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Author Topic: Politics  (Read 403749 times)


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Re: Politics
« Reply #270 on: August 14, 2013, 05:06:35 PM »
Or defending the little girls that are kidnaped all over the world to become prostitutes

Quote from: atomic7732
can I just say how silly this is like do people kidnap girls and make them their slave and then sell their body for money and take it from them like I don't think that happens

If you ever see a TRUE REAL video of a sex slave in the beginnings of their careers, I BET YOU,
you won't find it silly. You won't find it silly see that 13 yrs old heroin drudged, with vague eyes, drooping tears as she is abused from every possible orifice she has on her anatomy.

After 5 yrs of this... net porn is what you get. Beautiful flowers, twisted  from their roots.

And porn today yields  no money, but to the people that does it.

Of course some are the plain old pros, but judging by the amount of children -specially girls - that goes missing, judging by the FACT that authorities always downplay numbers, and the humongous amounts of prostitutes these days, one may only conclude the inevitable. That that is something very wrong happening. 
« Last Edit: August 14, 2013, 05:11:43 PM by unl0cker »


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Re: Politics
« Reply #271 on: August 14, 2013, 05:08:29 PM »
That's not the same thing you described, then.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #272 on: August 14, 2013, 05:13:51 PM »
What you mean? I synthesized the whole thing into 3 or four words. But the content is the same.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #273 on: August 14, 2013, 09:16:11 PM »
Well, I guess this is it. Looks like is the end of this discussion.

I enjoyed to discuss this with Bla, was the best Bla,Bla,Bla in years! ;-) It is always a healthy thing to the mind, and I advise all to set aside a few hrs of your time to know where and how you live, and why not why as well, and to discuss such subjects with your friends and family. Things like this are more important than most of the things that we do. So, it is extremely important to your own, and mine, freedoms and well being.

I'm suggesting this as a friend, and why not as a father, as I do the same to my own kids. These important subjects tend to fall deep in into our souls, and help us forge who we are.

Bla, I'm sorry to you if I offended you in our talks. I was trying to make a point, that's all. I've played the devils advocate and defended some ideals that I don't agree with, just to boost this and force people to read, well it worked. Controversy is like a social magnet. Better to be pullen by these things, than what team is best, or what actor is on, or the usual useless trivia.

Everybody jumped in and dropped a bit or two. I liked it! Next time, when this surfaces, the only thing you you got say is: "this is not the freedom God gave us". Since all humans are born with this God given right, that alone should demolish any argument someone could present to you.

I admire the ways of ancient peoples, like the taliban, or the orientals that hold tight to their roots. But many are excesses and well beyond reason and hurt what God gave it to us. So, again I'm sorry for the deceiving.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #274 on: August 16, 2013, 07:14:29 AM »
Bla, I'm sorry to you if I offended you in our talks. I was trying to make a point, that's all. I've played the devils advocate and defended some ideals that I don't agree with, just to boost this and force people to read, well it worked. Controversy is like a social magnet. Better to be pullen by these things, than what team is best, or what actor is on, or the usual useless trivia.
No problem, and I wasn't offended by what you wrote. I didn't have the impression that you actually were anti-gay. Anyway it is good to see that you're so open-minded that you can recognize being wrong, that's not something I see very often on the internet.

Next time, when this surfaces, the only thing you you got say is: "this is not the freedom God gave us". Since all humans are born with this God given right, that alone should demolish any argument someone could present to you.
I disagree, I don't believe any gods exist, and since there's no evidence or any good reason to believe in gods I don't think that would be a very good argument, when you would then additionally would also have to prove that the god somehow gives humans rights.
Anyway... :P


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Re: Politics
« Reply #275 on: August 16, 2013, 02:01:42 PM »
I do when I am. Really. But is not the case, I was playing the opposition, the devil's advocate. If you said white I would say black, if you said up, I would say down, and so on.

I do believe in many things I've said, but I dont think ppl should be harshly punished for their sexual apetites, unless they infringe upon the physical or mental well being of others, and by proxy the rights of others.

About God, if you don't believe, then you are a minority thru out the centuries. Most ppl do, and is  that majority that paved our ways, our laws etc.  They believed that is a right given by Him.

Vide for ex. the magna carta, which without it the world would be a very very different place.

So you may not believe in God, but you are definitely living in a world under His influence, or if you prefer under the influence of those that do believe, making the frase "God given right" acceptable in any circle, weather ppl believe it or not.

So, using my above example, we have these rights, because of God, or because someone believed in Him. If he is there or not, don't matter. You were given the right because of Him.

I dont know if I making any sense to you on this.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2013, 02:17:30 PM by unl0cker »


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Re: Politics
« Reply #276 on: August 17, 2013, 02:33:16 AM »
About God, if you don't believe, then you are a minority thru out the centuries. Most ppl do, and is  that majority that paved our ways, our laws etc.  They believed that is a right given by Him.
But again you're making the fallacy of judging by where something comes from and not by its content. If no god exists, saying you have a god-given right is not a valid argument, because its premise doesn't exist.

Consider if I said you had a tooth-fairy-given right and said most people throughout history believed in that. But no tooth fairy exists. Then my argument is invalid whether most people believes in it or not, because its premise is wrong.

Like with believing the world was flat, which a majority of people did at some points in time, the majority believing in gods could be just as wrong. Additionally, people have had very different views on the properties of their god, so all people who believe in gods themselves may be a majority in believing in a god, but are still globally a minority in the properties they claim their god(s) have/has. Most people throughout history I don't actually think would agree that LGBT people should be equal to others. That should be evident by the centuries which the christians in Europe spent trying to exterminate them and by the attitudes in many religious countries even today, where anti-gay laws exist in more than 70 countries, and those exist in pretty much all cases because of religious superstition.

Vide for ex. the magna carta, which without it the world would be a very very different place.

So you may not believe in God, but you are definitely living in a world under His influence, or if you prefer under the influence of those that do believe, making the frase "God given right" acceptable in any circle, weather ppl believe it or not.
The fact that people made a piece of legislation which could be based on a belief does not make the belief true, so you cannot say that I live under a god's influence because of that.

As before, if "god-given right" should be considered a valid argument, you must always
a) prove the existence of a god
b) prove that the god grants people the right
Otherwise, some people may accept what you say, just like people may accept you claiming the Earth is flat, but there is still no rational reason to believe what you said is true.

So, using my above example, we have these rights, because of God, or because someone believed in Him. If he is there or not, don't matter. You were given the right because of Him.
I think LGBT rights today exist because LGBT people fought for them for the reason that treating LGBT people as equals increases the well-being of humans.

The main opposition to those rights has historically been religious conservatives who used their beliefs as an excuse to discriminate and oppress LGBT people. While some religious people have doubtlessly contributed to promoting LGBT rights and some of them claim to do so because of their religion, I ultimately think LGBT rights would be much more widely accepted if especially Christianity and Islam did not exist.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #277 on: August 17, 2013, 05:52:18 PM »
Then get ready to give up all your rights, including the one that spawn the question here, as all those come from laws passed that "exploited" the idea of it.

The fact that you are allowed to express those rights means that the idea behind the law was accepted, and we DO have them because of it, it really has no dependency of what we believe about that idea, not even the possibility that the idea has no real truthful fundament behind it, of course this is valid as long as we keep those  rights.

You are failing to see, for example, that we were given those rights by the same "God" that said that elites have His divine right to rule. It really does not matter if God exists. or if He does, if He did really gave this people His divine permission. Nevertheless we were ruled over n over for countless centuries based on that.

So, "your God given right to be free", is a strong argument as any among the few best ones. Even on the possibility of His non existence we can express those rights.

Oh and LGBT exists today because all other rights exist today, why is that? lol It was a God or if you prefer a god given right. You are "looking" at the cherry on top of the cake while I'm looking at the base of the cake. "30yr" rights are dependent on 1000 yrs ones. And if you keep forgetting why you have the right to request the rights of LGBT you might damage that already fragile power and system structure.

"We have granted also, and given to all the Freemen of our Realm, for Us and our Heirs for ever, these Liberties under-written"

Believe it or not... you are under it!
« Last Edit: August 17, 2013, 06:10:56 PM by unl0cker »


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Re: Politics
« Reply #278 on: August 17, 2013, 06:18:39 PM »
30 year rights are dependent upon centuries of "God-given" oppression. Indeed they are.

Rights are not an idea a scripture had to make up. If a God didn't write/tell that to some human scribe to write, then a human made it up and that means someone else could have come up with it any time down the line as well.

There's not only one chance for every idea ever.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #279 on: August 17, 2013, 07:03:19 PM »
Rights are not an idea a scripture had to make up

Yes they are. Unless you want to live in utopia land, or in the jungle. In utopia you need not to worry about a bit, and in the jungle you can do WHATEVER you want, as long as you can.

In a society you rely on laws. I'm expressing the "good" God given rights, not the "Bad" ones. I just mentioned elites because the source for the rule relies not only on their strength but as on their divine right.

Atheists tend to associate God with only bad things, and that is not without truthful cause in general cases. But is true that some good came out of the idea of it, and if one analyze UNBIASED the whole early existence of men and the late organization of the species societies one might conclude that indeed something good came out of it.

The irony resides in the fact that elites don't make use of that divine right that often and we only rely on it, ie. all the laws derived from common law. This only can mean that... we ARE BEING OWNED!

You cant solve a problem without weeding out it's causes. The oppression you mentioned was not done by me, nor by anyone here. So blaming the church is like blaming the government. No.. you need to blame in the 3rd person. Right now? Your enemies are Obama, the Bushes, Kissinger, brzezinski, ted tuner, people like michael hayden, and of course the CIA, the NSA, etc, the power that control Wall Street, etc, etc, etc.

Want to fix everything? Buy that fight!


Or wait for it's conclusion, but you might come out of it with a short straw, in which case will mean that you under estimated your assistance value.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2013, 07:25:31 PM by unl0cker »


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Re: Politics
« Reply #280 on: August 17, 2013, 07:12:07 PM »
Atomic's referring to holy text, not scripture in general. Although, up until very recently, religion was a good force in the world that helped along the development of society. For example, what unl0cker was saying about the taliban was true in the entire Middle East and it was perceived as normal instead of as an extremist group until Islam came around and stated things like that women are humans, not property or fancy, living toys.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #281 on: August 17, 2013, 07:24:48 PM »
They did? omg... what a bunch of animals. See this is what I mean!

We go from stage to stage as a species. First we were in the trees, then dang let's go to the floor and walk.
Then we formed little tribes, then came the big ones, and along with it came mass scale tyrants. A concatenation  of power. Then some group said, enough is enough. Then some simple full of loopholes freedom laws were forged, and so on, until (for the us) in 1776 some guys came and say "enough is enough" and gave even more rights to the common man, now with less loopholes.
But make no mistake, this 1776 piece of important paper was possible because of that full of loopholes first paper, that in turn was created to give a class of people rights that came from.. yeah you guessed correctly, God, or god, or some liar saying his god, or that he saw god.

It doesn't matter if God or god, or john pepperwood gave the right, I have it now, and I WONT BE GIVING IT BACK! Plus, I'll continue saying GOD GAVE IT TO ME! Because the background of my right is based on that. And if I say that God does not exists, some one might come along and say, you have no rights, this means nothing.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #282 on: August 17, 2013, 07:30:09 PM »
Religion served its purpose thousands of years ago when survival was priority. A societal structure could have easily developed itself without it. Humans are bright creatures.

It doesn't matter if God or god, or john pepperwood gave the right, I have it now, and I WONT BE GIVING IT BACK! Plus, I'll continue saying GOD GAVE IT TO ME! Because the background of my right is based on that.
So, since it doesn't matter, you will continue to claim that it does.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #283 on: August 17, 2013, 07:47:57 PM »
So, since it doesn't matter, you will continue to claim that it does.

So we gonna play semantics now? hehe you sure of this? :=)

Anyway, it does not matter if he did or did not gave, but the substance of it is, or at least was dependent on the idea he did. Because of that I will.

« Last Edit: August 17, 2013, 08:05:13 PM by unl0cker »


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Re: Politics
« Reply #284 on: August 17, 2013, 08:10:22 PM »
All we have are laws/governments/treaties to give us rights. We can't determine them ourselves, and no god can determine them for us. They are only relevant in the eyes of who has the power.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #285 on: August 17, 2013, 10:21:53 PM »
Now you are contradicting yourself. What are  laws/governments/treaties but scriptures?

You are making a blind eye to the fact that those three are dependent on ancient common laws to exist as they do.
And this common law is in turn "dependent" on a God, as was written. So If I say there is no God, the other one may say then this common law is void. If this common law giver of freedoms for 1000 yrs and harborer other child laws is void, you can forget about equality. We are back to feudal system "laws". Maybe a Cesar? How bout a pharaoh? This is the actual aim of the 0,01% that own your labor. And yes... your labor is owned too!

Yes atomic, you have freedoms based on the concept God gave it to man. Or at least was the excused used, nevertheless, was used and accepted.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #286 on: August 17, 2013, 10:31:13 PM »
But of course this is all only for show and excuse.

There is no law, but the law of the fittest. Everybody knows, everybody acts upon it, and everybody is hypocrite about it.

Social  darwinism is a reality since men walks on two legs with someone at his side, right?! In fact we do have laws just because of this, otherwise we won't need them.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #287 on: August 18, 2013, 04:32:57 AM »
Then get ready to give up all your rights, including the one that spawn the question here, as all those come from laws passed that "exploited" the idea of it.
Let me quote myself:

I disagree, I don't believe any gods exist, and since there's no evidence or any good reason to believe in gods I don't think that would be a very good argument, when you would then additionally would also have to prove that the god somehow gives humans rights.

You fail to see that the reason why the rights exist as a concept people agree with is not what I'm considering here, what I'm considering is the validity of the rights.
If your god said the world was round, I still would not confront someone claiming the world was flat by saying "but my god tell me the world is round". I would point to the evidence that the Earth is in fact round. If most people had historically believed the Earth was round based on what your god said, that's irrelevant to me, because it's not a rational reason to do so.

So no, I do not have to give up all my rights. I think the best way to decide which rights should be granted and which shouldn't is to discuss and consider them, whether they will improve our lives, rather than basing them on a religious text.

The fact that you are allowed to express those rights means that the idea behind the law was accepted, and we DO have them because of it, it really has no dependency of what we believe about that idea, not even the possibility that the idea has no real truthful fundament behind it, of course this is valid as long as we keep those  rights.

You are failing to see, for example, that we were given those rights by the same "God" that said that elites have His divine right to rule. It really does not matter if God exists. or if He does, if He did really gave this people His divine permission. Nevertheless we were ruled over n over for countless centuries based on that.

So, "your God given right to be free", is a strong argument as any among the few best ones. Even on the possibility of His non existence we can express those rights.
If you say you have a right because the tooth fairy gave it to you, your argument collapses if the tooth fairy does not exist. The fact that most other people believe in the tooth fairy or base laws on their delusions makes no difference to this fact. Again because I am trying to convince people of the validity of the right I claim people have, and not of its origin. Just like in our previous discussion, the origin of an idea is still irrelevant to whether it's true or not.

Also, your argument is additionally based on the fact that I agree with the laws based on the god beliefs.
Most of the centuries you speak of, there actually existed "sodomy laws" based on verses such as Leviticus 20:13, and there was death penalty for gays just like what some of the christians from USA are trying to implement in Uganda today, and which already exists in a few countries. Now here's a law I no longer agree with. If someone comes to me and says it exists because it's their god's will, you should be able to see why I can't take that as a serious argument. For the exact same reason why I wouldn't take it as a serious argument if you found a law I agreed with. The god-part simply does not make the law reasonable, no matter how many people share the false belief it's based on.

Oh and LGBT exists today because all other rights exist today, why is that?
This statement makes no sense to me, please explain.

lol It was a God or if you prefer a god given right. You are "looking" at the cherry on top of the cake while I'm looking at the base of the cake.
If the right is the cake, I am discussing whether the cake is delicious, and you are confusing whether it's delicious for why it exists.
You tell me Santa Claus dropped the recipe for the cake down the chimney 2000 years ago is the reason I should use for it being delicious, the problem is, the recipe of the cake could be invented by anybody, there's no evidence Santa Claus existed, and saying he made the cake does not make the cake delicious, as evident in all the disgusting food that millions of people have been intoxicated, killed and harmed by all over the christian world ever since he dropped the Leviticus 20:13 recipe.

"30yr" rights are dependent on 1000 yrs ones. And if you keep forgetting why you have the right to request the rights of LGBT you might damage that already fragile power and system structure.
Again nonsense, the validity of LGBT rights depends on whether LGBT rights improve our lives, the right to ask for them depends on whether it improves our lives to allow free discussion, not on whether people decided to grant any specific rights 1000 years ago, whether those rights may improve our lives as well or not. (It will make the discussion easier if you specify which rights you mean, because human rights have had an extremely turbulent history over the past 1000 years and had been very different in different parts of the world, and I would say the state of human rights in the christian-dominated world has been disasterous for the vast majority of its history - an certainly to a degree because the christian ideology dominated their thinking so much when writing the laws)

Rights are not an idea a scripture had to make up
Yes they are. Unless you want to live in utopia land, or in the jungle. In utopia you need not to worry about a bit, and in the jungle you can do WHATEVER you want, as long as you can.
No, and the reason becomes clear when you realize the religious texts aren't true. If they aren't true, the people who made them were simply mortal humans like everybody else, with the same capabilities of reasoning as everybody else. If they could come up with the laws they wrote, there is no rational reason why anybody else couldn't make them as well. And this means rights can be discussed, and when we can discuss rights, we can improve them further, which is the reason why human rights have actually advanced over the past 2000 years and haven't been stuck in a religious stone-age mentality forever.

Atheists tend to associate God with only bad things, and that is not without truthful cause in general cases. But is true that some good came out of the idea of it, and if one analyze UNBIASED the whole early existence of men and the late organization of the species societies one might conclude that indeed something good came out of it.
The problem is that the good things are based on a lie, so let's just take away the lie and keep doing the good things and abandon the bad things we do because of the lie.

You cant solve a problem without weeding out it's causes. The oppression you mentioned was not done by me, nor by anyone here. So blaming the church is like blaming the government.
The oppression existed because of religious texts such as Deuteronomy and Leviticus... Had they not existed or if they weren't taken serious by people, you would need to find entirely different reasons to oppress people. Of course you can make up other reasons, but this doesn't have to happen, in Ancient Greece or the majority of other societies in fact those oppressive (of gay people) ideas based on the Bible did not emerge. Blaming christianity and the church for the oppression should be as straightforward as blaming nazism for the attempted extermination of jews and gays in the last century, you can invent reasons outside nazism, but without nazism (and christianity which nazism was highly inspired by), it probably would not have happened.

But that is obviously not the same as blaming you or anybody else here, since you had no power to change what happened before your existence. All I'm hoping now is just to convince people to avoid those ideas in the future, so these horrible things won't happen again.

It doesn't matter if God or god, or john pepperwood gave the right, I have it now, and I WONT BE GIVING IT BACK! Plus, I'll continue saying GOD GAVE IT TO ME! Because the background of my right is based on that. And if I say that God does not exists, some one might come along and say, you have no rights, this means nothing.
Why are you afraid they might question your rights? Why not just tell them why the rights you claim to have are actully a good thing instead of using that flimsy reason that they were invented by a god? What would you respond if someone told you a smurf had given you all your rights and therefore you shouldn't question them?


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Re: Politics
« Reply #288 on: August 18, 2013, 08:15:55 AM »
fuck this stupid cookie system. If you want to discuss this further we can do it by email or over the irc.

3rd time this fcking site empty my reply. FACK! faaaaaaaaaaaack! I'm mad now.

Let me know and I'll send ya my email. Or you can chk the profile as you are admin here.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #289 on: August 18, 2013, 08:51:29 AM »
Since ur logged in and you did not reply to the above, nor my pvtmsg, I guess not.

Then I conclude that what you want to merely to disprove God's existence and to validade your right to be sexual the way you want.

But in the end, im right, ur wrong. ;) How about that for a short answer  cookie sack of crap!


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Re: Politics
« Reply #290 on: August 18, 2013, 09:54:41 AM »
fuck this stupid cookie system. If you want to discuss this further we can do it by email or over the irc.

3rd time this fcking site empty my reply. FACK! faaaaaaaaaaaack! I'm mad now.

Let me know and I'll send ya my email. Or you can chk the profile as you are admin here.
Since ur logged in and you did not reply to the above, nor my pvtmsg, I guess not.

Then I conclude that what you want to merely to disprove God's existence and to validade your right to be sexual the way you want.

But in the end, im right, ur wrong. ;) How about that for a short answer  cookie sack of crap!
I'm often online on this forum while doing other things, I was playing Minecraft so I didn't see your message.

So if your conclusion is based on that it should be answered already.

You suggested that I used an argument which has a premise I don't accept, and say I should use it anyway. That is what I'm arguing against here.
As for disproving your god's existence, that would be like trying to disprove the invisible pink unicorn or the flying spaghetti monster - impossible, until you start defining in a way so that it has an effect on reality (created universe 6,000 years ago, hates shrimps/mixed clothes, omnipotent, omnibenevolent, omniscient, burns magic patterns in toast, etc.). However the burden of proof lies on you to prove such a thing exists if you claim it does. But, you say that even if I disproved your god, the argument you wrote would apply anyway, so that issue doesn't even matter here.
As for discussing LGBT rights, this discussion actully started because you told me to use an argument for that which I said was invalid. So it's not really the issue here.

I think discussions are boring when nobody else can see them, so if you want to discuss over email, I'll do it if you let me post the further discussion in this thread. :b
If you want to avoid the cookie problems I would suggest simply copying the entire message before pressing preview or post, or typing it in a document you can save.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #291 on: August 18, 2013, 10:23:59 AM »

No problem then. Ill email it to you, and you post in full.

Expect the reply to your latest post today then. But later... I just had lunch, I feel like taking a long nap now. :P


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Re: Politics
« Reply #292 on: August 22, 2013, 04:26:41 AM »

what the Christ
read what the sherrif says; he links homosexuality to child abduction claiming that gays are responsible for about 80% of abductions.


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Re: Politics
« Reply #293 on: August 22, 2013, 09:01:46 PM »
"The requested press release was not found. It might have been removed or just temporarily unavailable."

either lawsuit or fake story


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Re: Politics
« Reply #294 on: August 23, 2013, 05:53:10 PM »
I have not heard anything about it so...


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Re: Politics
« Reply #295 on: August 23, 2013, 07:31:20 PM »


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Re: Politics
« Reply #296 on: August 24, 2013, 08:43:04 AM »
sorry im stupid
It did look like something a state would actually try to pull of though


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Re: Politics
« Reply #297 on: August 24, 2013, 10:58:55 AM »
You have Arizonans here to help you!!! :P


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Re: Politics
« Reply #298 on: August 26, 2013, 10:50:07 PM »
Ok, so today Darvince posted this link to IRC

<Darvince> kolkute
<Kalassak> yes
<Kalassak> that actually makes sense
<Kalassak> it's bla's concept basically
<Kalassak> people work on science (i add on or whatever their passion is) and the robots do all the automated work
<Kalassak> if we can get this into people's heads
<Kalassak> we can like
<Kalassak> yeah
<Darvince> zarazahw to sum up that: as societal automation increases, the necessity of having a paying job becomes sillier and sillier
<Zarazahw> oh ok
<Kalassak> as i summed it up to my mom:
<Kalassak> technology is improving faster than society is willing to change it's views
<Kalassak> a technological component is replacing a once human responsibility and society is saying everyone is getting "lazier and lazier" when in reality, they are expecting humans to continue to preside in the space technology has already and will continue to take over
<Kalassak> but there's no room
<Kalassak> and there doesn't need to be

<Zarazahw> well said
<Darvince> imgur.com/a/oezZm how is this going to work
<Darvince> oops
<Darvince> http://imgur.com/a/oezZm how is this going to work
<Kalassak> it won't
<Kalassak> i love the fact that the main functions of our society are about ready to break down and people aren't ready to face the issues
<Kalassak> ah but we will
<Kalassak> honestly now that i think about it i have a more positive view
<Darvince> kol
<Kalassak> when there's work to be done
<Kalassak> it will get done
<Kalassak> no matter what
<Kalassak> this does not apply to school work
<Darvince> lol

it's not an economic issue it's a societal acceptance issue
« Last Edit: August 26, 2013, 10:57:00 PM by atomic7732 »


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Re: Politics
« Reply #299 on: August 26, 2013, 11:56:19 PM »
Technology creates jobs at about the same rate as automation would replace them. 200 years ago there were a lot more basketweavers then programmers. We found a way to efficiently automate basketweaving, just like we will eventually automate programming. The huge information industry is really young and has replaced a lot of the jobs we have automated, 30 years ago I doubt most people would be thinking about what smartphone apps they were going to play. Now smartphone app developing is huge.

There is no point in saying "oh we will automate things and no one will have jobs", because as technology advances the more jobs that are available. Burgeoning new fields like nanotech or space or whatever, we have no idea when they will take off and represent huge segments of our economies, but they will. With them will be millions of jobs to replace the ones we are automating.