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Author Topic: Dreams  (Read 176066 times)


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #450 on: December 23, 2017, 02:17:12 PM »
i had one where san francisco and sacramento were right next to each other (grown into each other) as well as just north of los angeles and some of sacramento's suburbs were right against los angeles
considering sacramento's suburbs are expanding at an alarming rate I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #451 on: December 23, 2017, 02:36:30 PM »
oh no


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #452 on: January 14, 2018, 04:42:48 AM »
Arendt, Hegel (who looked like Merleau-Ponty), and Husserl were discussing the murder of Heidegger in a dimly lit room with a large window facing out into the night. The lights flickered and so Husserl called the cops about a ghost that might be around. He went towards the door after hearing noises outside and opened the door to a strange being made of 2-5 inch diameter rocks that in between were filled with hair. Husserl started screaming to the police, who still hadn't arrived, that the ghost of Heidegger had found them.


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #453 on: January 14, 2018, 10:07:03 AM »
yes let me call the cops about a ghost


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #454 on: January 29, 2018, 07:23:39 AM »
[14:12]   Kalassak   i had a dream that i was on blacraft
[14:12]   Kalassak   and like
[14:12]   Kalassak   me, bla, and fiah were talking about something
[14:12]   Kalassak   bla came up with a new country for something
[14:12]   Kalassak   and called it levzent
[14:12]   Kalassak   and i was like
[14:12]   Kalassak   isn't that a fiah thing already
[14:13]   Kalassak   and i was walking down a path for something
[14:13]   Kalassak   at some point i turned around for whatever reason and went back the way i came
[14:13]   Kalassak   it was raining
[14:13]   Kalassak   but like
[14:13]   Kalassak   it ceased to be blacraft at that point
[14:14]   Kalassak   and also it began to have tinges of whatever i was dreaming about before hand
[14:14]   Kalassak   something to do with getting ready for school on a monday
[14:14]   Kalassak   (wow that's like, topical)
[14:14]   Kalassak   but it was at home and for high school
[14:14]   Kalassak   like, that's what my brain was saying "that's the context of this situation"
[14:15]   Kalassak   in front of me was a big city, across a bay/lake
[14:15]   Kalassak   and i was on an elevated path that went over the water
[14:15]   Kalassak   i mean it wasn't an elevated path it was a road
[14:16]   Kalassak   it was a bridge
[14:16]   Kalassak   i thought it was kind of weird that the power went out and i was going to take out my phone to take a picture as i walked along a completely deserted bridge like 3 miles from downtown whatever
[14:17]   Kalassak   and then some huge crane-like building came down into the water my direction
[14:17]   Kalassak   and then i was like 'oh fuck'
[14:17]   Kalassak   and somehow got some sort of alert about when there was going to be a tsunami
[14:17]   Kalassak   and i started running back the way i came... again
[14:19]   Kalassak   to paint a picture for myself: the bridge for some reason seemed to be fairly, not exactly wobbly but like, it wasn't particularly solid, but i didn't find that weird, also toward the edge of the water it decreased in elevation seemingly to the surface of the water
[14:20]   Kalassak   so i had basically reached water level when i had to start running from the tsunami
[14:21]   Kalassak   and then i heard like an automated female voice going like 'estimated time until wave arrival: 10... 9... 8...' blahblahblah or something and also something about wave height and somehow i knew what height i was at and something like the wave was going to be like 94 feet but i was only at 20 something as it hit zero
[14:21]   Kalassak   and then i basically woke up


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #455 on: January 29, 2018, 03:11:07 PM »
Kol Blacraft dreams that's pretty cool


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #456 on: February 05, 2018, 03:44:06 PM »
karl marx wanted to send rockets to the planet mars


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #457 on: February 05, 2018, 09:51:48 PM »
like elon musk but c o l l e c t i v i s t


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #458 on: March 09, 2018, 09:16:58 PM »
i remember climbing all over buildings and being in an orange orchard somewhere in africa


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #459 on: March 15, 2018, 04:27:25 PM »
i had dream where i was with ppl and we filled my high school with chlorine gas to stop the robot apocalypse and then like 30 ppl including me left on a bus meant for 14 ppl to go to a big house several miles away to avoid the chlorine gas and when we got there we entered but there were lots of big wide open windows that had been pushed up on the bottom floor so we set to closing all of them and found areas that couldn't be closed - the part of the first floor we were in was full of garden plants and small trees and the like, with wooden beams holding up the higher parts of the house which had windows which stretched all the way between them but only closing down to halfway was possible - so we closed them all and i closed one and an intricate pattern of decoration on the glass came into view. i and a girl went to a table where two guys who were arguing about something, i can't remember what, and she was like "why are you only 1 inch apart?" and they looked confused so i said "it's fine" and then dream split and one version of me went to sit and talk with them and the other version kept walking with girl. at that point i realized it was dream and started struggling to keep the dream going but eventually i managed it (while losing awareness it was dream, but whatever). during the span where i was struggling to keep dream going it kept fading in and out and it seemed like the rate of stuff that i was able to see in dream went way down, but i still heard voices who were talking to me or with other ppl and the most important thing in scene was sometimes visible. once i got back into dream i seemed to lose awareness it was dream but at that point i was on the second floor of the mansion and had gone through a door on the first floor into the "true interior" and found out that the owners of the mansion were home, and i talked with the woman who owned the mansion and she said something completely ludicrous as to her wealth - something like she owned the entire phoenix metro area and had $1.7 trillion in assets, but she didn't kick us out or anything like i thought she would, and she went to prepare something for us all and i sat down and opened a book that was somehow also a computer and was a cross between twitter and discord which is a chat platform i use b/c no one new joins irc anymore and for some reason the surrealmemes server on the discordtwitter was very popular to repost messages from and there were lots of messages on there with like 9k reposts or 11k or 12k reposts, and then i closed book and talked with ppl again and woke up

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #460 on: March 19, 2018, 04:32:10 PM »
Early 2017

I was on a Harvard-like, anime-style high school with 2 of my friends. Then we started training with Goku. He was teaching us how to master Super Saiyan. A few days later, training is finished, and we all go Super Sayian Blue. We fought and defeated Goku Black. Credits roll, and I wake up.


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #461 on: June 16, 2018, 05:58:26 AM »
The dream "begins" with me playing or watching some weird warped version of Cities: Skylines where I was placing two airports between two cities, having to decide where they would go. The first city's airport had a completely fine location, but the second city's airport I was having trouble deciding where to put it. I first placed it on a mountainside, and the placement of the airport smoothed out the hillside but didn't flatten it. A plane took off from the first airport and made its way to the second airport, but had difficulty landing and eventually may have flown through a mountain to get on to the runway properly, and slid downhill while slowing down rather than uphill (?). It taxied to the hangar and then took off again, going downhill to take off.

I decide that this placement of the airport is a terrible idea, so I remove the airport but I don't immediately have somewhere else to put it. I look around the area trying to decide where the airport should be before I decided that there was not really anywhere else to put it as the second city was too mountainous and rugged. I might have placed it down in a flatter area by creating land, but I don't know if this was a post-dream fabrication or if it actually took place in the dream.

The dream then skipped to me being in an enormous church-like area except without anything else in it other than rows and rows of pews. Lots and lots of people were pouring into the hall with the pews I was in, and I was among them. I flung myself down on a pew along with a bunch of other boys, when we immediately began to scoot rightwards, practically falling over each other in the rush to get to the right side of the hall. It was great fun, and I had someone in my lap a lot of the time because of the rapid movement, until eventually we settled down and most of them left me to find some other place to be. A short girl resembling one I knew during high school sat down near me, and talked to me. A second girl who had blonde hair appeared but remained silent. Then, the church service began which consisted of absolutely nothing at all, yet it was anyway.

The dream then shifted focus from me and the people around me to the entire hall where airplanes began to clip through occasionally and they would injure or even kill the people that they clipped through (usually the wings injured people). I was on the other side of the hall from where the flight path was, so I wasn't at risk. However, the whole hall was filled with an aura of fear because people couldn't run away from where the plane would pass through fast enough, and information didn't travel fast enough about the plane as people were always coming and going.

A woman came up to me, demanding to see some sort of slip or identification for being in the hall so I opened a folder that I had on me and it was completely filled with loose-leaf paper which I had already written on. For some reason there were tons and tons of little card-sized sheets of loose-leaf paper that I had written "fursuit" on and I didn't want anyone to see these tiny papers. I kept leafing through the folder for a while, until eventually she got tired of waiting for my identification. She walked away saying "I don't actually need to see your identification since you have a full folder," meaning that everything in the folder had already been written on.

After she had left where I was and moved on to other people, another smaller plane entered the building through the wall, but this one had its entire body inside the hall and was not aiming straight for the airport which was on the other side of the hall from the airplanes. It was roaming around the hall aimlessly and was heading towards where I was, intentionally causing chaos by roaming around and having people run away from it because they were in an area that wasn't dangerous yet were still being hit by the plane. I got on top of one of the number of pews in the hall to get away from the plane, but the pews weren't high enough.

Because I was still vulnerable to being maimed by the small plane, I decided I needed to leave the hall and walked towards where the original flight path area was, exiting through a door. Near the door were two lecterns with sheets of paper on them listing all the names of the people who were in there, with a bitter warning for those who were leaving that it was still dangerous outside the hall. The warning called those of us who had decided to leave the hall "SAVAGES" and "RUNTS/RUMINANTS". I ignored it and swung open the exit into a smaller, mostly empty carpeted hall with a bunch of doors and elevators on the other side with a much lower ceiling.

I saw someone else enter the same hall and get into an elevator that was only large enough to fit six or so people, and could only accomodate one person entering or leaving at a time, and I went as fast as I could up to the elevator to get in it with them. However, it closed before I could reach them and so I had to wait a long, long time for it to get back as the elevator had a long journey to whatever destination it had. I looked around, but no one else was in the hall. I walked to the left to look at the other doors/elevators in the hall but they were all closed and none of them were open. The doors and elevators were all of different shapes and sizes, but I knew after checking all of them that none of the rest of them went to the same destination as the small one. I then waited a while for the elevator to return, and after two or there minutes it finally did. During this time about four other people had also gathered in the hall with me, and so when I pressed the button to open the elevator, I got in and held it open for all the others to additionally get in, but it closed on my arms as they were approaching. It didn't go up without them, however, and when they got closer, it reopened to let them in. Three of them got in before it closed and it went up, and they thanked me for doing this.

Once we reached the top of the elevator, the walls and ceiling folded away and we were greeted with the surface of the world where we were in the middle of what seemed to be a parking lot without markings, in a grassy roundabout in the middle of the lot. We were all shocked at the brightness of the sunlight and we remarked on each other's races, me saying that this Korean guy who was in the elevator with us was "orange", but he clearly looked like most Korean people do and had the white-like skin tone that they have. The dream mentioned this a bit later once I had said goodbye to them and we all walked in different directions, with me going towards a row of very large oak trees which were on more grass in the "parking lot".


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #462 on: December 28, 2018, 11:11:04 PM »
damn why don't i remember that much of dreams when i've started writing them out every day now


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #463 on: December 28, 2018, 11:12:41 PM »
too many dreams


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #464 on: December 29, 2018, 08:36:44 PM »
[14:04]   Darv   actually there was bit before it where there was a christian and two ppl of other religions and the christian said that God would kill their other gods because he is superior
[14:06]   then it started out in a church service where the pastor said you are now free to go and i remember seeing a bunch of old ppl get up
   but i was first to get up and leave
[14:07]   because i wanted to see the other gods who i 'knew' were on the level of the building above the church (which didn't exist)
   but then i walked along a hallway and exited the church and then i 'knew' the other gods were at a house owned by someone on usf that was for some reason very near the church
[14:08]   so i walked towards that house and dream stopped having the world be normal and euclidean and so it was impossible to get there because scene kept subtly changing putting it closer or further from me
[14:09]   and i thought there was supposed to be plane out front but i never saw any plane although i passed right by what was 'his' house and saw no gods and so then i 'knew' they could only be found by going to a boat which was at the end of the street i was on
[14:10]   so i walked along and passed around an orange tree that was overhanging the road and the rest of the street changed what it looked like again
   and then shortly after that i woke

although the waking was a false awakening because i was bright and alert and on my back and then... i wasn't???
« Last Edit: December 29, 2018, 10:11:36 PM by Darvince »


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #465 on: February 23, 2019, 04:01:12 AM »
I have a Dream today.


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #466 on: March 05, 2019, 03:56:52 AM »
An old dream of mine was that I would grow up someday. I guess it came true.

Oh, and thanks for keeping my one good thread alive. It's the least you could do.


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #467 on: March 05, 2019, 10:16:57 AM »

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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 12:42:04 AM by FiahOwl »


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #468 on: March 05, 2019, 10:20:11 AM »
omg deoxy hi


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #469 on: March 05, 2019, 11:06:36 AM »
Just thought I'd pop in as a goof. :P


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #470 on: March 05, 2019, 12:03:55 PM »

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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 12:42:01 AM by FiahOwl »


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #471 on: March 06, 2019, 11:03:01 AM »
Ah yes of course this happens when i leave lmaoooo


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #472 on: March 06, 2019, 08:50:12 PM »
Lol, guess I took your place for a moment.


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #473 on: March 06, 2019, 09:10:11 PM »

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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 12:41:59 AM by FiahOwl »


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #474 on: March 06, 2019, 09:13:15 PM »
We'll see. :P


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #475 on: November 02, 2019, 10:50:24 AM »


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #476 on: February 24, 2020, 04:16:49 PM »
i had three nights in a row of dreams about the WUHAN CORONAVIRUS

first night: trying to avoid it in china
second night: talking with family about it
third night: strangers talking about it

and then nothing last sleep


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #477 on: February 24, 2020, 05:57:28 PM »
i can't believe this topic still exists wtf guys


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #478 on: February 24, 2020, 06:43:52 PM »
no one can delete it except bla and atomic


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #479 on: October 10, 2021, 11:41:59 AM »
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oh yeah i had a dream that i went to some theme park with @Above Average Tailbone 🦖
i shouldve told this dream earlier cuz i forgot most of it
but a weird part of the dream was when on our drive back i heard one of my soundtracks on the radio
but it was extended and turned into a finished song
some bitch stole one of my short songs and turned it into a full rap song :pain:
and i tried filming my reaction but my phone was being fucky
finally got some reaction tho and then sam made a dumb face at the end of course :madjoy~2:
also we drove thru downtown orlando and it looked off
the buildings seemed gigantic
even tho they were like
the same proportional dimensions
there was one really tall building tho
this mustve been Future Orlando or something
this was the song that was stolen [[i]The Resolution[/i]]
i actually heard this in my song though. thats... crazy
but in the dream it had
its own vocals
its own rapper
it was weird
i tried walking out of the theme park wearing just my underwear
and a shirt
and was instructed to go to a bathroom to put some pants on