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Author Topic: Galactic collision  (Read 5138 times)


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Galactic collision
« on: December 12, 2019, 04:56:16 AM »
I think galaxies don't have to be so elaborate, because I find that every time galaxies collide, they can't form a huge elliptical galaxy after about ten collisions, and even if black holes merge together, there are all kinds of galaxies at all. it's not like it really turns into an elliptical galaxy over time.
I hope the developers will pay attention.
You can refer to these videos.
http://www.bilibili.com/video/av1236269?from=search&seid=14217646209818907062 or https://www.bilibili.com/video/av3201543/?spm_id_from=333.788.videocard.1.
Please look carefully and hope to improve.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2019, 04:37:07 AM by UB VVG »


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Re: Galactic collision
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2019, 04:38:07 AM »


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Re: Galactic collision
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2019, 04:51:27 AM »
You can take a look at the galaxy collision in the third video.
The color of galaxies changes brightly between 4.4 billion and 6 billion years when galaxies collide.
It would be better if we could do it on the cosmic sand table.


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Re: Galactic collision
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2019, 06:49:54 AM »
I think if you want to achieve this effect and rendered about this video can be a very good demonstration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MorKdyvZZY


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Re: Galactic collision
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2020, 04:51:28 AM »
https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1oE411g7Tm  I really hope that Universe Sandbox can achieve such an effect


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Re: Galactic collision
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2020, 04:53:11 AM »
You can put forward your own views on Universe Sandbox Galaxy here


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Re: Galactic collision
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2020, 03:03:03 PM »
Galaxies need a color option.