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Author Topic: View an objects temperature - distance from stars before placing into simulation  (Read 3456 times)


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  • Posts: 656
  • Universe Sandbox 2 is my favourite simulator.
    • Cesare Vesdani
Before I place an object into a simulation that has a star, according to how close or far away I put it from a star, the temperature of the object does not show up, neither physically or temperature wise.

What I mean is before I spawn a new object into a simulation, which has a star, the object that I am currently holding with my mouse button does not display the current temperature at how hot or cold the object would be if placed at a certain distance from a star.

In Alpha 16, the temperature of an object held with the mouse used to show how hot or cold the temperature of the object was before adding it to a simulation with a star. Later on, with so many new updates, this physical and temperature wise of objects held by the mouse pointer, no longer shows how hot or cold an object is.

Please add back this physical temperature display of objects held by the mouse pointer. This feature really helps when creating new systems with your desired temperature.