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Author Topic: Bubbles  (Read 3901 times)


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  • Posts: 656
  • Universe Sandbox 2 is my favourite simulator.
    • Cesare Vesdani
« on: August 28, 2019, 03:58:54 PM »
Bubbles are fun to blow up. What I mean is soap bubbles. I have this very cool idea that Universe Sandbox could simulate bubbles in space. Please create a new physics system so that users can blow up bubbles with soap pipes and even make bubbles orbit each other or even orbit planets.

The colors of bubbles as well as their wall thicknesses must also be simulated in the new physics system of Universe Sandbox. Universe Sandbox must be capable of simulating anything that is spherical, such as balls, balloons and any other human spherical objects. Please make it possible to blow and simulate bubbles in Universe Sandbox by creating a new physics system for bubble simulations.


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  • Posts: 15
Re: Bubbles
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2019, 05:44:26 PM »
Bubbles are fun to blow up. What I mean is soap bubbles. I have this very cool idea that Universe Sandbox could simulate bubbles in space. Please create a new physics system so that users can blow up bubbles with soap pipes and even make bubbles orbit each other or even orbit planets.

The colors of bubbles as well as their wall thicknesses must also be simulated in the new physics system of Universe Sandbox. Universe Sandbox must be capable of simulating anything that is spherical, such as balls, balloons and any other human spherical objects. Please make it possible to blow and simulate bubbles in Universe Sandbox by creating a new physics system for bubble simulations.

Well, honestly I preffer they to make phisical nebulas and not only for backgrounds xD


  • *****
  • Posts: 656
  • Universe Sandbox 2 is my favourite simulator.
    • Cesare Vesdani
Re: Bubbles
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2019, 06:51:01 PM »
Physical nebulas would be very ideal to make. Bubbles are needed in Universe Sandbox because they look amazing and their physics characteristics would bring Universe Sandbox to a whole new level. Also balloons have their own physics when they pop, so adding balloons that you can blow using a pump in Universe Sandbox would bring something entirely new and interesting for balloon enthusiasts.