check to see what services you have running in memory.
there's stuff that loads at startup that simply doesn't need to be running all the time.
most notably the windows indexing service which continuously indexes file locations for quicker searching
some useful links did this a long time ago as i was getting stuttering in most of my games.
I don't see it at all nowadays.
when I run the solar system sim at default (1920x1080)... with trails and dust my average framerate is around 40-45fps
with just the dust removed, around 80fps
with dust and trails removed it jumps to around 390-450 fps. (thats a crazy performance hit just to show some trails and particles)
(phenom2 quad core. 4gb DDR3 ram. MSI GTX460 1Gb) by no means is it a super powerful computer but my framerates are acceptable. (for what it's doing it should be a LOT more but ho hum)
last night i added a model of the babylon 5 space station to a sim...
there were 2 stars 3 planets and the station (the station has 38000 polygons) so its quite high detail.
(1 of the gas giant planets had a 32 megapixel texture map)
the sim ran super smooth at over 200fps.
turned on trails with a length of 50 and it died a slow death dropping down to around 20fps
I think the code for trails and dust needs to be looked at.