Did you do that accretion style?
Anyways, even though Sirus is too short lived (spectral class A I think) for life to evolve before the sun dies, that's pretty cool.
While that type of star wouldn't be a good candidate for looking for life, it wouldn't rule out the possibility of a habitable planet or planets.
Edit: Five? Of those in the habitable zone of Sirius (Sirius B's habitable zone isn't correct as the temp is below zero F even when that objects planet is closer in than the edge of it's hab zone. So, some value isn't being applied because its hab zone shouldn't even be in that spot.), one is an asteroid, two are most likely gas giants if not ocean Super Earths. Of the two moons, the larger of the two could very well have an atmosphere as it's bigger than Titan. Don't know if the other one could actually have an atmosphere.