yeah tuto, no need to be so mean to desperate smj, who only has phone access to view everything OSHIThere comes a bongfic smjjames is scrolling on his phone in his desperate in his hiding position, hoping the police will not notice him, and waits for someone to reply to his message :"is that png"? tuto, replies, but he's like "use a computer".. NOOO yells smjjames, i need an answer. to late, the police is on him, all because of tuto not going strait to the answer. but... smjjames shakes them off and, to his delight, sees that bong has replied to his answer directly, and is very thankful to bong, and with that knowledge, smjjames feels relief surge into his body, and sprints into the darkness, away from the police...
and it's pdn, smj