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Author Topic: Suggestion for game: Tectonic plates  (Read 4901 times)


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Suggestion for game: Tectonic plates
« on: May 06, 2020, 08:43:21 AM »
it would be cool to see volcanoes, geysers, and tectonic platyes added. We could see Ios volcanoes or encladuses geysers, and we could speed up time millions of years to see earth progress. Also maybe something like changing the mass of the earth, which doesnt do much now, could cause tectonic breakdown, and something like changing the gravitatiuonal constant would make planets less dense and bigger and make tectonic plates change a lot. I would love to see this implimented, and editing to tectonic plates and volcano spots and hotspots and all sorts of different boundaries and tectonic features. I would also love to see storms and flooding. Thanks! :)


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    • Cesare Vesdani
Re: Suggestion for game: Tectonic plates
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2020, 02:45:23 PM »
Me too. I have requested quite a few times before for tectonic plates and volcanic eruptions. In addition to that, i have also requested for complex weather systems such as winds, hurricanes tornadoes and other such systems. Those would fit in very well with the surface grids technology. Falling rain and snow is also required too. Earthquakes and tsunamis are needed too.


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Re: Suggestion for game: Tectonic plates
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2020, 03:50:27 PM »
But i think if they made it, it would be exclusive to earth or the solar system major planets, since it will be too difficult to develop it otherwise.


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    • Cesare Vesdani
Re: Suggestion for game: Tectonic plates
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2020, 07:47:08 PM »
They could make random tectonic plates for random rocky planets as well. That would be harder though.


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Re: Suggestion for game: Tectonic plates
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2020, 11:29:10 AM »
they could just do a procedural tectonic plates system like with the city lights system.


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    • Cesare Vesdani
Re: Suggestion for game: Tectonic plates
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2020, 11:39:58 AM »
Yeah, they can.


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Re: Suggestion for game: Tectonic plates
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2020, 04:23:39 PM »
If they added Tectonic Plates probably it would be a good opportunity to add atmosphere composition, etc since if they added Tectonic Plates they would probably add volcanos and stuff, then they could calculate the greenhouse effect by the CO2 produced by the volcanos, and maybe also if they make the life system with trees and Cyanobacteria be added they could also calculate the amount of Oxygen and Carbon dioxide being produced and being converted to oxygen by plants or bacterias. So planets in the habitable zone could also be a super hot world just because of its atmospheric composition.


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    • Cesare Vesdani
Re: Suggestion for game: Tectonic plates
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2020, 07:27:24 PM »
Yes, that would be good too.