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Need Help With Adding Custom Textures To Planets
« on: January 17, 2011, 11:01:51 AM »
So Here is the Thing  i just bought this program (which is quite wonderful by the way) and im trying to figure out how to add my custom planet textures i am new to adding textures but using a tutorial online i was able to make my first planet  as Shown Below and want to Add it to program any ideas??


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Re: Need Help With Adding Custom Textures To Planets
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2011, 12:17:07 PM »
Very interesting texture. To change/implement new textures you'll have to edit files (.ubox or .xml) I haven't been editing files for a long time, so I don't know hot to edit for now. All I know is to change the <Appearance>filename.png</Appearance> is to <Texture>customplanet.png</Texture> and it should work. You might have to wait for Dan to get on.


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Re: Need Help With Adding Custom Textures To Planets
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2011, 12:30:11 PM »
In my experience, changing "Appearance" to "Texture" does not work.

Leave the appearance tags where they are and add texture tags.


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Re: Need Help With Adding Custom Textures To Planets
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2011, 12:36:41 PM »
Hmm thanks ill keep it in mind.. though im not so sure how to change appearance/ or change it to an xml file?   8)


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Re: Need Help With Adding Custom Textures To Planets
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2011, 12:45:03 PM »
In my experience, changing "Appearance" to "Texture" does not work.

Leave the appearance tags where they are and add texture tags.

Hmmm, really? I could test it out later, but I'll just leave it as your choice.

Hmm thanks ill keep it in mind.. though im not so sure how to change appearance/ or change it to an xml file?   8)
Use NotePad, or any other program similarly. Drag the xml file and place it on the page.


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Re: Need Help With Adding Custom Textures To Planets
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2011, 12:46:40 PM »
I prefer Notepad++ to make XML files.


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Re: Need Help With Adding Custom Textures To Planets
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2011, 12:54:27 PM »
So How do i change the JPEG image into an xml (my computer just reads it as an image and nothing else unless i goto properties?) ill try the Notepad C++ and see if that works. :P


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Re: Need Help With Adding Custom Textures To Planets
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2011, 12:56:43 PM »
Actually, you have to make the xml yourself.

How to Create an XML


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Re: Need Help With Adding Custom Textures To Planets
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2011, 12:59:59 PM »
Ahhhhh ok ok... thanks ill read it  and see


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Re: Need Help With Adding Custom Textures To Planets
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2011, 01:24:09 PM »

    * Every object or group needs to be inside a body tag.


    * Looks up this value in the LocalObjects.xml & DeepSkyObjects.xml files in the Data folder and uses the properties found there: name, mass, diameter, etc.
    * Use other tags (like <Name> or <Mass>) to override the default values of the object.
    * Also accepts the command: moonsof. This includes all moons of the body that are included in the Object.xml file | moonsof=Pluto
    * Example: (Creates Earth, renames it to Gaia, and shrinks its diameter to that of our moon)
          o <Object>Earth</Object>
            <Diameter>1 moon</Diameter>



    * Looks up this value in the Appearance.xml file to determine the color, texture, and model of the body.


    * The name of the body.

<PositionX> <PositionY> <PositionZ>

    * The XYZ position of the body in space. If these values are missing in the file it will look up the value the Horizon file specified by 'date' under <Settings>
    * The Z axis is up and down.
    * Default units are kilometers.
    * Other accepted units:
          o m = meters | 1000 m
          o moon = diameter of the moon | 4.3 moon
          o earth = diameter of earth | 2 earth
          o jupiter = diameter of jupiter | 1.4 jupiter
          o sun = diameter of the sun | 2.8 sun
          o AU = Astronomical Unit | .7 AU

<VelocityX> <VelocityY> <VelocityZ>

    * The XYZ velocity of the body in space. If these values are missing in the file it will look up the value the Horizon file specified by 'date' under <Settings>
    * Default units are kilometers per second.
    * Other accepted units (all in per second):
          o m = meters per second | 12320 m
          o km = kilometers per second | 12320 km
          o AU = Astronomical Unit per second | .7 AU


    * Mass of the body. If not specified it will come from one of the object xml files.
    * Default units are 10^20 kilograms.
          o kg = kilograms | 500000 kg
          o moon = Moon masses | 4.3 moon
          o earth = Earth masses | 2 earth
          o jupiter = Jupiter masses | 1.4 jupiter
          o sun = Sun masses | 2.8 sun
          o milky way or mw = Milky Way masses | 1.2 mw


    * Diameter of the body. If not specified it will come from one of the object xml files.
    * Default unit is kilometers.
    * See <PositionX> above for a list of accepted units.


    * Set the position and velocity of the object using Orbital Elements.
    * The two required values are body and a. All other values default to 0.


          o Set the body the object is orbiting around. | body=Earth


          o Semimajor axis, a distance | a=0.7 au


          o Eccentricity, a value from 0-1 | e=0.1


          o Inclination, the vertical tilt of the orbit, a value from 0-180 degrees | i=20


          o Longitude of the ascending node, an angle from 0-360 | node=0


          o Argument of periapsis, an angle from 0-360| peri=0-360


          o Mean anomaly at epoch, an angle from 0-360 | m=45
    * You can also use apogee & perigee instead of a. The semimajor axis is then calculated as the average of these two values plus the radius of the body. | apogee=568 km ; perigee=563 km
    * Examples:
          o body=Sun ; a=.0226 au
          o body=Earth ; apogee=358 km ; perigee=349 km ; e=0.0008892 ; i=51.6405 ; node=179.1416 ; peri=50.8416 ; m=309.3534
          o body=Sun ; a=1.2 au ; e=0.5 ; i=20 ; node=165 ; peri=30 ; m=300


    * Special optional commands that are specific to the body.


    * Sets the velocity to orbit the specified body | orbit=Earth
    * Automatically pick the parent body to orbit with parent | orbit=parent

    L1, L2, L3, L4, L5

    * Automatically position the body at one of the Lagrangian points of the two bodies. | L2=Earth, Moon


    * Sets the rotation of the body along the X, Y, & Z axis. | rotate=45,0,0


    * Creates an asteroid belt around the body.
    * Properties:
          o sma - semimajor axis
          o smarange - range above and below the sma value
          o smamin - lower bound of belt
          o smamax - high bound of belt
          o count - particle count
          o h - value from 0-1 that sets the height of the belt h:0 is a flat right, h:1 is round like a doughnut, h defaults to a value of 1.
    * Belts are oriented to the plane of the body. You may wish to use rotate=0,0,0 to reset the rotation to zero (for example, if you're using <Object>Sun</Object> which tilts the body a few degres like our sun)
    * Examples:
          o belt=sma:.0226 au, smarange:.01 au, count:20000, h:0
          o belt=smamin: 30 au, smamax: 60 au, count:2000


    * Global settings that can be included with any <Body> group.
    * Commands can be strung together (separated by a semicolon) or be in separate <Settings> tags. | date=0;timestep=1
    * Why include Settings in the <Body> tag (that doesn't really make any sense)?
          o By keeping the XML as a simple table with rows (the bodies) and columns (the properties) it makes them editable in programs like Excel.
    * All of these commands are optional.


          o Starting date in seconds or as a long date in the format yyyy-mm-dd. If long date will look for position and velocity info in a corresponding Horizon data file. | date=0 | date=2008-01-01


          o Speed to start the simulation in seconds. | timestep=60


          o Starting value for gravity. Default is 1. | gravity=1


          o Moves the specified body to the center of the system. Useful when extracting planets and moons from Object & Horizon data.| movetocenter=Pluto


          o Applies the Zero Momentum command to the system on load. | zeromomentum=true


          o Sets the collision mode of the system. 0 Combine, 1 Bounce. | collisionmode=1


          o Sets the camera focus to the body on load. | focus=Earth


          o Create particles from the object.xml file that have horizon data specified by the date command. | particles=asteroids,transnep


          o Set the background image used | background=none


          o Set the minimum trail length | trailsegments=10


          o Turn lables on or off | labels=off

I have to add all that to Get a planet in game?  :o


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Re: Need Help With Adding Custom Textures To Planets
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2011, 01:42:57 PM »
No, you do not need all of it.


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Re: Need Help With Adding Custom Textures To Planets
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2011, 01:43:31 PM »
You can use an existing file.

Dan Dixon

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Re: Need Help With Adding Custom Textures To Planets
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2011, 03:41:09 PM »
It won't be the graphical, point and click method that I ultimatly envision for this feature, but the next update (2.0.15) will include a texture textbox where you can type in the file name of a texture to change the texture of any object.

You'll still need to place the texture into:
(My) Documents/Universe Sandbox/Media

... but this will eliminate the need to modify UBOX/XML files to experiment with different textures.

I'm working on adding this feature right now. :)


Where are you in the process? What step are you stuck on?

And do you have a rectangular version of that texture? The image you posted appears to be a render of your texture on a sphere.


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Re: Need Help With Adding Custom Textures To Planets
« Reply #13 on: January 17, 2011, 04:17:47 PM »
What happened to being able to exchange .ubox for .xml? or is it .zip? This is with .xml:

PK    ku=à]}  Œ     76 Draconis.xml¥”Qo›0ÇŸ;ißÁâ¹l 8¦ÚTMÓÔvÓ²NMÞ°oÁDØiÊ·ßAÒ–dR¶ðÝ_>ßÿw–“›—b‰žeeT©¹ƒ]ßARge®ôœ;ß?˜ƒŒ:ËRKîÔÒ87éÛ7ɸ6V¶k3z1Š; kW#ÏÛl6î&pËjîßÇÞÓýÝ8[ÈB ”n*eҁýWɇ2¯›ÅUòeöSf6ý¤V(¢CBo—iÕQÈ4ŽÐm%²R+“xmZ¸ƤØeQŒ ÛFý&rµ6)q)cM~·µ¾–FYpú”ú‰wzÚ¤«MúÚ´«M·Ú¹,3eë¶æ!èi“®6ékÓ®¶«9–ÖÂL:Ù¯yU®u^VJj+šƒy%ŽCV†°â8DEâí75t½W¼Çœ?¯WÊÊê<e4Û3¥åʆÀÉ=eÈßJ
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PK     ku=à]}  Œ                  76 Draconis.xmlPK      =   A   

Dan Dixon

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Re: Need Help With Adding Custom Textures To Planets
« Reply #14 on: January 17, 2011, 04:39:38 PM »
What happened to being able to exchange .ubox for .xml? or is it .zip? This is with .xml:

Just changing the extension will not change the file itself.

Open this page:

Read the answer to the question:
"Why do UBOX files look all jumbled if I open them in notepad?"

And follow these instructions to edit a UBOX file:
"Edit an existing UBOX file Step-by-Step"
« Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 04:51:08 PM by Dan Dixon »


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Re: Need Help With Adding Custom Textures To Planets
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2011, 05:21:34 PM »
@Dan Dixon I am stuck on the part were i hav just created the texture in adobe photoshop i hav the original and the spherized version in a folder but i am stuck on the part where i only hav a JPEG and want to get it in game... and thanks for the help guys means alot to me.


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Re: Need Help With Adding Custom Textures To Planets
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2011, 05:27:40 PM »
and here is the unspherized version  8)


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Re: Need Help With Adding Custom Textures To Planets
« Reply #17 on: January 17, 2011, 05:38:55 PM »
What happened to being able to exchange .ubox for .xml? or is it .zip? This is with .xml:

Just changing the extension will not change the file itself.

Open this page:

Read the answer to the question:
"Why do UBOX files look all jumbled if I open them in notepad?"

And follow these instructions to edit a UBOX file:
"Edit an existing UBOX file Step-by-Step"

oh yeah it's .zip to extract the file. I changed it to .xml file

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Re: Need Help With Adding Custom Textures To Planets
« Reply #18 on: January 17, 2011, 06:48:22 PM »
This is going to be much easier after the next update. :)

Currently you have to modify an existing simulation or save a simulation to a file and then edit that file.

Try this:
1 - Open Universe Sandbox
2 - Open "Earth & Moon"
3 - Save the open simulation: from the main menu, click "Save", then "Save Simulation".
4 - Press Alt+F to open the file tools
5 - Click "Open folder where simulations are saved"  in the file tools box,
6 - Find the file you just saved.
7 - Drag file into the box in the File Tools window.
8 - Find & open the folder that was just created.
9 - Open the 'objects.xml' file in notepad.
10 - Add this line in between the <body> and </body> tags that make up Earth:
11- Save the xml file.
12 - You can just drag the xml file into the Universe Sandbox window to open it.
13 - The Earth now looks like Juptier!
14 - To complete the simulation, drag the simulation folder that was created back onto the File Tools square to create a UBOX file with you changes.

For a custom texture:
A - Copy the texture to:
(My) Documents/Universe Sandbox/Media
B - In step 10 above change it to the name of your texture:
<texture>Gas Giant</texture>

(Universe Sandbox automatically tries several different image extensions until it finds one that works in this order: dds, png, jpg, tng, bmp. You can also specify the extension if you like.)


I realize this is too complicated. Give me a few more days for the next update. :)

Let me know what step you get stuck on if you have any problems.


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Re: Need Help With Adding Custom Textures To Planets
« Reply #19 on: January 17, 2011, 08:03:09 PM »
Hmmm That sounds easy enough but the problem is i dont hav media file all i have is C:\Users\Edward\Documents\Universe Sandbox

and in this media file do i just drag and drop the raw JPEG file or do i edit it with a program like notepad++

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Re: Need Help With Adding Custom Textures To Planets
« Reply #20 on: January 17, 2011, 08:17:49 PM »
Universe Sandbox should have created the folder, but just go ahead and create a 'Media' folder there:
C:\Users\Edward\Documents\Universe Sandbox

And just copy the raw jpg file into the 'Media' folder. No special editing or customization needed to the jpg file.

And two other comments:

Here's how to convert the texture from rectangular coordinates to polar:

So the top and bottom textured part of the sphere isn't stretched funny like this:

You can make your textures gray scale and use the Color tint check box (in Universe Sandbox) to color them any color you want. This will let you create greater variation from a single texture.

Your example texture has some gray and orange in it, so you would lose that. Just something to keep in mind.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2011, 12:02:41 AM by Dan Dixon »

Chaotic Cow

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Re: Need Help With Adding Custom Textures To Planets
« Reply #21 on: January 19, 2011, 05:35:23 PM »
XML is very confusing to me.
Code: [Select]
<Settings>date=2008-01-01 ; tag=featured </Settings>

Why not just add the settings into one body instead of multiple body tags?

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Re: Need Help With Adding Custom Textures To Planets
« Reply #22 on: January 19, 2011, 05:55:46 PM »
Why not just add the settings into one body instead of multiple body tags?

You could do that. I'm doing this a weird way. Originally you could only have one Settings tag per Body tag. Now you can have multiple Settings tags in a Body tag. Either way works with the exact same results.

This would also work (and is how Settings are saved in the XML files inside UBOX files when you Save a simulation):
Code: [Select]
<Settings>date=2008-01-01 ; tag=featured </Settings>

Also note that the Settings have nothing to do with the individual Body tags they are inside of. I did it this way so that the XML files could be opened and saved from a table based XML viewer like Microsoft Excel.

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Re: Need Help With Adding Custom Textures To Planets
« Reply #23 on: January 19, 2011, 05:59:37 PM »
Ahh good. This makes what I am trying to do much easier.


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Re: Need Help With Adding Custom Textures To Planets
« Reply #24 on: January 19, 2011, 07:15:37 PM »
10 - Add this line in between the <body> and </body> tags that make up Earth:
11- Save the xml file.
12 - You can just drag the xml file into the Universe Sandbox window to open it.
13 - The Earth now looks like Juptier!
14 - To complete the simulation, drag the simulation folder that was created back onto the File Tools square to create a UBOX file with you changes.

For a custom texture:
A - Copy the texture to:
(My) Documents/Universe Sandbox/Media
B - In step 10 above change it to the name of your texture:
<texture>Gas Giant</texture>

I made the Media Folder only to find out my Media file was in my program file directory so i edit the xml of one of the simulations but i had accidentally turned all my files to ubox and my program couldnt edit but i had a few that were still in xml so i added the <texture>Gas Giant</texture> whiles my raw JPEG file was in both folders and i go and look but no luck i dont see my texture anywere in solar system but i hav a question what about if i converted it to DDS and added it to the main Media Directory would the sandbox be able to read it like the other DDS's???

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Re: Need Help With Adding Custom Textures To Planets
« Reply #25 on: January 19, 2011, 07:57:53 PM »
This will make it easier for me....if I can finish this.


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Re: Need Help With Adding Custom Textures To Planets
« Reply #26 on: January 19, 2011, 09:07:32 PM »
Awesome!!!  I could make a Perl program to do this as well. Wouldn't be so hard.

I'm not trying to copy your idea, it'd be good practice for me on coding. :D

Here's mine:

Code: [Select]
#Atomic's Universe Sandbox input to XML converter

print "Overall Parent Properties";
print "What is the name of this object?";
$name = <STDIN>;
chomp ($name);
print "What is the mass of this object?";
$mass = <STDIN>;
chomp ($mass);
print "What is the diameter?";
$diameter = <STDIN>;
chomp ($diameter);
print "Do you have a texture for this object? (y/n)";
$x = <STDIN>;
chomp ($x);
if ($x eq "y")
print "Check that this file is in the Media folder, and then type the file name with extension.";
        $texturelocation = <STDIN>;
        chomp ($texturelocation);
        elsif ($x eq "n")
        print "ERROR you stupid. Type y or n... not $x!";
print "New Object? (y/n)";
$create = <STDIN>;
chomp ($create);
if ($create eq "y")
        elsif ($create eq "n")
        goto gen;
        print "y or n...";
print "What is the name of this object?";
$name2 = <STDIN>;
chomp ($name2);
print "What is the mass of this object?";
$mass2 = <STDIN>;
chomp ($mass2);
print "What is the diameter?";
$diameter2 = <STDIN>;
chomp ($diameter2);
print "Do you have a texture for this object? (y/n)";
$x = <STDIN>;
chomp ($x);
if ($x eq "y")
print "Check that this file is in the Media folder, and then type the file name with extension.";
        $texturelocation = <STDIN>;
        chomp ($texturelocation);
        elsif ($x eq "n")
        print "ERROR you stupid. Type y or n... not $x!";
print "What is the semi-major axis?";
$sma2 = <STDIN>;
chomp ($sma2);
print "What is the eccentricity?";
$e2 = <STDIN>;
chomp ($e2);
print "What is the inclination?";
$i2 = <STDIN>;
chomp ($i2);

print "<Body>\n<Name>$name</Name>\n<Mass>$mass</Mass>\n<Diameter>$diameter</Diameter>/n<Appearance>$texturelocation</Appearance>";

It's not finished and only supports two objects right now (parent and the other one). I'm sure I'll figure out for it to detect in the "gen" how many objects to generate...
« Last Edit: January 19, 2011, 09:34:57 PM by NeutronStar »

Dan Dixon

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Re: Need Help With Adding Custom Textures To Planets
« Reply #27 on: January 20, 2011, 01:04:03 PM »
I made the Media Folder only to find out my Media file was in my program file directory so i edit the xml of one of the simulations but i had accidentally turned all my files to ubox and my program couldnt edit but i had a few that were still in xml so i added the <texture>Gas Giant</texture> whiles my raw JPEG file was in both folders and i go and look but no luck i dont see my texture anywere in solar system but i hav a question what about if i converted it to DDS and added it to the main Media Directory would the sandbox be able to read it like the other DDS's???

You don't want to use the Media folder in the program file directory you want it to be in My Documents. Generally you don't want to edit, add to, or change any of the files in Program Files. Although putting it in both places won't cause any problems.

If it's not working, converting the texture to DDS won't make any difference. The reason I use DDS is because it loads a bit faster (especially since it's loading 20+ textures).

Did you try the example that I posted? Were you able to make the Earth look different?

Can you post the UBOX or XML that you edited? We can check that the edit was correct and should work.


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Re: Need Help With Adding Custom Textures To Planets
« Reply #28 on: January 20, 2011, 09:19:25 PM »
my program only edits xml and i converted all my xml's to ubox and my program opens it but its just a bunch of jumbled up characters?  ???


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Re: Need Help With Adding Custom Textures To Planets
« Reply #29 on: January 20, 2011, 09:23:37 PM »
Change .ubox to .zip and copy pasta the file and edit the file from there. Then to put it back in copy pasta into the .zip and rename to .ubox