We're getting a new government.

In the election from yesterday, the Unity List/Red-Green Alliance (my favorite party) has
tripled the number of votes it got, to 237,001 votes (6.7%) (In Copenhagen, it got 16.6%, in one district of the city even 27.6%!). The Conservative People's Party has lost
half its votes. The Danish People's Party (probably the worst party) is losing votes for the first time in an election. The Christian Democrats got less than 2% and are no longer in the Danish parliament.
Well, those were the awesome things.

I like how the Unity List is now bigger than our conservative party.
Red bloc (50.2%):
Unity List: 6.7%
Socialist People's Party: 9.2%
Social Democrats: 24.8%Radical Left: 9.5% (

Blue bloc (49.4%):
Christian Democrats: 0.8%
Left: 26.7%
Conservative People's Party: 4.9%
Liberal Alliance: 5%Danish People's Party: 12.3%Also, I see the Danish LGBT organization has
asked lots of politicians lots of questions and made loooong documents with their voting history on LGBT equality. I like how people from the Unity List perfectly answer "Do you think the religious communities should be able to decide by themselves whether they want to marry people of the same gender?" (Currently, the law forbids it)
- "Yes - State and religion don't belong together, and just as religion has nothing to say in the parliament, the parliament shouldn't interfere with the religions' traditions and rituals."
- "Yes - We should seperate state and church, and in my opinion, we thus can't make laws about who the religious communities must marry or not. As an atheist,
it's hard for me to understand why you would want to be a part of a religious community, which doesn't accept you as the one you are..."
- "Yes - But you could of course imagine the opposite situation, that the parliament says yes and the religious communities say no. Should the parliament not interefere with the religious communities' affairs in that case?"
- "
It is completely stupid to have a club, where the homosexuals are kept out. If they can't manage not discriminating, maybe they should just stop marrying people completely."
- "No - I'd actually rather abolish the religious communities' authority to marry people, but as long as they have that authority, they shouldn't be allowed to discriminate."
- "Yes - Yes, I think so, but notice the reason: Church and state should, in my opinion, be seperated completely, which implies that the church no longer ought to carry out the tasks of the authorities. This implies again, that marriages, in legal sense, should be carried out by the authorities (in the city halls). And afterwards, it must also, without interference from the state, be the decisions of the religious communities themselves to regulate their internal matters. Then, they can choose to do it in ways I would find sympathetic or unpleasent - but it must be their own decisions.
I like how deeply hypocritical the Christian Democrats are on that matter. From their almost actually sympathetic-sounding words about minorities in general, I'd think they'd know better. I also like how often people in Denmark say "Christian extremism is no problem on this side of the Atlantic..."... But...
- "No - I'm a Christian. And the Bible is the best guidance for life.
God is love. But marriage between two of the same gender is an abomination and rebellion against God. - Marriages in the church or blessings of homophiles etc. are frauds towards the homophiles etc."
- "If you force this on the established church, it will cease to exist, because people will be pouring out of it. So even if you forced the established church to do it, it would only be temporary, because the established church would cease to exist - but then there would be resemblance in the words, if you assume the free church doesn't simply take over....."

- "Yes - I ought to have written "NO", but I guess it will be misunderstood in the schedule. It is not up to the religious community to decide on God the Lord's ways who God should bless. The Bible contains many examples of humans who want to "bless", where God doesn't! Only a fool doesn't fear God's wrath!"
Wow... I'm actually surprised such fossilized people exist in Denmark. Even I would almost think the Christian Democrats were just a bunch of liberal, peaceful Christians who
no longer cared about The Bible were better at interpreting The Bible in more peaceful and tolerant ways... But no. I'm glad that they're out of the parliament for now.