it for you if it's not.
