Yay my first NS topic OR IS IT.
Navy Items.
Major Guns:
Giffe: Triple barreled gun, 18" shells. Reload is 18 seconds.
Buster: Triple barreled gun 16" shells. Reload is 16 seconds.
Kifer: Triple barreled gun 14" shells. Reload is 16 seconds.
AA Guns:
Ijky Set: 8 double barreled 2" shells, 6 rounds with 70 shells each. Reload is 0.75 seconds.
Jefies Set: 14 double barreled 4" shells, 5 rounds with 20 shells each. Reload is 2.5 seconds.
Hawkies Set: 16 single barreled 5" shells, 4 rounds with 50 shells each. Reload is 3 seconds.
BSEIII: 32 knot engine.
BSEII: 28 knot engine.
BSEII heavy: 30 knot engine.
BSE heavy: 22 knot engine.
BSEI: 18 knot engine
BSEI light: 15 knot engine.
Torpedo Launchers:
Will add more.