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Author Topic: Planet Formation/Accretion in Universe Sandbox  (Read 3934 times)


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Planet Formation/Accretion in Universe Sandbox
« on: July 12, 2020, 09:11:03 PM »
I have recently investigated planet formation processes within the constraints provided by Universe Sandbox. Protoplanetary disk analogues can be formed with the help of the "ring" tool. Particles within disks can subsequently be accreted by planetary embryos embedded within the disk. Gravitational instabilities may afflict certain systems, yielding a wide spectrum of final configurations. Altering the material composition of a disks as a function of distance from the central star embeds an aspect of realism. I've posted a sample simulation's initial conditions and final architecture.

Central Star Mass: 0.75 MSun
Number of Embryos: 6
Embryo Mass: 8.33 MEarth(Silicate+Iron Composition)
Disk Radius: 0.4 AU(0.4-0.8 AU)
Total Disk Mass: 50 MJupiter
Hydrogen Mass: 50 MJupiter(40,000 Particles)
Dust Removal Time(Point at which the remove dust tool is removed): 70 Years

The system settled onto a stable configuration ~300 years into the simulation. Only two objects remained. The inner planet had a mass of 0.55 MJupiter, a semimajor axis of 0.548 AU and eccentricity of 0.5. The outer planet was 1.39 MJupiter, had a semimajor axis of 5.42 AU and eccentricity of 0.76. The two remaining planets are coincidentally the most and least massive planets formed.