Yeah. Redoing your setting all the time when reloading a simulation is so annoying. So me and other people on this forum have decided to create a topic for mentioning settings that are not saved in simulations.
When turning on settings like habitable zones, trails, orbits or flash light mode, I would like to have all those settings being saved into simulations when saving them. Also, I would like to have the mass, radius and other planetary settings be locked at the same time. The locked state of these values should also be saved in simulations and saved when saving the planets themselves when objects are saved in the "My Objects" category folder.
Both simulations and saved objects use the .ubox file extension, so I suggest that all .ubox files save every setting, locked values and any other modification properly.
When trying to overwrite a previously saved simulation, the simulation name should remain, rather than coming up with a random simulation name such as "My Simulation 8829473793847" name. For example, if I save a simulation and give it a suitable name such as "Our Solar System", then edit something and I want to overwrite it, I would click on the "save" button and the simulation name "Our Solar System" would remain there in the file name.
If I wanted to save my simulation "Our Solar System" under a new file name, I would use a button called "Save As" so that I can get a dialog box to save my existing simulation under a new file name, just like in Microsoft Word.
Save Button
The save button does not work properly. When saving a simulation that was already saved and is actively open, the "Save" button should overwrite it when clicked, just like in Microsoft Word.
Save As Button
Currently, the developers did not add a "Save As" button to save simulations under a new name. That is a feature that I request because when I want to save simulations under a new or similar name, I do not want to retype the similar name over and over again.
There is still a lot of work to be done so that the "Save" button can overwrite saved simulations and the "Save As" button can properly save simulations under a new filename by bringing a "Save As" dialogue box.
I have labelled this post with tags such as [BUG], [RETEST] & [INFO] because there is a slight bug with the save button. Sometimes simulations and planets do not get saved in the "Simulations" folder or in the "My Objects" planets folder. The tag [RETEST] means that developers have to thoroughly retest the "Save" and "Save As" buttons when they are updated. There is a need to add missing information so I tagged this post with the [INFO] tag, so that the "Save" and "Save As" buttons get a pop up dialog box showing what the buttons do when hovering the mouse pointer over these buttons, respectively.