[16:38] <+atomic7732> who's being negative now?
[16:39] <+bong_> wut?
[16:39] <+Deoxy99> No one.
[16:39] <+Darvince> orly
[16:39] <+Deoxy99> How is that negative
[16:39] <+Deoxy99> It seriously needs to stop being used
[16:39] <+atomic7732> calling something retarded isn't being negative?
[16:39] <+Darvince> hello no one
[16:39] <+Deoxy99>

[16:39] <+Deoxy99> 24 hour time
[16:39] <+Darvince> oh you're real life name is no one?
[16:39] <+atomic7732> not only are you insulting people with mental disabilities and such
[16:39] <+Deoxy99> only for the military
[16:39] <+Darvince> that's really cool
[16:39] <+Deoxy99> Yes!
[16:39] <+atomic7732> you're putting down 24 hour time
[16:40] <+Deoxy99> DOES ANYONE?
[16:40] <+atomic7732> and I'm negative...
[16:40] <+atomic7732> hahaha
[16:40] <+Darvince> deoxy99 has gained Rightism: 0.46
[16:40] <+Deoxy99> Huh?
[16:40] <+Deoxy99>

[16:40] <+bong_> ^
[16:40] <+Deoxy99> I'm confused
[16:41] <+bong_> ^
[16:41] <+Deoxy99> How is that being more right
[16:41] <+Deoxy99>

[16:41] <+Darvince> left<------|------>right
[16:41] <+Darvince> deoxy is the bar
[16:41] <+BlaBla44> Deoxy, political correctness is a stupid word made up as an excuse for insulting other groups of people.
[16:41] <+Deoxy99> Yeah
[16:41] <+Darvince> kol bla
[16:41] <+atomic7732> political correctness is a technically incorrect term
[16:41] <+Deoxy99> Who fucking cares
[16:41] <+atomic7732>
[16:41] <+Deoxy99> if I call someone a midget?
[16:41] <+atomic7732> I do
[16:41] <+bong_> me
[16:41] <+Deoxy99> or a retard?
[16:41] <+BlaBla44> I do
[16:41] <+BlaBla44> I do
[16:41] <+bong_> me
[16:41] <+bong_> me
[16:41] <+Deoxy99> WHY?>
[16:41] <+bong_> its mean
[16:41] <+Deoxy99> My family doesn't!
[16:42] <+atomic7732> good for them
[16:42] <+Deoxy99> Yeah
[16:42] <+atomic7732> or more technically
[16:42] <+atomic7732> bad for them
[16:42] <+Deoxy99> I'm glad they let me be awesome
[16:42] <+Deoxy99> and free
[16:42] <+Darvince> bla's rightness: -9.89
[16:42] <Yqt1001> shower :|
[16:42] <+Deoxy99> Shower?
[16:42] <+Darvince> <|---------->
[16:42] <+BlaBla44> Because when you call people that it sounds like it's an insult, so you make it sound like people should feel bad about being midgets or retarded. That is not okay![16:42] <Yqt1001> I'll leave before chat asploders again
[16:42] <+Deoxy99> How'd you know I was going to shower?
[16:42] <Yqt1001> asplodes*
[16:42] <+Darvince> dar rightness: -8.1
[16:42] <+Darvince> <-|----------->
[16:42] <+Deoxy99> Because when you call people that it sounds like it's an insult, so you make it sound like people should feel bad about being midgets or retarded. That is not okay!
[16:42] <+atomic7732> I think he was going to take a shower...
[16:42] <+Deoxy99> Nah
[16:42] <+Deoxy99> Yes
[16:42] == Yqt1001 has changed nick to Yqt|gone
[16:43] <+atomic7732> ^ lol
[16:43] <+bong_> ^
[16:43] <+bong_> gone
[16:43] == Darvince has changed nick to Dar|gone
[16:43] <+Deoxy99> but he predicted Sure
[16:43] <+Deoxy99> WTF?
[16:43] <+Dar|gone> i'm going with yqt
[16:43] == BlaBla44 has changed nick to Bla|gone
[16:43] == bong_ has changed nick to bong|gone
[16:43] == atomic7732 has changed nick to a7732|gone
[16:43] <+bong|gone> im gone
[16:43] <+bong|gone> with the wund
[16:43] <+Deoxy99> Why is everyone |gone?
[16:43] <+bong|gone> bai
[16:43] <+bong|gone> -_-
[16:43] <+Deoxy99> Even Bla?
[16:43] <+Deoxy99> What the fuck is your problem Bla?
[16:43] <+bong|gone> -_-
[16:43] <+Bla|gone> You.
[16:44] <+bong|gone> ^
[16:44] <+Deoxy99> How is it me?
[16:44] <+Deoxy99> *marks never be friends with Bla again*[16:44] <+Deoxy99> Thanks a lot
[16:44] <+Deoxy99> I could have found this out sooner rather than later
[16:45] <+Deoxy99> that Bla was going to be a total fucking idiot
[16:45] <+Deoxy99> But whatever
[16:46] <+Deoxy99> Yeah on the whois it should tell you whether you are an idiot or not
[16:46] <+Deoxy99> You would all be one
[16:46] <+Deoxy99> in fact, I'm actually thinking of breaking the IRC topic
[16:47] <+Deoxy99> FUCK YOU ALL
[16:47] <+Deoxy99> DIE
[16:47] == Deoxy99 [~Seville@s234-237-68-64.trico.az.wi-power.com] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 8.0.1/20111120135848]]
[16:47] == Bla|gone has changed nick to BlaBla44
[16:47] == a7732|gone has changed nick to atomic7732
[16:47] <+atomic7732> well
[16:47] <+atomic7732> modding~
[16:48] == bong|gone has changed nick to bong_
[16:48] == bong_ has changed nick to bong_hw
[16:49] <+BlaBla44> I don't want to be mean towards Deoxy, but I really have no idea what to do.
[16:52] * matty406 facepalms
[16:53] <+Cxn> kol
[16:53] <+BlaBla44> What? :
not sure when this happened, but it was when i was buidling my wheat farm

[17:01] == Yqt|gone has changed nick to Yqt|back
[17:01] <+atomic7732> how about the eastern side bordering me is darvincia, and the west is divided among 2 or 3 of your vassals
[17:01] <+Cxn> hi yqt
[17:01] <+atomic7732> and you can form Himalia
[17:01] <Yqt|back> ohi
[17:01] <+BlaBla44> Hi
[17:01] <+atomic7732> hiqt
[17:02] <+BlaBla44> That was a high tech and highly efficient greeting, thar.

[17:02] <+BlaBla44> What about, Hyqt?
[17:02] <+BlaBla44> Because "hy" sounds like "hi" anyway.
[17:02] <+atomic7732> ok
[17:02] <+atomic7732> hiqt could also be "hi cutie"
[17:03] <+BlaBla44> Oh kol I was just going to say that. xD
[17:03] <+BlaBla44> That just came to my mind as well.
[17:03] <+BlaBla44> Or at least "hi cute"
[17:04] <Yqt|back> blagh
[17:04] <Yqt|back> so worried about piano festival

[17:04] <Yqt|back> playing this:
http://www.noteflight.com/scores/view/77402dd7318bb55c5599220eadb1a7b86625d3d9[17:04] <Yqt|back> on the piano