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Author Topic: some incredibly bad games by yours truly  (Read 3842 times)


  • formerly mudkipz
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some incredibly bad games by yours truly
« on: March 09, 2019, 07:20:50 PM »
site: https://www.chess.com/analysis
1. press load pgn
2. paste the game code in the box
3. optionally, click on the second tab and run a quick analysis
4. use the fwd/back buttons to view the game

Q: what is this?
A: i got into chess a bit, but because i don't want to play against real people, i'm playing against an engine. but engines don't play like humans at all, esp at low difficulties, i'm playing against lc0, a fake brains powered chess engine

the games are hilarious in hindsight because both me and lc0 suck. the reason lc0 sucks so much is because i'm using weights from a version of lc0 when it just started training. the reason i did that is because i probably wouldn't be able to beat anything stronger. the reason i suck is because i've never played seriously and i haven't played a game in like 5 years

Code: [Select]
[Event "Local Event"]
[Site "Local Site"]
[Date "2019.03.09"]
[Round "1"]
[White "shimao"]
[Black "Lc0 v0.22.0-dev"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B12"]
[Time "17:44:00"]
[PlyCount "125"]

1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. f3 dxe4 4. fxe4 e5 5. c3 exd4 6. cxd4 Nf6 7. Nf3 Nxe4 8.
Be3 Bb4+ 9. Nbd2 O-O 10. a3 Bxd2+ 11. Bxd2 Nxd2 12. Qxd2 Re8+ 13. Ne5 Be6 14.
O-O-O Nd7 15. Nxd7 Qxd7 16. Re1 Rad8 17. Rd1 Bd5 18. Kb1 h6 19. h4 Qf5+ 20. Bd3
Qg4 21. Rhe1 Qxh4 22. Ka1 Rxe1 23. Rxe1 Qxd4 24. Qc3 Qxc3 25. bxc3 Bxg2 26. Be4
Rd2 27. Bxg2 Rxg2 28. Rb1 b6 29. a4 Kf8 30. Rb2 Rg5 31. Ka2 h5 32. c4 h4 33.
Kb3 Rf5 34. Rh2 Ke7 35. Rxh4 Re5 36. Rh7 Rg5 37. Kb4 Kd6 38. Rh4 c5+ 39. Kb5
Kc7 40. Re4 f5 41. Re7+ Kd6 42. Rxa7 Rg4 43. Rf7 Ke5 44. Kxb6 Rxc4 45. a5 Ra4
46. a6 Rxa6+ 47. Kxa6 c4 48. Rxg7 c3 49. Rc7 Kd4 50. Kb5 f4 51. Kb4 f3 52. Rxc3
f2 53. Rf3 f1=B 54. Rxf1 Ke3 55. Kc3 Ke2 56. Rf8 Ke3 57. Re8+ Kf2 58. Kd2 Kg2
59. Ke2 Kh1 60. Rg8 Kh2 61. Kf3 Kh1 62. Kf2 Kh2 63. Rh8# 1-0

check out move 23 and 24 on this one, it's great. as you can see even this version of lc0 -- rated theoretically around 1000 pts, does better than me until the endgame -- it sucks at endgames


  • formerly mudkipz
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Re: some incredibly bad games by yours truly
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2019, 07:52:08 PM »
Code: [Select]
[Event "Local Event"]
[Site "Local Site"]
[Date "2019.03.09"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Lc0 v0.22.0-dev"]
[Black "shimao"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C62"]
[Time "18:23:00"]
[PlyCount "93"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 d6 4. O-O Bg4 5. c3 d5 6. exd5 Qxd5 7. d4 Qxb5 8.
Re1 Bxf3 9. Qxf3 Nf6 10. Na3 e4 11. Qg3 Qd3 12. Qxc7 Bxa3 13. Qxb7 O-O 14. Qxc6
Rfc8 15. Qa4 Bd6 16. Qd1 Re8 17. Qxd3 exd3 18. Bd2 Rxe1+ 19. Rxe1 Re8 20. Rxe8+
Nxe8 21. Kf1 f5 22. g3 g6 23. c4 a5 24. c5 Bc7 25. b3 Kf7 26. d5 Ke7 27. Bc3
Nf6 28. d6+ Bxd6 29. cxd6+ Ke6 30. Bxa5 Kxd6 31. Bd2 Ne4 32. Be3 d2 33. Ke2 Kd5
34. Bxd2 Nxd2 35. Kxd2 Kc5 36. Kc3 h5 37. b4+ Kb5 38. a3 g5 39. a4+ Kxa4 40.
Kc4 f4 41. b5 fxg3 42. hxg3 h4 43. gxh4 gxh4 44. b6 h3 45. b7 h2 46. b8=Q h1=Q
47. Qa7# 1-0


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Re: some incredibly bad games by yours truly
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2019, 08:29:45 PM »
if you ever do want to play against a human...


  • formerly mudkipz
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Re: some incredibly bad games by yours truly
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2019, 08:33:52 PM »
then i would have to find someone who's not a cow, yes


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Re: some incredibly bad games by yours truly
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2019, 08:46:40 PM »


  • formerly mudkipz
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  • "giving heat meaning"
Re: some incredibly bad games by yours truly
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2019, 09:38:52 PM »
lmao. i would definitely play with you, i'm just not sure you'd even have any fun because my "true" elo rating is like sub-1k and iirc you're p good


  • formerly mudkipz
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Re: some incredibly bad games by yours truly
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2019, 10:57:26 PM »
ok last game of the day, played against a stronger version of lc0 -- supposedly 1600 or so but also those ratings are probably inflated.

i was pretty happy with myself for not making any blindingly obvious errors, but around move 38 or so i gave up on the game since was down a pawn and lc0 was in a much better position and i basically didn't know how to move any of my pieces without losing something.

so out of curiosity i then threw the position to stockfish 10 which somehow managed to go from white losing the game to me completely winning the game in the spawn of like 10 moves. idk how this shit happens

Code: [Select]
[Event "Local Event"]
[Site "Local Site"]
[Date "2019.03.09"]
[Round "1"]
[White "shimao"]
[Black "Lc0 v0.22.0-dev"]
[Result "*"]
[ECO "B18"]
[Time "21:07:00"]
[PlyCount "100"]

1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 dxe4 4. Nxe4 Bf5 5. f3 e6 6. Bg5 Be7 7. Qd2 Bxg5 8.
Qxg5 Qxg5 9. Nxg5 Bxc2 10. N1h3 Nd7 11. Bc4 Nb6 12. Bb3 Bxb3 13. axb3 Ne7 14.
Nf4 h6 15. Ne4 O-O-O 16. O-O-O Nf5 17. Ne2 Nd5 18. g4 Nfe3 19. Rd3 f5 20. gxf5
exf5 21. N4c3 g5 22. Nxd5 Nxd5 23. Rf1 Rhe8 24. Rf2 f4 25. Kd2 Nb4 26. Rc3 Nd5
27. Rd3 Kc7 28. Nc3 Ne3 29. h3 h5 30. Ne4 Rg8 31. b4 Nd5 32. Rb3 g4 33. h4 g3
34. Rg2 a6 35. Ng5 Rde8 36. Ne4 Re7 37. Nc5 Ne3 38. Rg1 g2 39. Ne4 Nf1+ 40. Kd1
Nh2 41. Ng5 Nf1 42. Rxg2 Ne3+ 43. Rxe3 Rxe3 44. Ne6+ Kb6 45. Rxg8 Rxe6 46. Rf8
Kb5 47. Rxf4 Kxb4 48. d5+ Kc5 49. dxe6 Kd6 50. Re4 Ke7 *


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Re: some incredibly bad games by yours truly
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2019, 01:05:29 PM »
i'd play you

i'm really bad


  • formerly mudkipz
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  • "giving heat meaning"
Re: some incredibly bad games by yours truly
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2019, 10:16:10 PM »
idk what i'm doing wrong anymore

Code: [Select]
[Event "Local Event"]
[Site "Local Site"]
[Date "2019.03.10"]
[Round "1"]
[White "shimao"]
[Black "Lc0 v0.22.0-dev"]
[Result "*"]
[ECO "B18"]
[Time "21:26:00"]
[PlyCount "88"]

1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 dxe4 4. Nxe4 Bf5 5. Ng3 Bg6 6. Bf4 e6 7. Nf3 Nf6 8.
Bd3 Bd6 9. Ne5 Bxe5 10. Bxe5 Nbd7 11. O-O O-O 12. Bd6 Re8 13. Re1 Nf8 14. Bb4
Qxd4 15. c3 Qb6 16. a4 a5 17. Ba3 Rad8 18. Re3 h6 19. Qf3 Bxd3 20. Rxd3 Rxd3
21. Qxd3 Rd8 22. Qe3 Qxe3 23. fxe3 Rd3 24. e4 N8d7 25. Be7 h5 26. Bxf6 Nxf6 27.
e5 Nd7 28. Nxh5 Nxe5 29. Re1 Nc4 30. Re2 Rd1+ 31. Kf2 Rb1 32. b4 axb4 33. cxb4
Rxb4 34. Ra2 Na5 35. g3 b6 36. h4 c5 37. Nf4 Kf8 38. Nd3 Rb3 39. Nc1 Rb4 40.
Nd3 Rd4 41. Ke3 Ke7 42. Ne5 f6 43. Ng6+ Kd6 44. Rb2 Nc4+ *


  • formerly mudkipz
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  • "giving heat meaning"
Re: some incredibly bad games by yours truly
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2019, 06:00:30 PM »
1 minute blitz game no increments which i would've won if it weren't for those pesky time limits

Code: [Select]
[Event "Local Event"]
[Site "Local Site"]
[Date "2019.03.11"]
[Round "1"]
[White "shimao"]
[Black "Lc0 v0.22.0-dev"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B18"]
[TimeControl "60+0"]
[Time "17:56:00"]
[WhiteClock "23:59:59.896"]
[BlackClock "0:00:08.863"]
[PlyCount "46"]

1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 dxe4 4. Nxe4 Bf5 5. Ng3 Bg6 6. Bf4 e6 7. Bxb8 Rxb8 8.
Bd3 Qxd4 9. Bxg6 hxg6 10. Qxd4 Rd8 11. Qc3 a6 12. Rd1 Bd6 13. Rxd6 Rxd6 14. Ne4
Rd7 15. f3 Ne7 16. Ne2 Nd5 17. Qc4 Ne3 18. Qc3 f5 19. Qxe3 fxe4 20. Qxe4 Kf7
21. O-O Rhd8 22. Qe3 Rc7 23. Kf2 Rcd7 0-1


  • formerly mudkipz
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Re: some incredibly bad games by yours truly
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2019, 06:39:14 PM »
i did an engine assisted analysis of my best game so far with this fake brains engine which i've been trying to beat for like 2 weeks without success

Code: [Select]
[Event "Local Event"]
[Site "Local Site"]
[Date "2019.03.21"]
[Round "1"]
[White "shimao"]
[Black "Lc0 v0.22.0-dev"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B18"]
[Time "17:05:00"]
[PlyCount "68"]

1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 dxe4 4. Nxe4 Bf5 5. Ng3 Bg6
{ up to move 5 -- by the book. this is the only opening i know }
6. Bd3 Qxd4 { first non-book move and i make a mistake, because i didn't notice queen captures pawn.
i didn't want to move knight because bad past experiences of king side pawns being stuck the entire game, but that's the move the engine suggests }
7. Nf3 {engine suggests e2 as better move, which makes sense since i don't run into that knight-blocks pawn problem again} Qd5
8. O-O Nd7 { engine says Bxd3 would be better, but i don't really see why. i guess my way i end up with an isolated pawn on d file, which is considered worse }
9. Bxg6 hxg6 10. Qxd5 {i decided to exchange queens because i felt like black could start an attack with that rook on h file and that queen.
engine suggests Qe2 instead, which allows me to push my c pawn and push away the black queen. i guess that kind of makes sense} cxd5
11. Bf4 e6 12. Rac1 {i decided to move my rook behind the c pawn to prepare pushing c and exchanging black's d pawn, because black's pawns were starting to cramp up my position
also as you'll see, the next few moves of the end of the game are me attempting to move my second rook to the open c file and give check to black, and black trying to stop me
engine suggests rook to d file as slightly better alternative -- i don't get it} Ngf6
13. c4 dxc4 14. Rxc4 Nd5 15. Ne2 {I made this move to defend bishop on f4. the main reasons for this is that knight on g3 didn't seem to be doing much --
if black pushed f5 i couldn't take, and h5 is also a pointless square to be defending, so i moved the knight.
on the other hand, i thought moving the bishop was a bad idea because black might push pawn to e5, really cramping my position.
if i moved my bishop to e3 as suggested by engine, i wouldn't be able to take pawn as black is defending it with knight on d7} Nxf4
16. Nxf4 Bd6 17. g3 Ke7 {this was basically my last chance to move my second rook to c file. i didn't because if bishop captures on f4 then if i continue with my attack (Rc8) then there is no way to capture back. if i capture bishop back with rook, then black can push f pawn and harass me, so it didn't seem worth it
in fact even in the engine suggested line the rook attack never happens because black has enough time to move his king to avoid it
in the actual game black moves king to avoid, but amusingly in this line engine says Nb6 is better. i don't understand}
18. Re1 {i moved took to e file because that's where black king was, and i already had another piece attacking the pawn in front of the king, so i thought maybe something could happen there
however engine suggests rook to c file instead, which i'm not sure what's the point of anymore now that black king has already moved out of the way} Rac8
19. b3 {i moved pawn to defend rook. engine suggests Rxc4 to check black king. i missed this because i thought pawn would simply capture, but that pawn was pinned by the rook i'd just moved to e file.
in the engine line the king is forced to move back to 8th rank, white initiates exchange of rooks. no immediate difference in terms of material, in my game i end up with a hard to defend pawn on c file} Rxc4
20. bxc4 Rc8 21. Re4 Nf6 22. Rd4 Rc5 {i was surprised why black didn't push e pawn and fork my rook and knight. tbh i didn't notice this fork until next move. however i just realized it's probably not a real threat as i can move rook to e file and pin the pawn}
23. Nd2 Ra5 24. Nd3 {engine says this is a mistake and c5 is better. i don't get why black wouldn't just capture the pawn in that case. (well i just went and watched the engine line and in that case rooks are exchanged and the pawn is captured, but at least my position is less cramped)} e5
25. Rh4 Rxa2 26. c5 Rxd2 27. cxd6+ Kxd6 28. Nc1 Kc5 {well this is hilarious. Nc1 allows black to fork my king and knight, engine says this is a blunder, which is it.
instead of taking advantage of this, black moves his king to c5, allowing me to fork the king and rook. , which i somehow don't notice.
the same forks present themselves for the next 2 turns, and neither of us notice. i actually miss another rook-king fork for another two moves}
29. f4 e4 30. g4 Nd5 31. g5 Kd4 32. Rh3 Nxf4 33. Rg3 e3 34. Kf1 Rd1# 0-1


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Re: some incredibly bad games by yours truly
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2019, 07:22:37 PM »
I'll throw in some of my chess games just so you're not as lonely, plus maybe you can learn from what humans do

This guy completely blundered at one point, but it is my highest rated win - against a Team Canada player - get fucked yqt

Code: [Select]
[Event "WL2019 R2: Team Canada vs. Team USA - Board 19"]
[Site "Chess.com"]
[Date "2019.02.15"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Gopacklittlebro"]
[Black "0newinatatime"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A16"]
[WhiteElo "2002"]
[BlackElo "2030"]
[TimeControl "1/259200"]
[EndDate "2019.03.21"]
[Termination "Gopacklittlebro won by resignation"]

1. c4 Nf6 2. Nf3 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. g3 O-O 5. Bg2 d5 6. cxd5 Nxd5 7. O-O Nxc3 8.
bxc3 Nc6 9. d4 e6 10. e4 Re8 11. Be3 Na5 12. Bf4 Nc4 13. Qb3 Na5 14. Qb5 c6 15.
Qe2 b5 16. a4 Ba6 17. Rfd1 Qb6 18. axb5 Bxb5 19. Qa2 Nc4 20. Bf1 e5 21. Bg5 f6
22. Bxc4+ Bxc4 23. Qxc4+ Kh8 24. Be3 Qb5 25. Qxb5 cxb5 26. dxe5 fxe5 27. Rxa7
Rxa7 28. Bxa7 Ra8 29. Bc5 Rc8 30. Rd5 Kg8 31. Nxe5 Bxe5 32. Rxe5 Rc7 33. Rd5 Kf7
34. Kg2 Ke6 35. Bd4 Rb7 36. f4 b4 37. c4 b3 38. Rb5 Rd7 39. Be5 Rd2+ 40. Kf3
Rxh2 41. Rxb3 Rc2 42. Rc3 Ra2 43. c5 Ra8 44. c6 Rc8 45. c7 Kd7 46. Rd3+ Kc6 47.
Rd8 Rxc7 48. Bxc7 Kxc7 49. Rh8 h5 50. Rh6 1-0


  • formerly mudkipz
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  • "giving heat meaning"
Re: some incredibly bad games by yours truly
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2019, 11:06:36 PM »
i played a real human what do you think of my pro skills tmc
Code: [Select]
[Event "Rated Bullet game"]
[Site "https://lichess.org/VNG9Jtc7"]
[Date "2019.04.06"]
[Round "-"]
[White "ThomboW"]
[Black "shimeow"]
[Result "0-1"]
[UTCDate "2019.04.06"]
[UTCTime "05:54:40"]
[WhiteElo "1102"]
[BlackElo "1102"]
[WhiteRatingDiff "-10"]
[BlackRatingDiff "+30"]
[Variant "Standard"]
[TimeControl "60+0"]
[ECO "C46"]
[Opening "Four Knights Game"]
[Termination "Normal"]

1. e4 { [%eval 0.12] [%clk 0:01:00] } 1... e5 { [%eval 0.37] [%clk 0:01:00] } 2. Nf3 { [%eval 0.23] [%clk 0:00:59] } 2... Nc6 { [%eval 0.15] [%clk 0:01:00] } 3. Nc3 { [%eval 0.16] [%clk 0:00:57] } 3... Nf6 { [%eval 0.19] [%clk 0:00:59] } 4. g4 { [%eval -0.91] [%clk 0:00:57] } 4... d5 { [%eval -0.97] [%clk 0:00:58] } 5. Bh3 { [%eval -5.11] [%clk 0:00:55] } 5... dxe4 { [%eval -3.76] [%clk 0:00:57] } 6. Ng1 { [%eval -4.07] [%clk 0:00:51] } 6... Bb4 { [%eval -3.39] [%clk 0:00:56] } 7. a3 { [%eval -3.52] [%clk 0:00:49] } 7... Bxc3 { [%eval -3.51] [%clk 0:00:55] } 8. bxc3 { [%eval -3.63] [%clk 0:00:49] } 8... b5 { [%eval -2.06] [%clk 0:00:52] } 9. Bb2 { [%eval -3.27] [%clk 0:00:49] } 9... Be6 { [%eval -2.13] [%clk 0:00:49] } 10. Ne2 { [%eval -3.57] [%clk 0:00:49] } 10... a6 { [%eval -2.8] [%clk 0:00:48] } 11. O-O { [%eval -4.78] [%clk 0:00:47] } 11... Qd7 { [%eval -3.17] [%clk 0:00:48] } 12. c4 { [%eval -4.3] [%clk 0:00:46] } 12... Kf8 { [%eval -1.99] [%clk 0:00:47] } 13. cxb5 { [%eval -2.34] [%clk 0:00:44] } 13... axb5 { [%eval -2.15] [%clk 0:00:46] } 14. Bc3 { [%eval -5.09] [%clk 0:00:40] } 14... Rd8 { [%eval -4.18] [%clk 0:00:45] } 15. Bb4+ { [%eval -4.6] [%clk 0:00:37] } 15... Nxb4 { [%eval -3.95] [%clk 0:00:41] } 16. axb4 { [%eval -4.28] [%clk 0:00:35] } 16... Qxd2 { [%eval -2.35] [%clk 0:00:40] } 17. Qxd2 { [%eval -2.63] [%clk 0:00:34] } 17... Rxd2 { [%eval -2.64] [%clk 0:00:39] } 18. Rfb1 { [%eval -6.79] [%clk 0:00:32] } 18... Rxe2 { [%eval -6.85] [%clk 0:00:37] } 19. Kf1 { [%eval -8.06] [%clk 0:00:30] } 19... Ke7 { [%eval -1.95] [%clk 0:00:36] } 20. Ra8 { [%eval -9.12] [%clk 0:00:29] } 20... Rxa8 { [%eval -8.93] [%clk 0:00:34] } 21. Rd1 { [%eval -68.64] [%clk 0:00:26] } 21... Rxc2 { [%eval -27.12] [%clk 0:00:31] } 22. g5 { [%eval #-7] [%clk 0:00:25] } 22... Rd8 { [%eval #-10] [%clk 0:00:30] } 23. gxf6+ { [%eval #-10] [%clk 0:00:23] } 23... gxf6 { [%eval #-9] [%clk 0:00:28] } 24. Bxe6 { [%eval #-7] [%clk 0:00:23] } 24... Rxd1+ { [%eval #-6] [%clk 0:00:25] } 25. Kg2 { [%eval #-6] [%clk 0:00:20] } 25... fxe6 { [%eval #-5] [%clk 0:00:23] } 26. Kh3 { [%eval #-4] [%clk 0:00:20] } 26... e3 { [%eval #-4] [%clk 0:00:23] } 27. Kg3 { [%eval #-4] [%clk 0:00:20] } 27... exf2 { [%eval #-3] [%clk 0:00:21] } 28. Kg2 { [%eval #-3] [%clk 0:00:20] } 28... f1=Q+ { [%eval #-2] [%clk 0:00:20] } 29. Kg3 { [%eval #-2] [%clk 0:00:19] } 29... Qf2+ { [%eval #-2] [%clk 0:00:19] } 30. Kg4 { [%eval #-2] [%clk 0:00:19] } 30... Rd3 { [%eval #-2] [%clk 0:00:17] } 31. Kh5 { [%eval #-2] [%clk 0:00:18] } 31... e4 { [%eval #-2] [%clk 0:00:17] } 32. Kh6 { [%eval #-2] [%clk 0:00:18] } 32... Rd5 { [%eval #-3] [%clk 0:00:16] } 33. Kxh7 { [%eval #-2] [%clk 0:00:17] } 33... f5 { [%eval #-2] [%clk 0:00:16] } 34. Kg7 { [%eval #-2] [%clk 0:00:17] } 34... Rd8 { [%eval #-2] [%clk 0:00:15] } 35. Kg6 { [%eval #-2] [%clk 0:00:16] } 35... Qg2+ { [%eval #-2] [%clk 0:00:14] } 36. Kh5 { [%eval #-1] [%clk 0:00:14] } 36... Rf2 { [%eval #-1] [%clk 0:00:14] } 37. Kh4 { [%eval #-1] [%clk 0:00:14] } 37... Qxh2+ { [%eval #-1] [%clk 0:00:14] } 38. Kg5 { [%eval #-1] [%clk 0:00:12] } 38... Rg2# { [%clk 0:00:14] } 0-1

oh i can link like this