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Author Topic: Bug: US doesn't always delete object locations, generates absolute space points  (Read 3770 times)


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Not a real major bug since a save and reload cleans them up, but I've noticed that when I delete an object and sometimes when I'm focused on an object and it collides with another object, it can generate an absolute space 'object' which does show up when you turn on highlights, but is uninteractable. Other than being able to focus on it and land on it.

It can be annoying when you're deleting alot of objects or there are lots of collisions.

Edit: Also, when I press the x and + buttons on the find box multiple times, it will create absolute space points and sometimes generate an error when I do that.

« Last Edit: November 05, 2011, 09:46:55 AM by smjjames »


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*poke* I did do a search some time ago and didn't see any bug report about it and no idea if I'm the only one who gets these. IMO they are a bit annoying and seems to be the cause of a few crashes.


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  • Posts: 1128
Hey Dan, any word on this stuff as it's creating quite a few problems for me?, primarily with the errors that they spawn, which can result in a crash or sometimes blanking out the simulation..