Hey Daryl sup mate?! I got the impression you think I was replying to you. I was not, did not even read the top posts.

I was replying to smjjames.
Anyway, so many numbers.

I agree with you, I was not defending anyone that believes this should be free or cheaper. In fact the price of it is a kinda of a joke to me. Everything is relative, and 300 bucks for a Lexus is kind of a mega bargain, I'd take like 20 or 30 if someone offered me that. Now 300 for this software is kinda little bang for the buck, and I wouldn't buy a single copy. Considering the current and the proposed prices, both are (to me) a ridiculous rate of bang-buck. It's a not brainer.
I disagree when you say we are not the same, we are in the fundamental sapiens details that matter the same. Some peoples of a certain region might overcame specific physical challenges better than others, but that's not the way is imho wrongly proposed over and over again. Everything has to do with nourishment! Who you are today and what are you capable physically and mentally is VASTLY dictated by how you grew up. Cultural capping is something one can overcome with will, physical capping is a totally different thing. This seems logical to me.
As an American like yourself (not natural born, but nevertheless one), I have the right AND the duty to say that I HAVE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THIS DEBT you mentioned, responsibility should go to the minion governors and their masters, not us!
I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE for the drug trade. The government (as the people that control's it) is, "they" make the profit, their responsibility!!! The forefathers fought for liberty, against oppression, namely financial. Who is responsible for turning China, a great millennial nation into a land of junkies? The chinese? No! Those are the victims, the guilt one was England and it's draconian policies for subjugation and profiteering!
I'm a bit more, say realistic, about these issues. I'm gonna tell you a little story about what happened to me in the very first week I came back to Brazil. This day I was working late, till midnight, and on my way back I was stopped by a patrol. I was pulled out of my car at gun point they made me lay down on my belly, they checked me for drugs and God knows what else. When they noticed I was clean (and had no money), I tried to voice my frustration for that kind of treatment without cause, at this point the thug/cop pointed gun at me and told me if I go on and place a complain he would be "visiting me" for a cup of tea. So you see, when shit goes really really bad, there is only one solution, that is the union of superficially different but fundamentally the same people.
Watch out for your fifth. Both reply and amendment! The time to say STOP and ACT is now, because in a few decades, as the think-tank Orwell said once "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act".
About The Book, well personally I am a logical being. If it doesn't make logic, even being a twisted one, to me is not true. So religion makes to me, a different kind of sense that it does for most. But I don't think the validity of the point is destroyed by the fact that the bible was written 2k years ago. We child of the information today are very arrogant in this sense, we think we are the pinnacle of everything. To me this could not be far from the truth. Who wrote it and when is irrelevant. Imagine Jesus being a cartoon character, and the bible being the cartoon. In all the hundreds of episodes, the Jesus character never EVER even when beaten to death he raise his hand against another character, but ONLY to go against the money changers of that time, that use to overcharge the only "good" coin to pay the debt to God in the form of special sacrifices. There is great value in this particular episode. One must digest it. So even if Jesus was not real, but a fictional character of the imagination of a religious faction, the story hold it's value. I do believe much has been lost over the centuries, including science, but most I think was knowledge over life itself. I have more faith in the ancients. Take giza for instance. Build 4k years ago, to levels of precision that would be impossible for us 100 years ago, probably almost impossible for us today.
You are still thinking in the Nation box. I personally think that's wrong. Power and it's aggregation called money have none. When I say England, I;m not saying the prime minister of England, but the men that financed his financier. And financed the France prime minister, the same people that financed Obama, the same people that financed Hillary, the same people that finance John Kerry, the same financed the Bushes, and Reagan, and Carter, and Johnson, and Mao, and Lenin, and Hitler, and the same people that finance industries all around the globe in tens of nations in one side, and in the other try to implement agenda 21, the same people that "sponsored" the league of nations and the united nations, the same, the same. It's ALWAYS the same people.
For this reason, I love all peoples! Each and every major nation in this planet is under influence. We either unite and win our freedom the "easy" way, or fall in to the dark ways of the projected future.
I'm so dramatic sometimes.