i fucking did it boys
one science per second, just like the simulations

you can see besides that little spike from when i redid some belts for iron that i've gotten into a pretty consistent 1 rocket every 15 minutes or so, giving me > 1 science per second.
to be honest, when i planned this build out i planned 60 spm but was only expecting more like 40 spm due to me eyeballing a bunch of numbers. turns out i had a bit of margin
i'm definitely really excited about this
my copper patch is 30M right now, so if i'm doing about 6kpm that gives me 80 hours of game-play. plus if i get to productivity 50 (i'm at 25 rn), that'll double it to 160 hours, which is about how long i've spent in total on this game so far. i'd say that's good enough. my iron patch is 60M (actually needed 2 patches to get enough miners on it) so shouldn't have to worry about that for a long time
all the components -- besides a bunch of belt balancers -- designed by myself
my next goals are probably 1. shoring up my defenses, cause this new setup is cranking out insane amounts of pollution and biters and 2. add a second 6-reactor powerplant, since my need for power is insatiable -- i'm drawing around 900MW right now, which is satisfied by my current main reactor (700 MW), my secondary reactor (100MW) and solar (100MW). i just want a lot more margin so i can stop worrying about power for a while. also i'll be able to turn off my secondary reactor which is really inefficient and 3. getting to level 30 mining, then finishing all non-infinite research, then keep doing mining prod forever since i'm pretty sure if i stop researching at any point in time all my trains will start deadlocking
edit: mining prod payoff analysis:
based on the img i posted, it looks like it costs roughly 100 ore (iron and copper) per science. mining productivity level N costs about N*100 science, which is N*10k ore, and gives a 2% boost to productivity, meaning we recover the cost after mining 50*N*10k ore, or N/2 million ore. so level 25 mining productivity is paid back after mining 12.5M ore. level 50 mining prod would be paid back after 25M ore mined. seems like a good target to me