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Author Topic: Strange and/or funny quotes thread  (Read 444157 times)


  • formerly mudkipz
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Re: Strange and/or funny quotes thread
« Reply #450 on: March 04, 2012, 10:35:14 AM »
Spheron Rilmu ("Deoxyworld")

idk why i found this funny


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Re: Strange and/or funny quotes thread
« Reply #451 on: March 04, 2012, 10:45:54 AM »
literally 1/2 second apart

[12:09] == skirtisan [45741525@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##universesandbox
[12:09] *nickserv* identify poopoo
[12:09] -NickServ- You are now identified for skirtisan.
[12:09] == mode/##universesandbox [+v skirtisan] by ChanServ
[12:09] == Naru523 [~chatzilla@c-24-23-26-239.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined ##universesandbox
[12:09] == mode/##universesandbox [+v Naru523] by ChanServ
Not sure if modified password, or just really, really stupid.


  • formerly mudkipz
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Re: Strange and/or funny quotes thread
« Reply #452 on: March 04, 2012, 10:56:36 AM »
modified password

amusing when i logged in and saw 2 bad login attempts :)


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Re: Strange and/or funny quotes thread
« Reply #453 on: March 04, 2012, 11:32:42 AM »
lol that wasn't me


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Re: Strange and/or funny quotes thread
« Reply #454 on: March 04, 2012, 11:42:19 AM »
It was me. Also fiah, if you read this, when you log on, you'll have about 200 bad login attempts. :)


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Re: Strange and/or funny quotes thread
« Reply #455 on: March 04, 2012, 01:33:56 PM »

This message is only viewable with Universe Sandbox Galaxy Edition. Access it and much more with promo-code '61143'.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 02:17:04 AM by FiahOwl »


  • formerly mudkipz
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Re: Strange and/or funny quotes thread
« Reply #456 on: March 04, 2012, 01:37:15 PM »
[15:34] -NickServ- You are now identified for skirtisan.
[15:34] -NickServ- 91 failed logins since last login.
[15:34] -NickServ- Last failed attempt from: Darvince!~Darv@unaffiliated/darvince on Mar 04 17:43:38 2012.



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Re: Strange and/or funny quotes thread
« Reply #457 on: March 04, 2012, 01:38:07 PM »
Fiah naru unbanned you 12 hours ago.


  • formerly mudkipz
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Re: Strange and/or funny quotes thread
« Reply #458 on: March 04, 2012, 03:53:05 PM »
darvince tries to into ctam

[17:52] <skirtisan> NO WIAT
[17:52] <skirtisan> NINJAD
[17:52] <skirtisan> SAFD
[17:52] <skirtisan> DSF
[17:52] <Darvince> oshit
[17:52] <skirtisan> WAT
[17:52] <skirtisan> WTF
[17:52] <Darvince> i
[17:52] <skirtisan> 10 TIMES
[17:52] <Darvince> into the future
[17:52] <skirtisan> YOU
[17:52] <Darvince> INTO THE FUTURE
[17:52] <skirtisan> MULTIPLIED
[17:52] <skirtisan> HOLY
[17:52] <Darvince> OSHIT
[17:52] <skirtisan> CRAP


  • formerly mudkipz
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Re: Strange and/or funny quotes thread
« Reply #459 on: March 04, 2012, 06:46:39 PM »
[20:43] <+skirtisan> hi atomic
[20:43] <+skirtisan> you are
[20:43] <+skirtisan> !
[20:43] <+atomic7732> i am
[20:44] <+atomic7732> !
[20:44] <+skirtisan> atomic!
[20:44] <+skirtisan> you are wobbly!
[20:44] <+atomic7732> oh no!
[20:44] <+atomic7732> is that bad?
[20:44] <+skirtisan> no!
[20:44] <+skirtisan> that is very good!
[20:44] <+atomic7732> oh ok
[20:45] <+skirtisan> because...you just took an arrow to the knee!
[20:45] <+atomic7732> oh no!
[20:45] <+skirtisan> do not worry
[20:45] <+skirtisan> i shall give you..a metal kneecap!


  • formerly mudkipz
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Re: Strange and/or funny quotes thread
« Reply #460 on: March 04, 2012, 07:09:55 PM »
Ato wants sad story

[21:07] <+a7732|afk> naru go find me a sad fanfic to read
[21:07] <+skirtisan> once upon a time bla died of overexposure to nue
[21:07] <+skirtisan> the end
[21:07] <+matty406> Nue's Gamma particles
[21:08] <+a7732|afk> that wasn't sad
[21:08] <+a7732|afk> >:(
[21:08] <+skirtisan> once upon a time i cried
[21:08] <+skirtisan> and then i depressed
[21:08] <+a7732|afk> nor was that
[21:08] <+skirtisan> and then i wrote this story for atomic
[21:08] <+skirtisan> the end
[21:08] <+skirtisan> once upon a time POO
[21:08] <+skirtisan> the end?
[21:08] <+a7732|afk> I mean MLD sad
[21:08] <+skirtisan> once upon a time i made licked a lead MLD and pood cookies
[21:08] <+skirtisan> nue ate one and died
[21:08] <+skirtisan> and then everyone died
[21:09] <+skirtisan> and then everyone has a sad
[21:09] <+skirtisan> the end
[21:09] <+a7732|afk> none of these are sad
[21:09] <+a7732|afk> stop trying
[21:09] <+skirtisan> once upon a time kip gave up
[21:09] <+skirtisan> the end
[21:09] <+a7732|afk> :'(


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Re: Strange and/or funny quotes thread
« Reply #461 on: March 04, 2012, 09:19:05 PM »


  • formerly mudkipz
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Re: Strange and/or funny quotes thread
« Reply #462 on: March 05, 2012, 03:02:11 PM »
[17:01] <+FiahOwl> It's 3:05 there.
[17:01] <+atomic7732> "there"
[17:01] <+atomic7732> It is 15:01 here
[17:01] <+skirtisan> where, in your poo?
[17:01] <+FiahOwl> yes, there.


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Re: Strange and/or funny quotes thread
« Reply #463 on: March 05, 2012, 10:22:09 PM »
[21:18]   Darvince   no
[21:18]   Darvince   stay
[21:18]   Darvince   come play with me
[21:18]   Darvince   so i can play with your ...
[21:18]   Darvince   ...yeah i'm not going farther
[21:18]   atomic7732   Go
[21:18]   atomic7732   Go further
[21:19]   atomic7732   You've got me staying, now go further
[21:19]   Darvince   ok
[21:19]   Darvince   i'm female
[21:20]   atomic7732   facehoofs
[21:20]   Darvince   and it's your 8===D
[21:20]   atomic7732   ok TO SLEEP
[21:20]   Darvince   now go to bed
[21:20]   Darvince   oshit
[21:20]   |<--   Darvince has left freenode (Quit: Darvince)


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Re: Strange and/or funny quotes thread
« Reply #464 on: March 06, 2012, 06:18:53 AM »

This message is only viewable with Universe Sandbox Galaxy Edition. Access it and much more with promo-code '61677'.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 02:16:43 AM by FiahOwl »


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Re: Strange and/or funny quotes thread
« Reply #465 on: March 06, 2012, 09:34:49 PM »
A day at the IRC

[2012-03-05 00:03:34] |<-- Naru523 has left freenode (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[2012-03-05 06:04:31] -->| FiahOwl (~Stellarga@pool-108-7-242-130.bstnma.east.verizon.net) has joined ##universesandbox
[2012-03-05 06:04:32] =-= Mode ##universesandbox +v FiahOwl by ChanServ
[2012-03-05 06:04:46] <FiahOwl> The states of NationStates Aeridani: New England Carolina Louisiana Florida Tennessee Greater Boston
[2012-03-05 06:05:15] <FiahOwl> Greater Boston is in the centerish.
[2012-03-05 06:05:27] <FiahOwl> Ohi Darvince
[2012-03-05 06:18:34] |<-- FiahOwl has left freenode (Quit: FiahOwl)
[2012-03-05 06:28:16] -->| a7732|afk (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/atomic7732) has joined ##universesandbox
[2012-03-05 06:28:17] =-= Mode ##universesandbox +v a7732|afk by ChanServ
[2012-03-05 06:28:26] <a7732|afk> Irina is cheating
[2012-03-05 06:28:52] <a7732|afk> 96H: 2012/03/09 12 UTC: 30.1 S / 34.0 E, MAX WIND=055 KT, SEVERE TROPICAL STORM
[2012-03-05 06:31:56] =-= a7732|afk has changed the topic to ``Everypony, welcome to ##universesandbox: 170% content. | TC Tracking - Moderate Tropical Storm Irina (40 kts, 990 hPa), watch the SATL | MLP Tracking - 4.2.20: 7 days | Reminder: Put designations in video title | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqSvCC8xs0NzdGU4bnZPR25abk1JclcyLUVON2FyWmc#gid=0''
[2012-03-05 08:06:43] -->| Naru523 (~chatzilla@c-24-23-26-239.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined ##universesandbox
[2012-03-05 08:06:44] =-= Mode ##universesandbox +v Naru523 by ChanServ
[2012-03-05 08:13:48] -->| BlaBla44 (~BlaBla44@0x5da7a152.cpe.ge-0-1-0-1105.aroenqu1.customer.tele.dk) has joined ##universesandbox
[2012-03-05 08:13:49] =-= Mode ##universesandbox +v BlaBla44 by ChanServ
[2012-03-05 08:13:53] <BlaBla44> Hilo!
[2012-03-05 08:15:50] <Naru523> hero
[2012-03-05 08:19:17] <Naru523> "Vladimir Putin is elected President of Russia for a third term."
[2012-03-05 08:19:20] <Naru523> Odeer
[2012-03-05 08:24:07] <BlaBla44> :(
[2012-03-05 08:24:16] <BlaBla44> Btw, WarLight. :P
[2012-03-05 08:25:17] -->| Matty406 (~Matty406@ has joined ##universesandbox
[2012-03-05 08:26:10] <Matty406> Bloop
[2012-03-05 08:26:41] <Naru523> warlit'd
[2012-03-05 08:26:44] <BlaBla44> Matthey.
[2012-03-05 08:26:54] <BlaBla44> Yay
[2012-03-05 08:28:58] <Matty406> Allo
[2012-03-05 08:29:41] <Matty406> I made a little origami hat with a bus ticket and put it on my phone.
[2012-03-05 08:34:37] <BlaBla44> Kol.
[2012-03-05 08:35:15] <BlaBla44> Do you have very big bus tickets? I'm having big trouble imagining it. :P
[2012-03-05 08:35:31] <Naru523> remember bla, english peope.
[2012-03-05 08:35:34] <Naru523> ple
[2012-03-05 08:38:01] <BlaBla44> Be careful, I have just armed my cup with enriched tea.
[2012-03-05 08:40:54] <BlaBla44> And Naru, it may not be very surprising that Putin won...... Here's a list of vids documenting election fraud in Russia.
[2012-03-05 08:40:55] <BlaBla44> http://www.dr.dk/Nyheder/Udland/2012/03/05/110914.htm
[2012-03-05 08:42:16] <Naru523> .ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) RUSSIA, Y U NO ELEKT ME
[2012-03-05 08:42:27] <Naru523> (´;ω;`)
[2012-03-05 08:43:00] <Naru523> ... ಠ_ಠ
[2012-03-05 08:43:40] <BlaBla44> Invisible ink... Kol.
[2012-03-05 08:43:54] <Naru523> ( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \
[2012-03-05 08:44:57] <Naru523> I am so frustrated I could fus ro dah everybody
[2012-03-05 08:45:31] <Naru523> (╯°O°)╯FUS RO DAH! ==== ☆。・:*>┼○
[2012-03-05 08:48:21] <Naru523> what da flock poopoo
[2012-03-05 08:48:28] <Naru523> fffffffffffffffffflllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooorida
[2012-03-05 08:48:53] <BlaBla44> Стирающаяся ручка на участке №2739
[2012-03-05 08:48:56] <BlaBla44> Kol.
[2012-03-05 08:48:58] <Naru523> 9 hours ago: Following new legislation in Bielosia, ten-year-olds regularly found their own political parties.
[2012-03-05 08:49:03] <Naru523> wut
[2012-03-05 08:58:20] <BlaBla44> Hmm, I'll be back later. Cu.
[2012-03-05 08:58:22] |<-- BlaBla44 has left freenode ()
[2012-03-05 09:04:06] |<-- Matty406 has left freenode (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[2012-03-05 09:09:48] =-= Naru523 is now known as Naruschl
[2012-03-05 09:55:38] [ERROR] Connection to irc://freenode/ (irc://chat.freenode.net/) reset. [[Help][Get more information about this error online][faq connection.reset]]
[2012-03-05 09:55:53] [INFO] Connecting to irc://freenode/ (irc://chat.freenode.net/)… [[Cancel][Cancel connecting to freenode][cancel]]
[2012-03-05 09:56:08] [ERROR] Error enabling Ident Server: NS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_HOST: Component returned failure code: 0x804b001e (NS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_HOST) [nsIDNSService.resolve] @ <chrome://chatzilla/content/lib/js/ident.js> 83
[2012-03-05 09:56:24] [ERROR] Error enabling Ident Server: NS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_HOST: Component returned failure code: 0x804b001e (NS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_HOST) [nsIDNSService.resolve] @ <chrome://chatzilla/content/lib/js/ident.js> 83
[2012-03-05 09:56:42] === 13 unknown connection(s)
[2012-03-05 09:56:43] =-= User mode for Darvince is now +i
[2012-03-05 09:56:43] *NickServ* This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>.
[2012-03-05 09:56:43] *NickServ* You have 30 seconds to identify to your nickname before it is changed.
[2012-03-05 09:56:47] -->| YOU (Darvince) have joined ##universesandbox
[2012-03-05 09:56:47] =-= Topic for ##universesandbox is ``Everypony, welcome to ##universesandbox: 170% content. | TC Tracking - Moderate Tropical Storm Irina (40 kts, 990 hPa), watch the SATL | MLP Tracking - 4.2.20: 7 days | Reminder: Put designations in video title | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqSvCC8xs0NzdGU4bnZPR25abk1JclcyLUVON2FyWmc#gid=0''
[2012-03-05 09:56:47] =-= Topic for ##universesandbox was set by a7732|afk!~chatzilla@unaffiliated/atomic7732 on Monday, March 05, 2012 06:31:40
[2012-03-05 09:57:11] *NickServ* You failed to identify in time for the nickname Darvince
[2012-03-05 09:57:12] =-= YOU are now known as Guest49862
[2012-03-05 10:04:48] -->| Matty406 (~Matty406@ has joined ##universesandbox
[2012-03-05 10:09:39] <Matty406> Fus ro dah
[2012-03-05 10:19:17] -->| BlaBla44 (~BlaBla44@0x5da7a152.cpe.ge-0-1-0-1105.aroenqu1.customer.tele.dk) has joined ##universesandbox
[2012-03-05 10:19:18] =-= Mode ##universesandbox +v BlaBla44 by ChanServ
[2012-03-05 10:26:39] <BlaBla44> Hiloagain.
[2012-03-05 10:30:05] |<-- Matty406 has left freenode (Quit: Quittin')
[2012-03-05 10:30:23] -->| Matty406 (~Matty406@ has joined ##universesandbox
[2012-03-05 10:32:46] -->| FictilePegasus (~fictileob@168.sub-174-235-196.myvzw.com) has joined ##universesandbox
[2012-03-05 10:33:02] |<-- FictilePegasus has left freenode (Changing host)
[2012-03-05 10:33:03] -->| FictilePegasus (~fictileob@unaffiliated/atomic7732) has joined ##universesandbox
[2012-03-05 10:33:03] =-= Mode ##universesandbox +v FictilePegasus by ChanServ
[2012-03-05 10:34:03] <FictilePegasus> Hi bla hi naru hi guest hi matty hi myself
[2012-03-05 10:34:08] <FictilePegasus> Hi Chanserv
[2012-03-05 10:37:52] -->| shffdsgg (~Matty406@host-92-24-145-35.ppp.as43234.net) has joined ##universesandbox
[2012-03-05 10:38:26] |<-- Matty406 has left freenode (Disconnected by services)
[2012-03-05 10:38:52] =-= shffdsgg is now known as matty406
[2012-03-05 10:39:09] <BlaBla44> Hipegasocialist
[2012-03-05 10:39:21] <FictilePegasus> Ohey shffdsggmatty
[2012-03-05 10:39:28] <matty406> Lols
[2012-03-05 10:39:36] <BlaBla44> Kol, that's harder to pronounce than Yqt!
[2012-03-05 10:40:22] <BlaBla44> (I still have about 7 knots on my tongue after some... Problems pronouncing that from the weekend) D:
[2012-03-05 10:40:29] <BlaBla44> Not recommended.
[2012-03-05 10:41:51] <FictilePegasus> Why
[2012-03-05 10:41:55] <FictilePegasus> Queue
[2012-03-05 10:41:57] <FictilePegasus> Tea
[2012-03-05 10:44:11] <FictilePegasus> Done.
[2012-03-05 10:44:21] <FictilePegasus> With negative 7 mph
[2012-03-05 10:44:31] <BlaBla44> Kol.
[2012-03-05 10:45:06] <BlaBla44> Also, queue needs to be respelled kyou or kjoo or kjuu or something.
[2012-03-05 10:45:24] <BlaBla44> Queue is the most insanely spelled word in the entire wordworld.
[2012-03-05 10:45:38] <FictilePegasus> Nop
[2012-03-05 10:46:24] <FictilePegasus> Onomonopoeia  
[2012-03-05 10:46:25] <BlaBla44> Ok, NOT COUNTING FICTILEPEGASUS, it is.
[2012-03-05 10:46:29] <BlaBla44> Kolwut
[2012-03-05 10:46:31] <FictilePegasus> Or something
[2012-03-05 10:46:53] <BlaBla44> My tongue is already growing knots.................. AHHHHH
[2012-03-05 10:47:21] * BlaBla44 launches V838 Monocerotis
[2012-03-05 10:47:54] * FictilePegasus launches IW Pegasi
[2012-03-05 10:48:19] * BlaBla44 baunches IW Pegasi
[2012-03-05 10:48:36] <BlaBla44> Ping pong Pegasi.
[2012-03-05 10:49:36] * FictilePegasus launches R Leonid
[2012-03-05 10:49:38] <FictilePegasus> Leonid
[2012-03-05 10:49:42] <FictilePegasus> Leonid
[2012-03-05 10:49:47] <FictilePegasus> Leonis
[2012-03-05 10:49:51] <FictilePegasus> There we go
[2012-03-05 10:49:55] <BlaBla44> Hm.
[2012-03-05 10:50:15] * BlaBla44 uses, ignore it until it hits me.
[2012-03-05 10:51:05] <BlaBla44> Nowait.
[2012-03-05 10:51:52] * BlaBla44 exposes it to severe gaydiation, causing it to degay into a harmless unstar.
[2012-03-05 10:51:52] * FictilePegasus hits BlaBla44 with S Telescopii
[2012-03-05 10:52:07] <FictilePegasus> wtf
[2012-03-05 10:52:20] * BlaBla44 smashes telescopist glass.
[2012-03-05 10:52:52] <FictilePegasus> But!
[2012-03-05 10:53:02] <FictilePegasus> That costs money!
[2012-03-05 10:53:25] <FictilePegasus> What is Monoceros again?
[2012-03-05 10:53:45] <BlaBla44> V838 Monocerotis is a supernova remnant, I think.
[2012-03-05 10:53:58] <BlaBla44> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V838_Monocerotis
[2012-03-05 10:53:59] <FictilePegasus> No, Monoceros
[2012-03-05 10:54:10] |<-- matty406 has left freenode (Quit: Quittin')
[2012-03-05 10:54:12] <FictilePegasus> The constellation V838 Mon is in
[2012-03-05 10:54:36] <BlaBla44> Oh, a variable star which threw off its outer layers, not a supernova.
[2012-03-05 10:54:42] <FictilePegasus> I'm going to say V838 is a novae
[2012-03-05 10:54:47] -->| matty406 (~matty-1@host-92-24-145-35.ppp.as43234.net) has joined ##universesandbox
[2012-03-05 10:54:48] <FictilePegasus> Or something
[2012-03-05 10:55:00] <BlaBla44> Matthey
[2012-03-05 10:55:07] <matty406> helloello again
[2012-03-05 10:55:16] =-= Mode ##universesandbox +v matty406 by ChanServ
[2012-03-05 10:55:28] <BlaBla44> Whatever its name is, it's a cute star. :)
[2012-03-05 10:55:41] <BlaBla44> øhttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d3/V838_Mon_HST.jpg
[2012-03-05 10:55:47] <FictilePegasus> Monoceros the Unicorn
[2012-03-05 10:55:50] <FictilePegasus> derpa
[2012-03-05 10:56:15] <BlaBla44> Mono... That'
[2012-03-05 10:56:21] <BlaBla44> That's one = uni...
[2012-03-05 10:56:24] <BlaBla44> Ceros = corn
[2012-03-05 10:56:31] <BlaBla44> Oh kol.
[2012-03-05 10:56:41] <matty406> krop
[2012-03-05 10:56:43] <BlaBla44> Do monoponies exist?
[2012-03-05 10:56:55] <FictilePegasus> inb4 I image it and GIMP Twilight in the sky
[2012-03-05 10:56:57] <matty406> what
[2012-03-05 10:57:02] <FictilePegasus> Along with
[2012-03-05 10:57:07] <matty406> Tricorn
[2012-03-05 10:57:18] <BlaBla44> Acorn (a unicorn without corns)
[2012-03-05 10:57:34] <FictilePegasus> Two dogs and some hunter dude
[2012-03-05 10:57:42] <matty406> then it;s not a unicorn, what, my brain.
[2012-03-05 10:57:48] <FictilePegasus> Canis major and minor and Orion
[2012-03-05 10:57:51] <FictilePegasus> Kol
[2012-03-05 10:58:10] <FictilePegasus> I've seen it millions of times and never known it was there
[2012-03-05 10:58:13] <FictilePegasus> Fail
[2012-03-05 10:58:30] <BlaBla44> I used to spy on Betelgeuse some years ago. :P Betelgeuse is cute.
[2012-03-05 10:58:57] <matty406> I want to see it asplode
[2012-03-05 10:59:07] <FictilePegasus> Eridanus is cute
[2012-03-05 10:59:24] <FictilePegasus> It's too big to see all of it where I live though
[2012-03-05 10:59:39] <FictilePegasus> But I can see more of it than you two :P
[2012-03-05 10:59:43] <FictilePegasus> yay southness
[2012-03-05 10:59:44] <BlaBla44> Yesmatty, exactly my thought. Oh, and the Orion nebula... That was what I was mostly spying on there.

Part 1 of 7 (00:00-11:00)
« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 10:11:05 PM by Darvince »


  • *****
  • Posts: 1842
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Re: Strange and/or funny quotes thread
« Reply #466 on: March 06, 2012, 09:58:32 PM »
Part 2 of 7 (11:00-16:00)

[2012-03-05 11:00:10] <BlaBla44> You southist!! >:(
[2012-03-05 11:01:00] <FictilePegasus> I bet you've never seen Fomalhaut
[2012-03-05 11:01:04] <FictilePegasus> :P
[2012-03-05 11:01:35] <BlaBla44> ...............................................Nop
[2012-03-05 11:01:53] <BlaBla44> It looks epic on images.
[2012-03-05 11:01:56] <FictilePegasus> I cannot into Sigma octantis
[2012-03-05 11:02:22] <FictilePegasus> Oh that makes sense
[2012-03-05 11:02:28] <FictilePegasus> It's a triangle
[2012-03-05 11:02:41] <FictilePegasus> Which kind of resembles the octant angle
[2012-03-05 11:02:43] <FictilePegasus> Thing
[2012-03-05 11:02:44] <BlaBla44> It should be an octangle.
[2012-03-05 11:03:36] <matty406> I wish for my requests for a new telescope to be fulfilled, as I had one years ago and used it as a pretend gun. I lost most of the parts and when I try using it now it's pretty bad.
[2012-03-05 11:03:58] <FictilePegasus> http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c6/Monoceros_IAU.svg
[2012-03-05 11:04:01] <FictilePegasus> Cute
[2012-03-05 11:04:07] <BlaBla44> Kol. Something about a telescope just makes me think of a huge machine gun. Ikr.
[2012-03-05 11:04:25] <matty406> That exactly. ._.
[2012-03-05 11:05:03] <BlaBla44> So just pretend it's a pretty accurate gun shooting aliens. :)
[2012-03-05 11:05:07] <FictilePegasus> http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/76/Octans_IAU.svg
[2012-03-05 11:05:18] <FictilePegasus> South :(
[2012-03-05 11:05:54] <matty406> But yeah I one one that traaaacks.
[2012-03-05 11:06:01] <matty406> Like that one my cousin has.
[2012-03-05 11:06:05] <BlaBla44> Google Sky. ;)
[2012-03-05 11:06:06] <matty406> that one, HE'S NEVER USED
[2012-03-05 11:06:19] <FictilePegasus> I have tracking :)
[2012-03-05 11:06:24] <FictilePegasus> It is useful
[2012-03-05 11:06:30] <matty406> Indeed
[2012-03-05 11:06:36] <BlaBla44> I'm... Not using my telescope enough... At all. :(
[2012-03-05 11:06:51] <matty406> All the things I could see.
[2012-03-05 11:06:58] <FictilePegasus> You should all into AAVSO
[2012-03-05 11:07:23] <matty406> And there's that field I know about with minimal light pollution.
[2012-03-05 11:07:44] <FictilePegasus> I might go up a few miles north to a dark site this month with my telescope to see galaxies and nebulae
[2012-03-05 11:07:57] <BlaBla44> Mostly because I can't aim properly with the red dot finder... And because, homwrok, comuptor... :/
[2012-03-05 11:07:58] <FictilePegasus> They are legit
[2012-03-05 11:08:19] <FictilePegasus> I gtg
[2012-03-05 11:08:21] <BlaBla44> Cu
[2012-03-05 11:08:23] <matty406> bye
[2012-03-05 11:08:25] <matty406> s
[2012-03-05 11:09:21] <matty406> http://zuek69.deviantart.com/#/d4p1olt
[2012-03-05 11:09:51] <BlaBla44> Oh kolz.
[2012-03-05 11:10:31] <matty406> ikr
[2012-03-05 11:10:43] <matty406> Meanwhile in Russia
[2012-03-05 11:12:57] -->| FictilePegasus_ (cecfaf81@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined ##universesandbox
[2012-03-05 11:13:29] <FictilePegasus_> ok
[2012-03-05 11:13:39] <FictilePegasus_> What'd I miss
[2012-03-05 11:13:47] <FictilePegasus_> http://moe.met.fsu.edu/cyclonephase/gfs/fcst/archive/12030512/27.html
[2012-03-05 11:13:59] <matty406> You missed http://zuek69.deviantart.com/#/d4p1olt
[2012-03-05 11:13:59] <FictilePegasus_> http://moe.met.fsu.edu/cyclonephase/gfs/fcst/archive/12030512/2.html
[2012-03-05 11:14:12] <FictilePegasus_> kol
[2012-03-05 11:14:48] <BlaBla44> That last one looks komplex. :| Nawt legit!
[2012-03-05 11:15:29] -->| FictilePegasus__ (~fictileob@3.sub-174-234-69.myvzw.com) has joined ##universesandbox
[2012-03-05 11:18:31] |<-- FictilePegasus__ has left freenode (Client Quit)
[2012-03-05 11:18:49] |<-- FictilePegasus has left freenode (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[2012-03-05 11:19:15] <FictilePegasus_> ohwhat
[2012-03-05 11:19:24] =-= FictilePegasus_ is now known as FictilePegasus
[2012-03-05 11:19:26] |<-- FictilePegasus has left freenode (Changing host)
[2012-03-05 11:19:27] -->| FictilePegasus (cecfaf81@unaffiliated/atomic7732) has joined ##universesandbox
[2012-03-05 11:19:27] =-= Mode ##universesandbox +v FictilePegasus by ChanServ
[2012-03-05 11:19:27] |<-- FictilePegasus has left freenode (Changing host)
[2012-03-05 11:19:27] -->| FictilePegasus (cecfaf81@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined ##universesandbox
[2012-03-05 11:19:27] =-= Mode ##universesandbox +v FictilePegasus by rowling.freenode.net
[2012-03-05 11:20:44] <FictilePegasus> 120H: 2012/03/10 12 UTC: 31.0 S / 34.4 E, MAX WIND=045 KT, SEVERE TROPICAL STORM
[2012-03-05 11:20:48] <FictilePegasus> 45 kt STS?
[2012-03-05 11:20:50] <BlaBla44> Kol, you konnektivist.
[2012-03-05 11:20:51] <FictilePegasus> wut?
[2012-03-05 11:21:27] <BlaBla44> 45 kt STS? What is kt and what is STS? :P
[2012-03-05 11:21:28] <FictilePegasus> I need to work
[2012-03-05 11:21:34] <FictilePegasus> knot
[2012-03-05 11:21:38] <FictilePegasus> Severe Tropical Storm
[2012-03-05 11:21:44] <BlaBla44> Ahaes.
[2012-03-05 11:22:02] <FictilePegasus> Severe Tropical storm starts at 47 kts I believe
[2012-03-05 11:22:11] <FictilePegasus> so technically it needs to be 50 kts
[2012-03-05 11:22:17] <BlaBla44> Ok.
[2012-03-05 11:22:42] <FictilePegasus> http://gwydir.demon.co.uk/advisories/WTIO30-FMEE_201203050646.htm note this
[2012-03-05 11:22:50] <FictilePegasus> 1.A MODERATE TROPICAL STORM  11  (IRINA)  
[2012-03-05 11:22:56] <FictilePegasus> 5.A MAX AVERAGE WIND SPEED (10 MN): 45 KT
[2012-03-05 11:23:03] <FictilePegasus> 60H: 2012/03/07 18 UTC: 27.4 S / 37.4 E, MAX WIND=045 KT, MODERATE TROPICAL STORM
[2012-03-05 11:23:08] <FictilePegasus> 72H: 2012/03/08 06 UTC: 27.6 S / 36.6 E, MAX WIND=050 KT, SEVERE TROPICAL STORM
[2012-03-05 11:23:17] <FictilePegasus> Reunion error'd
[2012-03-05 11:23:30] <BlaBla44> Too much data... Overflow error...
[2012-03-05 11:24:10] * FictilePegasus pings Bla with a 65560 byte packet of data
[2012-03-05 11:25:09] <BlaBla44> Kol.
[2012-03-05 11:25:36] * BlaBla44 pongs FictilePegasus with a 4294967296 byte packet of data
[2012-03-05 11:25:49] <FictilePegasus> I don't think you can do that
[2012-03-05 11:25:51] <FictilePegasus> :P
[2012-03-05 11:25:58] <BlaBla44> SO WHAT :P
[2012-03-05 11:26:00] <FictilePegasus> 65565 is the limit I believe
[2012-03-05 11:26:03] <BlaBla44> I do it anyway. :P
[2012-03-05 11:26:15] * FictilePegasus explodes Betelguese on Bla
[2012-03-05 11:26:22] <BlaBla44> Ouch
[2012-03-05 11:26:23] <FictilePegasus> god-moding
[2012-03-05 11:26:23] <matty406> Did Google mess with youtube's layout again?
[2012-03-05 11:26:33] <matty406> Destroying Renard's awesome channel.
[2012-03-05 11:26:35] <FictilePegasus> I thought they did a few days ago
[2012-03-05 11:26:50] <BlaBla44> All channels will be converted to the new design in two days. :(
[2012-03-05 11:26:57] <BlaBla44> If they haven't decided to succumb already.
[2012-03-05 11:27:02] <matty406> Oh, wrong channel
[2012-03-05 11:27:07] <BlaBla44> ...I think the new design is... Terrible.
[2012-03-05 11:27:12] <FictilePegasus> I like it
[2012-03-05 11:27:17] <BlaBla44> ...!
[2012-03-05 11:27:29] <FictilePegasus> It has problems, yes
[2012-03-05 11:27:33] <matty406> Yayayay he finally released his new Reload album.
[2012-03-05 11:27:34] <FictilePegasus> if it was executed right it would have been good
[2012-03-05 11:27:44] <FictilePegasus> for example
[2012-03-05 11:27:48] <BlaBla44> If it were executed left it would have been better.
[2012-03-05 11:28:00] <FictilePegasus> you can make channel comments
[2012-03-05 11:28:01] <FictilePegasus> but there's no way to view them
[2012-03-05 11:28:08] <BlaBla44> Uhh....
[2012-03-05 11:28:11] <matty406> Oh yeah
[2012-03-05 11:28:19] <matty406> I'd like to see a list of my comments.
[2012-03-05 11:28:41] <BlaBla44> You can already comment on channels?'
[2012-03-05 11:28:51] <FictilePegasus> you've been able to forever bla...
[2012-03-05 11:29:00] <BlaBla44> I know.
[2012-03-05 11:29:12] <FictilePegasus> then... ?
[2012-03-05 11:29:14] <BlaBla44> I think the layout is sort of ugly too, at least it needs a lot more customization options. :P
[2012-03-05 11:29:32] <FictilePegasus> I agree there
[2012-03-05 11:29:40] <FictilePegasus> you can't change it from gray
[2012-03-05 11:29:54] <FictilePegasus> and all the modules are stuck where they are
[2012-03-05 11:30:40] <FictilePegasus> http://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/tcdat/tc12/SHEM/14S.IRINA/ir/geo/1km_bw/20120305.1800.meteo7.x.ir1km_bw.14SIRINA.50kts-985mb-306S-355E.100pc.jpg
[2012-03-05 11:30:53] <FictilePegasus> over all I like it though
[2012-03-05 11:30:56] <FictilePegasus> it was just... done wrong
[2012-03-05 11:31:05] <matty406> Google's innovation is genius.
[2012-03-05 11:31:14] <matty406> ./sarcasm
[2012-03-05 11:31:20] <BlaBla44> I was about the ask that. :P
[2012-03-05 11:31:42] <FictilePegasus> http://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/tcdat/tc12/SHEM/94P.INVEST/ir/geo/1km_bw/20120305.1732.mtsat2.x.ir1km_bw.94PINVEST.25kts-1004mb-258S-1549E.100pc.jpg
[2012-03-05 11:31:47] <BlaBla44> I guess my channel will turn red then... :/
[2012-03-05 11:33:42] <matty406> I like the idea of digitising literature, but I like to keep libraries. This issue is difficult.
[2012-03-05 11:34:13] <FictilePegasus> DIGITIZE!
[2012-03-05 11:34:23] <FictilePegasus> and then FREE INTERNETZ
[2012-03-05 11:34:25] <FictilePegasus> simple
[2012-03-05 11:34:39] <BlaBla44> Agree with Atomic, put everyfing on ze internetz. :P
[2012-03-05 11:34:57] <matty406> But the feel of a reel book is nice
[2012-03-05 11:34:59] <FictilePegasus> ERRYFING MUST INTERNET FRII
[2012-03-05 11:35:01] <BlaBla44> I went to the library today to get a book. One of my teacher is a bookist. >_<
[2012-03-05 11:35:01] <matty406> real*
[2012-03-05 11:35:04] <FictilePegasus> ./mudkipz
[2012-03-05 11:35:29] <matty406> I really like the ound a thick hardback makes when you close it with force.
[2012-03-05 11:35:34] <matty406> sound*
[2012-03-05 11:35:34] <FictilePegasus> oh crap
[2012-03-05 11:35:37] <BlaBla44> Kol.
[2012-03-05 11:35:37] <FictilePegasus> I just figured out
[2012-03-05 11:35:42] <FictilePegasus> my teacher can see everything
[2012-03-05 11:35:53] <FictilePegasus> He has a "scanner"
[2012-03-05 11:36:04] <FictilePegasus> it lists every computer IP address and stuff
[2012-03-05 11:36:05] <BlaBla44> Dun dun dun. :P
[2012-03-05 11:36:09] <FictilePegasus> he likely can view screen
[2012-03-05 11:36:13] <FictilePegasus> yeah
[2012-03-05 11:36:17] <FictilePegasus> there's an observe button
[2012-03-05 11:36:18] <matty406> Our school had that.
[2012-03-05 11:36:26] <BlaBla44> Totalitarism.png
[2012-03-05 11:36:34] <BlaBla44> *Totalitarianism.png
[2012-03-05 11:36:44] <matty406> Our school's computer network was cracked down on more than Korea's.
[2012-03-05 11:36:54] <matty406> NO FUN ALLOWED
[2012-03-05 11:37:01] <BlaBla44> *Totalitatolatotalitotlatolatotalitarianianitolatarianism.png
[2012-03-05 11:37:25] <BlaBla44> MY TONGUE... THE KNOTS
[2012-03-05 11:38:03] <BlaBla44> :B
[2012-03-05 11:38:04] <BlaBla44> or :
[2012-03-05 11:38:05] <matty406> And the technitians were up their own arses as well.
[2012-03-05 11:38:47] <BlaBla44> Doesn't sound nice. :/ On my school it's forbidden to play online games and stuff, but most people do it anyway, and it doesn't seem like anything happens. I've never tried doing it though. :P
[2012-03-05 11:39:02] <matty406> Seriously they did NOTHING other than blosk stuff, listen to metal full blast and went on whatever they want.
[2012-03-05 11:39:06] <matty406> block*
[2012-03-05 11:39:13] <matty406> And they wonder why we couldn't do work.
[2012-03-05 11:39:21] <BlaBla44> Kol.
[2012-03-05 11:39:58] <matty406> When sites started getting blocked, people would start going on Polish game sites. :P
[2012-03-05 11:40:31] <matty406> You could tell the spectrum of what we could do was getting smaller and smaller.
[2012-03-05 11:40:41] <BlaBla44> Kol.
[2012-03-05 11:40:43] |<-- FictilePegasus has left freenode (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[2012-03-05 11:42:23] <matty406> Also, one of the ICT teachers could lock an individual's computer, a massive padlock took up the whole screen. And because all the computers were on the rim of the room, everyone could see who it was. :P
[2012-03-05 11:42:50] <matty406> And you take the loooong shameful walk of shame up to the desk.
[2012-03-05 11:44:28] <BlaBla44> Hm. :/
[2012-03-05 12:13:38] [INFO] Disconnecting from IRC.  Click close again to exit now.
[2012-03-05 12:13:38] [QUIT] Disconnected from irc://freenode/ (irc://irc.freenode.net/). [[Reconnect][Reconnect to freenode][reconnect]]

Part 2 of 7 (11:00-16:00)
« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 10:10:43 PM by Darvince »


  • *****
  • Posts: 1842
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Re: Strange and/or funny quotes thread
« Reply #467 on: March 06, 2012, 09:59:40 PM »
Part 3 of 7 (16:00-17:30)

[2012-03-05 16:08:35] -->| YOU (Darvince) have joined ##universesandbox
[2012-03-05 16:08:36] =-= Topic for ##universesandbox is ``Everypony, welcome to ##universesandbox: 170% content. | TC Tracking - Moderate Tropical Storm Irina (40 kts, 990 hPa), watch the SATL | MLP Tracking - 4.2.20: 7 days | Reminder: Put designations in video title | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqSvCC8xs0NzdGU4bnZPR25abk1JclcyLUVON2FyWmc#gid=0''
[2012-03-05 16:08:36] =-= Topic for ##universesandbox was set by a7732|afk!~chatzilla@unaffiliated/atomic7732 on Monday, March 05, 2012 06:31:40
[2012-03-05 16:08:36] === [freenode-info] channel trolls and no channel staff around to help? please check with freenode support: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gettinghelp
[2012-03-05 16:08:36] =-= Mode ##universesandbox +v Darvince by ChanServ
[2012-03-05 16:08:43] <atomic7732> plush microbes
[2012-03-05 16:08:44] <atomic7732> !
[2012-03-05 16:08:51] <matty406> Spkng wth n vwls snds lk rst ccnt.
[2012-03-05 16:08:52] <Darvince> hi kipzian nue
[2012-03-05 16:09:13] <Darvince> http://www.interguild.org/members/forums/jump.php?to=1330930543 LOL
[2012-03-05 16:09:21] <atomic7732> Speaking with no vowels sounds like ? accent(s)
[2012-03-05 16:09:22] <Darvince> "You notice that Silver, Darvince and Cedric are all gathered around a box labeled "Chat". Many other people occasionally walk up to it for a few minutes, but they seem to be there the most.  You swear that at one point you saw Haily somewhere in the room, but before you knew it, he was gone. You also notice on multiple occasions Darvince isn't actually there, and that there is instead a...
[2012-03-05 16:09:22] <Darvince> ...cardboard cutout in his place."
[2012-03-05 16:09:40] <atomic7732> kolwin
[2012-03-05 16:10:12] <atomic7732> idk where I got the s from
[2012-03-05 16:11:07] <atomic7732> "Actually, it IS rocket science"
[2012-03-05 16:11:09] <atomic7732> kol
[2012-03-05 16:12:18] <atomic7732> Rear view spy sunglasses
[2012-03-05 16:12:21] <atomic7732> that's awesome
[2012-03-05 16:12:44] <Darvince> ttt i will track your address and give you a moog?
[2012-03-05 16:17:18] <Darvince> kol naru
[2012-03-05 16:17:24] <Darvince> he's ashamed of his past
[2012-03-05 16:17:26] <Darvince> but so am i
[2012-03-05 16:17:29] <atomic7732> Soylent green crackers...
[2012-03-05 16:17:31] <atomic7732> uhhhh
[2012-03-05 16:17:38] <Darvince> dafuq
[2012-03-05 16:17:42] <atomic7732> kol candy unicorn horn
[2012-03-05 16:17:56] <Darvince> kol
[2012-03-05 16:17:58] <atomic7732> caffeinatted popcorn
[2012-03-05 16:18:32] <Darvince> wtf my schedule this week for school is very oddish
[2012-03-05 16:18:54] <atomic7732> minecraft university wtf
[2012-03-05 16:19:02] <Darvince> kol
[2012-03-05 16:19:09] <Darvince> wait you're serious?
[2012-03-05 16:19:25] <atomic7732> it's a hoodie
[2012-03-05 16:19:34] <atomic7732> GIANT FOAM POLYHEDRAL DICE
[2012-03-05 16:19:58] <atomic7732> kol "For young and/or violent D&D players"
[2012-03-05 16:20:09] <Darvince> kol
[2012-03-05 16:20:36] <Darvince> inb4 map war 3
[2012-03-05 16:20:44] <atomic7732> LAME
[2012-03-05 16:21:01] <atomic7732> There's tons of internet culture-ish stuff in here
[2012-03-05 16:21:04] <atomic7732> I DEMAND MLP
[2012-03-05 16:21:11] <Darvince> kol
[2012-03-05 16:21:16] <atomic7732> Seriously
[2012-03-05 16:21:18] <Darvince> why
[2012-03-05 16:21:19] <Darvince> is
[2012-03-05 16:21:28] <Darvince> why do things become really poopular
[2012-03-05 16:21:33] <Darvince> I DUN'T GEET EET
[2012-03-05 16:21:34] <atomic7732> Minecraft, Doctor Who, Star Wars, Star Trek, Portal 2, Harry Potter
[2012-03-05 16:21:57] <Darvince> wtf harry potter
[2012-03-05 16:22:01] <atomic7732> exactly
[2012-03-05 16:22:43] <Darvince> lulz there's code that logs off me, cedric, and thomas at midnight each days
[2012-03-05 16:22:46] <Darvince> at interguild
[2012-03-05 16:23:04] <atomic7732> book of secrets "Secrets from around the world - crammed into a tiny book"
[2012-03-05 16:23:06] <atomic7732> that's helpful
[2012-03-05 16:23:36] <atomic7732> BAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[2012-03-05 16:23:40] <Darvince> fff my date for posting in lpeg has been pushed to march 16th
[2012-03-05 16:23:43] <atomic7732> Space Monolith action figure
[2012-03-05 16:23:46] <atomic7732> XD
[2012-03-05 16:24:31] <atomic7732> retro pocket synth
[2012-03-05 16:24:51] <atomic7732> wtf angry birds
[2012-03-05 16:25:44] <atomic7732> wifi detector shirt
[2012-03-05 16:25:50] =-= Naruschl is now known as Naru523
[2012-03-05 16:26:18] <Darvince> ttt i will track your address and give you a moog?
[2012-03-05 16:26:20] <atomic7732> smart string tape measure
[2012-03-05 16:26:21] <atomic7732> that is awesome
[2012-03-05 16:26:47] <Darvince> how to get god: multiply isaac newton by i
[2012-03-05 16:26:49] =-= atomic7732 is now known as a7732|afk
[2012-03-05 16:26:54] <Naru523> www i will track your mom and give you a baby sibling?
[2012-03-05 16:26:59] <Darvince> wut
[2012-03-05 16:27:16] <a7732|afk> I will resume looking at this epic stuff (that needs more MLP stuff) after food
[2012-03-05 16:28:37] <Darvince> tttt fathers
[2012-03-05 16:28:41] =-= YOU are now known as Darv|hw
[2012-03-05 16:30:01] <matty406> lolatomic, where are you getting these?
[2012-03-05 16:32:27] <Naru523> mfw they remix a hmong song into a techno one
[2012-03-05 16:37:59] =-= a7732|afk is now known as atomic7732
[2012-03-05 16:38:16] <atomic7732> matty406: http://thinkgeek.com/
[2012-03-05 16:38:33] <atomic7732> They send me a magazine like once every 3 months because I've bought from them before
[2012-03-05 16:38:56] <atomic7732> magazine... idk if you call it that
[2012-03-05 16:39:01] <atomic7732> it's a thing with a ton of their stuff
[2012-03-05 16:39:28] <Yqt1001> should I have the HRE in my game? :/
[2012-03-05 16:39:34] <Yqt1001> or just a culture group
[2012-03-05 16:39:39] <Yqt1001> that can form teh HRE
[2012-03-05 16:39:42] <Yqt1001> the*
[2012-03-05 16:39:49] <atomic7732> No
[2012-03-05 16:39:50] <atomic7732> no
[2012-03-05 16:39:52] <atomic7732> no
[2012-03-05 16:39:54] <atomic7732> no
[2012-03-05 16:39:56] <atomic7732> >:(
[2012-03-05 16:39:56] <Yqt1001> no HRE it is :P
[2012-03-05 16:40:01] <atomic7732> ok :D
[2012-03-05 16:40:23] <Yqt1001> large infamy for conquering a non-accepted culture group though :P
[2012-03-05 16:41:16] <atomic7732> mini donut factory
[2012-03-05 16:41:18] <atomic7732> kol I need that
[2012-03-05 16:41:41] <atomic7732> wtf
[2012-03-05 16:41:44] <atomic7732> unicorn chopsticks
[2012-03-05 16:41:49] <atomic7732> that looks stupid
[2012-03-05 16:42:07] <atomic7732> nintendo wall graphics
[2012-03-05 16:42:08] <atomic7732> lolwut
[2012-03-05 16:43:02] <atomic7732> that's cool, ice speed chess
[2012-03-05 16:43:11] <atomic7732> except I despise chess
[2012-03-05 16:43:46] <atomic7732> wtf
[2012-03-05 16:43:56] <atomic7732> "I once wrote haiku,
[2012-03-05 16:44:01] <atomic7732> until the day I took an
[2012-03-05 16:44:04] <atomic7732> arrow to the knee"
[2012-03-05 16:44:29] <atomic7732> Strain
[2012-03-05 16:44:33] <atomic7732> that game looks awesome
[2012-03-05 16:45:57] <atomic7732> MLP might be a bit out of place, but come on, they have unicorn stuff
[2012-03-05 16:46:12] <atomic7732> and harry potter which doesn't exactly make sense imo
[2012-03-05 16:47:12] <atomic7732> BAHAHAHAHA
[2012-03-05 16:47:22] <atomic7732> Element of Surprise shirt
[2012-03-05 16:47:23] <atomic7732> XD
[2012-03-05 16:47:40] <atomic7732> i void warranties, lol
[2012-03-05 16:48:34] <atomic7732> interesting photosynthesis UV-activated shirt
[2012-03-05 16:50:04] <atomic7732> Non-flammable? Challenge accepted.
[2012-03-05 16:50:06] <atomic7732> kol
[2012-03-05 16:50:59] <atomic7732> You read my t-shirt, that's enough social interaction for one day
[2012-03-05 16:51:28] <Darv|hw> kol
[2012-03-05 16:51:49] <atomic7732> carnivorous plant set
[2012-03-05 16:51:59] <Naru523> ragequit
[2012-03-05 16:52:06] <Darv|hw> OSHIT FATHERS
[2012-03-05 16:52:06] <Darv|hw> !
[2012-03-05 16:52:11] * Naru523 throws laptop at fireplace
[2012-03-05 16:52:13] <atomic7732> grow your own sweet leaf (apparently Stevia which is 300x sweeter than sugar)
[2012-03-05 16:52:41] <atomic7732> interesting
[2012-03-05 16:52:41] <Naru523> "Aaron: 7600performance All day Every day."
[2012-03-05 16:52:45] <Naru523> >All day every day
[2012-03-05 16:52:51] <Naru523> MY FRIEND IS A KIPZIAN
[2012-03-05 16:52:52] <Naru523> AAAAAAAA
[2012-03-05 16:53:00] <atomic7732> as stated before: needs more MLP
[2012-03-05 16:57:09] <atomic7732> Jeopardy question was what civilization spread hellenistic blah blah blah in 300 BC
[2012-03-05 16:57:41] <Naru523> make donuts
[2012-03-05 16:57:43] <Naru523> ia
[2012-03-05 16:58:41] <atomic7732> http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/178/071/tumblr_ls1niquPqz1qgd5kwo1_500.png
[2012-03-05 16:59:00] <atomic7732> why isn't that scootaloo
[2012-03-05 16:59:21] <atomic7732> http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/165/817/roflbot-FZ6K.jpg lololol
[2012-03-05 17:00:15] <atomic7732> http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/129/582/Pinkie%20i%20became%20everything.jpg wut
[2012-03-05 17:00:30] <atomic7732> http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/126/915/10pv85h.jpg kolwut
[2012-03-05 17:07:46] <atomic7732> http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/03/story-great-and-powerful-trixie-falls.html XD
[2012-03-05 17:07:57] <atomic7732> Description: It had to happen eventually.
[2012-03-05 17:11:45] <atomic7732> http://sintakhra.deviantart.com/art/Twilight-Vs-Technology-287881137
[2012-03-05 17:14:44] <Darv|hw> kol
[2012-03-05 17:15:34] <Darv|hw> ok, 1/6 of the way there
[2012-03-05 17:17:39] <atomic7732> ?
[2012-03-05 17:17:57] <Darv|hw> i have to do 5 of my 7 missing math today
[2012-03-05 17:18:00] <Darv|hw> because otherwise fathers
[2012-03-05 17:18:11] <Darv|hw> atleast five of seven
[2012-03-05 17:18:15] <Darv|hw> and i have until friday
[2012-03-05 17:18:16] <Darv|hw> >.>
[2012-03-05 17:20:01] <atomic7732> OH NO!
[2012-03-05 17:20:08] <atomic7732> Why did math go missing?
[2012-03-05 17:20:11] <atomic7732> Should I help find it?
[2012-03-05 17:20:23] <Darv|hw> wtf
[2012-03-05 17:20:29] <atomic7732> :P
[2012-03-05 17:20:29] <Darv|hw> no it's because of sickness or prents
[2012-03-05 17:20:50] <atomic7732> fluttershy's cutie mark
[2012-03-05 17:20:55] <atomic7732> do nawt like
[2012-03-05 17:21:02] <Darv|hw> also someone thought you needed faith to know that 7*8 is 56
[2012-03-05 17:21:04] <Naru523> 7 hours ago: Following new legislation in New Dirtville, students abandon classrooms for online education.
[2012-03-05 17:21:04] <Darv|hw> at school
[2012-03-05 17:21:06] <Naru523> kol
[2012-03-05 17:21:10] <atomic7732> wtf
[2012-03-05 17:21:15] <atomic7732> wtf seriously
[2012-03-05 17:21:18] <atomic7732> and awesome naru
[2012-03-05 17:21:20] <atomic7732> and wtf
[2012-03-05 17:21:55] <Naru523> Scientists have announced they are close to a breakthrough in their quest to revive the feather-bellied pony, a species related to New Dirtville's national animal that has been extinct for more than a century.
[2012-03-05 17:21:56] <atomic7732> you should into anti-religion at school
[2012-03-05 17:21:59] <Naru523> wat
[2012-03-05 17:22:02] <atomic7732> that'd be kind of fun, I think
[2012-03-05 17:22:07] <Darv|hw> kol
[2012-03-05 17:22:57] <Darv|hw> they thought you needed faith to know that 7*8 is 56 because they thought it was 57
[2012-03-05 17:23:06] <atomic7732> wtf?
[2012-03-05 17:23:11] <atomic7732> Bla's phemy!
[2012-03-05 17:23:39] <atomic7732> 57 is PRIME!
[2012-03-05 17:23:46] <Darv|hw> http://xkcd.com/786/ kol
[2012-03-05 17:23:46] <atomic7732> KILL THEM WITH FIRE!
[2012-03-05 17:23:58] <atomic7732> wait...
[2012-03-05 17:24:09] <atomic7732> 1*2 = 2 + 1 = 3
[2012-03-05 17:24:15] <atomic7732> 2*3 = 6 + 1 = 7
[2012-03-05 17:24:23] <atomic7732> 3*4 = 12 + 1 = 13
[2012-03-05 17:24:24] <Darv|hw> BLA'
[2012-03-05 17:24:28] <Darv|hw> BLA'S PHEMY
[2012-03-05 17:24:36] <atomic7732> 4*5 = 20 + 1 = 21 awww
[2012-03-05 17:24:37] <Darv|hw> oic what you did there
[2012-03-05 17:25:02] <atomic7732> 5*6 = 30 + 1 = 31
[2012-03-05 17:25:14] <atomic7732> 6*7 = 42 + 1 = 43
[2012-03-05 17:25:15] <Darv|hw> 6*7 = 42 + 1 = 43
[2012-03-05 17:25:22] <Darv|hw> 7*8 = 56 + 1 = 57
[2012-03-05 17:25:23] <atomic7732> 7*8 = 56 + 1 = 57
[2012-03-05 17:25:31] <Darv|hw> 8*9 = 72 + 1 = 73
[2012-03-05 17:25:32] <atomic7732> 8*9 = 72 + 1 = 73
[2012-03-05 17:25:38] <atomic7732> 9*10 = 90 + 1 =91
[2012-03-05 17:25:39] <Darv|hw> 9*10 = 90 + 1 = 91
[2012-03-05 17:25:56] <atomic7732> My bet is that most of these will be prime
[2012-03-05 17:26:01] * atomic7732 spreadsheets
[2012-03-05 17:26:02] <Darv|hw> kol
[2012-03-05 17:26:10] <atomic7732> I AM GOING TO FIND PATTERNS
[2012-03-05 17:26:14] <Naru523> 57 isn't prime
[2012-03-05 17:26:24] <atomic7732> yeah it is... ?
[2012-03-05 17:26:29] <Naru523> no
[2012-03-05 17:26:29] <Darv|hw> http://xkcd.com/100/ wot
[2012-03-05 17:26:35] <Darv|hw> 3*19
[2012-03-05 17:26:35] <Naru523> 3 x 19
[2012-03-05 17:26:40] <Darv|hw> eww x
[2012-03-05 17:26:42] <atomic7732> Google...
[2012-03-05 17:26:45] <atomic7732> You have failed me.
[2012-03-05 17:26:57] <atomic7732> >:(
[2012-03-05 17:27:18] <Darv|hw> kol
[2012-03-05 17:27:30] <Darv|hw> also 111 isn't prime
[2012-03-05 17:27:33] <Darv|hw> it's 3*37
[2012-03-05 17:27:41] <Darv|hw> they're only not prime because of n+3
[2012-03-05 17:27:43] <Naru523> brb
[2012-03-05 17:27:47] <Darv|hw> * n*3
[2012-03-05 17:29:56] <Darv|hw> i will track all your address
[2012-03-05 17:29:58] <Darv|hw> kol

Part 3 of 7 (16:00-17:30)
« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 10:10:21 PM by Darvince »


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Re: Strange and/or funny quotes thread
« Reply #468 on: March 06, 2012, 10:03:01 PM »
Part 4 of 7 (17:30-19:00)

[2012-03-05 17:30:22] <Darv|hw> http://xkcd.com/667/ KOL
[2012-03-05 17:30:44] <Naru523> "so are you bored when you see plain deserts or hills. maybe even vast empty snows and forests? well this is the mod for you! it allows you to change shit" woo
[2012-03-05 17:30:48] <Darv|hw> wut
[2012-03-05 17:31:22] <Naru523> Minecraft: World Generation Editor! (WorldGen Wedge Mod)
[2012-03-05 17:32:02] <Naru523> inb4 mudkipz messes with it
[2012-03-05 17:32:24] <Darv|hw> http://xkcd.com/805/ tf
[2012-03-05 17:33:36] <Darv|hw> teeel him
[2012-03-05 17:33:49] <Darv|hw> KOL minecraft 1.2.3
[2012-03-05 17:34:39] <Naru523> ikr
[2012-03-05 17:34:41] <Naru523> XD
[2012-03-05 17:34:55] <Naru523> gonna mess with it in a bit
[2012-03-05 17:35:19] <atomic7732> FFFFFF
[2012-03-05 17:35:23] <atomic7732> I thought I had a pattern
[2012-03-05 17:35:32] <atomic7732> YYYNYYNYNN...
[2012-03-05 17:35:37] <atomic7732> and then the next one was no.
[2012-03-05 17:36:10] <atomic7732> wtf is 133 divisible by
[2012-03-05 17:37:29] <Darv|hw> idk
[2012-03-05 17:37:39] <Yqt1001> 1 and 133
[2012-03-05 17:38:48] <atomic7732> ... duh Yqt
[2012-03-05 17:38:54] <atomic7732> but it's composite
[2012-03-05 17:39:07] <atomic7732> 3 + 3 + 1 = 7 so it's not divisible by 2
[2012-03-05 17:39:09] <atomic7732> *3
[2012-03-05 17:39:09] <Naru523> it's divisible by 7
[2012-03-05 17:39:24] <atomic7732> oh
[2012-03-05 17:39:36] <Naru523> 7*19
[2012-03-05 17:39:48] <Darv|hw> oh kol
[2012-03-05 17:40:32] <Naru523> http://i.imgur.com/AHDDS.jpg dat terrain
[2012-03-05 17:40:41] <Naru523> http://i.imgur.com/FoeMV.jpg ^
[2012-03-05 17:40:50] <Naru523> http://i.imgur.com/1146p.jpg  ^
[2012-03-05 17:41:18] <Darv|hw> kol
[2012-03-05 17:42:33] <Darv|hw> gtg now
[2012-03-05 17:42:39] <Naru523> good bye friend
[2012-03-05 17:42:39] <Darv|hw> inb4 fathers shut off my comp
[2012-03-05 17:42:41] <Naru523> good bye song
[2012-03-05 17:42:44] <Darv|hw> kol
[2012-03-05 17:42:46] <Naru523> intiated
[2012-03-05 17:48:24] <atomic7732> ok so the primes are like this
[2012-03-05 17:48:32] <atomic7732> 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1
[2012-03-05 17:48:40] <atomic7732> fail
[2012-03-05 17:49:01] <atomic7732> 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1
[2012-03-05 17:49:17] <atomic7732> composites
[2012-03-05 17:50:05] <atomic7732> 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 4
[2012-03-05 17:50:25] <atomic7732> yeah, the hope for any patter is lost
[2012-03-05 17:50:30] <atomic7732> *pattern
[2012-03-05 17:59:09] <atomic7732> maybe there is kind of a pattern here...
[2012-03-05 18:00:10] <atomic7732> I have correctly predicted several prime and composites
[2012-03-05 18:01:46] <atomic7732> Hello thar Fibonacci
[2012-03-05 18:01:52] <atomic7732> I did not expect you there
[2012-03-05 18:05:10] |<-- matty406 has left freenode ()
[2012-03-05 18:06:52] <atomic7732> woah
[2012-03-05 18:06:55] <atomic7732> this is legit
[2012-03-05 18:09:28] -->| skirtisan (45741525@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined ##universesandbox
[2012-03-05 18:09:28] =-= Mode ##universesandbox +v skirtisan by ChanServ
[2012-03-05 18:09:29] <skirtisan> ohi
[2012-03-05 18:09:43] <skirtisan> naru523 atomic7732 darv|hw piiiiinnng
[2012-03-05 18:10:01] <skirtisan> naruwarliteplz
[2012-03-05 18:10:11] <atomic7732> hi
[2012-03-05 18:10:17] <atomic7732> I think I found a pattern
[2012-03-05 18:10:18] <skirtisan> hithar
[2012-03-05 18:10:22] <skirtisan> a pattern
[2012-03-05 18:10:23] <skirtisan> very good
[2012-03-05 18:10:25] <skirtisan> *claps*
[2012-03-05 18:10:27] <atomic7732> for primes and composites
[2012-03-05 18:10:35] <atomic7732> in the form of
[2012-03-05 18:10:45] <atomic7732> n*(n+1)+1
[2012-03-05 18:10:48] <skirtisan> wut
[2012-03-05 18:10:54] <atomic7732> yes
[2012-03-05 18:11:06] <skirtisan> so when any number is plugged into n
[2012-03-05 18:11:08] <skirtisan> you get a prime?
[2012-03-05 18:11:13] <atomic7732> I analyzed the first 100 numbers of that sequence
[2012-03-05 18:11:27] <skirtisan> so when any number is plugged into n
[2012-03-05 18:11:28] <skirtisan> you get a prime?
[2012-03-05 18:11:36] <skirtisan> IS
[2012-03-05 18:11:37] <skirtisan> DAT
[2012-03-05 18:11:37] <atomic7732> no, a pattern of primes and composites
[2012-03-05 18:11:38] <skirtisan> RITE?
[2012-03-05 18:11:40] <skirtisan> oh
[2012-03-05 18:11:42] <skirtisan> what do you mean
[2012-03-05 18:11:47] <skirtisan> consecutive?
[2012-03-05 18:12:20] <Yqt1001> atomic
[2012-03-05 18:12:31] <Yqt1001> whats the name of yoru SKA country again? I forget the part that starts with the a :P
[2012-03-05 18:12:38] <skirtisan> auspikitan
[2012-03-05 18:12:43] <Yqt1001> thanks
[2012-03-05 18:12:55] <skirtisan> who are you, smjjames?
[2012-03-05 18:13:09] <Naru523> skirtisan 1 vs 1 warlite
[2012-03-05 18:13:10] <Naru523> ?
[2012-03-05 18:13:23] <Naru523> no he's a person from bacon republic of canada
[2012-03-05 18:13:25] <skirtisan> can't, i'm really busy, maybe on weekends
[2012-03-05 18:13:38] <skirtisan> atomic
[2012-03-05 18:13:40] <skirtisan> teel me pattern!
[2012-03-05 18:13:44] <Naru523> ok
[2012-03-05 18:13:46] <atomic7732> Not sure
[2012-03-05 18:13:50] <skirtisan> what
[2012-03-05 18:13:53] <skirtisan> what you mean....
[2012-03-05 18:14:07] <Naru523> oh rite Minecraft: World Generation Editor! (WorldGen Wedge Mod) this is for skirtisan
[2012-03-05 18:14:08] <atomic7732> 1
[2012-03-05 18:14:10] <atomic7732> 1
[2012-03-05 18:14:12] <atomic7732> 3
[2012-03-05 18:14:14] <atomic7732> 1
[2012-03-05 18:14:16] <atomic7732> 1
[2012-03-05 18:14:16] |<-- Yqt1001 has left freenode (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 10.0.2/20120215223356])
[2012-03-05 18:14:17] <atomic7732> 2
[2012-03-05 18:14:19] <atomic7732> 2
[2012-03-05 18:14:20] <atomic7732> 2
[2012-03-05 18:14:22] <atomic7732> 5
[2012-03-05 18:14:24] <atomic7732> 4
[2012-03-05 18:14:26] <atomic7732> 2
[2012-03-05 18:14:27] <atomic7732> 8
[2012-03-05 18:14:29] <atomic7732> 3
[2012-03-05 18:14:29] =-= Naru523 is now known as Naru523|afk
[2012-03-05 18:14:30] <atomic7732> 2
[2012-03-05 18:14:33] <atomic7732> 1
[2012-03-05 18:14:34] <atomic7732> 2
[2012-03-05 18:14:35] <atomic7732> 3
[2012-03-05 18:14:37] <atomic7732> 2
[2012-03-05 18:14:38] <atomic7732> 1
[2012-03-05 18:14:40] <atomic7732> 3
[2012-03-05 18:14:41] <atomic7732> 1
[2012-03-05 18:14:43] <atomic7732> 1
[2012-03-05 18:14:45] <atomic7732> 8
[2012-03-05 18:14:47] <atomic7732> 8
[2012-03-05 18:14:49] <atomic7732> oops
[2012-03-05 18:14:51] <atomic7732> that's the gaps in prime numbers
[2012-03-05 18:15:03] <atomic7732> and excel doesn't want to let me multiply 100*101
[2012-03-05 18:15:06] <skirtisan> looks pretty random kol,
[2012-03-05 18:15:09] <atomic7732> so I can't go further
[2012-03-05 18:15:25] <atomic7732> 8, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1, 8, 8 looks random to you?
[2012-03-05 18:15:29] <skirtisan> !
[2012-03-05 18:15:30] <skirtisan> wait what
[2012-03-05 18:15:36] <skirtisan> i did...see dat
[2012-03-05 18:15:41] <atomic7732> exactly
[2012-03-05 18:15:46] <atomic7732> if only I could go further
[2012-03-05 18:15:47] <skirtisan> no wait what
[2012-03-05 18:16:11] <skirtisan> one side is 832123 the other is 811312
[2012-03-05 18:16:12] <skirtisan> idk
[2012-03-05 18:16:39] <atomic7732> I get the feeling there's a pattern there, I just need larger numbers
[2012-03-05 18:16:57] <Darv|hw> ohi skirtisan
[2012-03-05 18:17:00] =-= YOU are now known as Darvince
[2012-03-05 18:17:05] <atomic7732> and even then I feel that the pattern is basically being truncated, which is why the 3, 2, 1, 2, 3 turns into a 3, 1, 1
[2012-03-05 18:17:11] <atomic7732> and then a double 8
[2012-03-05 18:17:21] <atomic7732> and if you "zoom in" with larger numbers
[2012-03-05 18:17:33] <atomic7732> you're going to get more truncation but a finer more detailed pattern
[2012-03-05 18:17:54] <atomic7732> which also explains the seemingly randomness at the start
[2012-03-05 18:19:00] <atomic7732> I MUST GO FURTHER
[2012-03-05 18:19:02] <atomic7732> STUPID EXCEL
[2012-03-05 18:19:05] <Darvince> kol
[2012-03-05 18:19:06] <atomic7732> y u no 100*101
[2012-03-05 18:19:08] -->| Matty406 (~Matty406@host-92-24-145-35.ppp.as43234.net) has joined ##universesandbox
[2012-03-05 18:19:12] <Darvince> HiPhone matty
[2012-03-05 18:19:17] <atomic7732> I mean seriously 10100 isn't that hard
[2012-03-05 18:19:39] <atomic7732> oh cell width
[2012-03-05 18:19:41] <atomic7732> fail
[2012-03-05 18:19:41] <Matty406> Elko
[2012-03-05 18:19:48] <Matty406> Ello*
[2012-03-05 18:19:51] <Darvince> wtf nue
[2012-03-05 18:20:02] <skirtisan> darvince
[2012-03-05 18:20:03] <Darvince> stop trying to make it sound better by having it be with you
[2012-03-05 18:20:03] <skirtisan> !
[2012-03-05 18:20:04] <Darvince> kolwut
[2012-03-05 18:20:06] <atomic7732> THE SEARCH RESUMES!
[2012-03-05 18:20:07] <skirtisan> ctam is failing
[2012-03-05 18:20:17] <atomic7732> what are you talking about darv
[2012-03-05 18:20:19] <Darvince> fibonacci is a ceiling
[2012-03-05 18:20:20] <Darvince> !
[2012-03-05 18:20:27] <skirtisan> POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[2012-03-05 18:20:30] <Darvince> the using me as a guard at a zombie attak
[2012-03-05 18:20:46] <skirtisan> quick! shoot his kneecap with an explosive arrow!
[2012-03-05 18:20:49] <Naru523|afk> zombies like darvince, didn't you know tht
[2012-03-05 18:20:51] <Naru523|afk> that
[2012-03-05 18:21:05] <Darvince> Shortened version of skirtisan: SKTSN
[2012-03-05 18:21:09] <atomic7732> my pattern thinks 4 is a fibonnaci
[2012-03-05 18:21:15] <atomic7732> :|
[2012-03-05 18:21:23] <Darvince> Shortened version of atomic7732: ATMC7
[2012-03-05 18:21:23] <atomic7732> but I have yet to see a 6 or 7
[2012-03-05 18:21:28] <atomic7732> so that's this "truncation"
[2012-03-05 18:21:34] <Darvince> Shortened version of Naru523: NRU52
[2012-03-05 18:21:37] <Naru523|afk> Socialist Kingdom of Tibet-Song-Namibia
[2012-03-05 18:21:39] <skirtisan> drag it to 10,000 or so
[2012-03-05 18:21:41] <atomic7732> I'm expecting a 13 soon
[2012-03-05 18:21:44] <Darvince> Shortened version of matty406: MATTY
[2012-03-05 18:21:44] <skirtisan> and then ctrl-f for all the digits
[2012-03-05 18:21:47] <skirtisan> kol
[2012-03-05 18:21:57] <Darvince> Shortened version of Darvince: DRVNC
[2012-03-05 18:22:18] <Darvince> sum1 into ctam stats
[2012-03-05 18:22:20] <skirtisan> shrtnd vrsn: nar, dar, matty, bla, nue, fay, fine, smj
[2012-03-05 18:22:33] <skirtisan> phine has has been phonetesized
[2012-03-05 18:22:38] <Darvince> tf
[2012-03-05 18:23:52] <Matty406> Makes us sound like stock market names. :P
[2012-03-05 18:23:55] <Darvince> skirtisan ctam for a bit?
[2012-03-05 18:24:13] <skirtisan> i can't i'm supposed to be doing productivitity
[2012-03-05 18:24:25] <skirtisan> just post and i might sneak in a few numbers every so often.
[2012-03-05 18:24:29] <Darvince> ok
[2012-03-05 18:24:36] <Darvince> posted
[2012-03-05 18:25:31] <Naru523|afk> slow zombiecraft is slow
[2012-03-05 18:29:03] <skirtisan> darvince i can ctam
[2012-03-05 18:29:14] <skirtisan> d
[2012-03-05 18:29:26] <skirtisan> darvince
[2012-03-05 18:29:28] <skirtisan> ping
[2012-03-05 18:29:37] <skirtisan>      
[2012-03-05 18:30:02] <Naru523|afk> kol 6.03 trillion GDP for lyintaria
[2012-03-05 18:30:10] <atomic7732> ok I think I into 13
[2012-03-05 18:30:11] <Naru523|afk> 6.02*
[2012-03-05 18:30:29] <skirtisan> kol
[2012-03-05 18:30:33] <skirtisan> lumein
[2012-03-05 18:30:40] <skirtisan> is winning is kallisto
[2012-03-05 18:31:04] <skirtisan> darvince ping me when you return from whererve
[2012-03-05 18:31:11] <atomic7732> wtf
[2012-03-05 18:31:12] <atomic7732> 11
[2012-03-05 18:31:17] <atomic7732> ok this is not going so well
[2012-03-05 18:31:39] <skirtisan> kol lumein has 6.2 trillion gdp and started like 1.5 weeks after starrie
[2012-03-05 18:32:10] <Naru523|afk> my mum is back it seems
[2012-03-05 18:33:14] <skirtisan> mwahaah http://www.broomdces.com/nseconomy/nations2.php?nation2=lyintaria&nation1=Lumein
[2012-03-05 18:33:26] <skirtisan> lumein is winning, just barely
[2012-03-05 18:34:10] <skirtisan> darvince
[2012-03-05 18:34:11] <skirtisan> darvince
[2012-03-05 18:34:12] <skirtisan> darvince
[2012-03-05 18:34:14] <skirtisan> i'm pinging you
[2012-03-05 18:34:15] <skirtisan> darvince
[2012-03-05 18:35:42] <skirtisan>  uhh mission not entirely suceessful
[2012-03-05 18:35:42] <skirtisan> http://www.google.com/search?tbs=sbi:AMhZZitoNNuHImu_1TYIQe1sHIPCiJ5qX96gWy38C7NSLLDFFD_1FdZ6Qfm8TrTaPClZHoLCvOJPdH7WTlLaswt2_1zUjc4SOvg8newoDUSGg8fPr5eoMAgiGRdNg-7xn4fMDExgshOVpen7C7NZwfPmRtQHLX4PicjnHU7ai6UZ-r2pz0Y-iwhQjKyxNCpi9kWtd_1qiQmE9Exp6GKl2Qrhx5pVbPdccYt1ogU0TAqQB6hUOkoOH1n4tNu96bl-ZjbuttbxbCHRVB8M2UFvPrI-0kt1UkpRXGhRJ2WcDTNWv5M-6D_11lOufCuUM4lvAJJPdrvfSSWN2JyyzP_1_1Rqe1HUV5xO0I_1VSDSUNK7wnJkvgx9R6oqYRUFDd7PF5LfC
[2012-03-05 18:35:47] <skirtisan> naru flag is cute
[2012-03-05 18:35:50] <skirtisan> but needs less gradient
[2012-03-05 18:35:54] <skirtisan> at edges
[2012-03-05 18:37:23] <skirtisan> lyintaria flag ish way better than bielosia flag
[2012-03-05 18:37:30] <skirtisan> bielosia flag is too cluttered imo
[2012-03-05 18:37:51] <atomic7732> 1,1,3,1,1,2,2,2,5,4,2,8,3,2,1,2,3,2,1,3,1,1,8,8,1,3,4,5,11,6,
[2012-03-05 18:39:00] <Naru523|afk> poor you skirtisan
[2012-03-05 18:39:04] <skirtisan> OH
[2012-03-05 18:39:06] <skirtisan> WHAT
[2012-03-05 18:39:09] <skirtisan> poor me
[2012-03-05 18:39:10] <skirtisan> what
[2012-03-05 18:39:11] <Naru523|afk> poo*
[2012-03-05 18:39:14] <skirtisan> poo me
[2012-03-05 18:39:15] <skirtisan> oh
[2012-03-05 18:39:17] <skirtisan> icic
[2012-03-05 18:39:20] <Naru523|afk> asdf I wrote poor
[2012-03-05 18:39:23] <skirtisan> kol
[2012-03-05 18:39:24] <Naru523|afk> damn you adhd
[2012-03-05 18:39:24] <Darvince> ohi
[2012-03-05 18:39:25] <Darvince> kol
[2012-03-05 18:39:26] <skirtisan> funny yu
[2012-03-05 18:39:30] <skirtisan> darvince
[2012-03-05 18:39:31] <skirtisan> darvince
[2012-03-05 18:39:32] <skirtisan> ctam
[2012-03-05 18:39:32] <skirtisan> ctam
[2012-03-05 18:39:33] <Darvince> ok
[2012-03-05 18:39:34] <skirtisan> i have
[2012-03-05 18:39:35] <Darvince> i
[2012-03-05 18:39:36] <skirtisan> 7 minutes left
[2012-03-05 18:39:36] <Darvince> into
[2012-03-05 18:39:37] <Darvince> hw
[2012-03-05 18:39:41] =-= YOU are now known as Darv|hw
[2012-03-05 18:39:43] <skirtisan> ohdeer
[2012-03-05 18:39:45] <skirtisan> what a poo
[2012-03-05 18:39:52] <Darv|hw> no because prents
[2012-03-05 18:39:53] <Darv|hw> !
[2012-03-05 18:40:17] <skirtisan> should i go through the trouble of replacing 30 natiosn with a better flag :P
[2012-03-05 18:40:25] <Naru523|afk> probablhy
[2012-03-05 18:40:44] <skirtisan> ...
[2012-03-05 18:40:52] <skirtisan> i like your flag
[2012-03-05 18:40:59] <atomic7732> 3,2,1,1,2,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,
[2012-03-05 18:41:00] <skirtisan> howd you get the birdies centered
[2012-03-05 18:41:04] <skirtisan> and the other stuff
[2012-03-05 18:41:13] <atomic7732> that's the consecutive primes
[2012-03-05 18:41:16] <skirtisan> DO YOU INTO MS PAINT OR WHAT YU USE
[2012-03-05 18:41:21] <Darv|hw> me
[2012-03-05 18:41:33] <skirtisan> NO I TAWK TO NARNAR
[2012-03-05 18:43:04] <skirtisan> if you google image for 'flag'. the first 3 pages of images are all american flags
[2012-03-05 18:43:04] <skirtisan> wtf
[2012-03-05 18:43:35] <atomic7732> It's the only flag there is!
[2012-03-05 18:43:41] <Naru523|afk> ^
[2012-03-05 18:43:43] <atomic7732> ./idiot
[2012-03-05 18:43:56] <skirtisan> kol
[2012-03-05 18:44:25] |<-- skirtisan has left freenode (Quit: Page closed)
[2012-03-05 18:44:49] <Naru523|afk> Americizating the world since 1918
[2012-03-05 18:45:18] <atomic7732> http://dragonpony.deviantart.com/art/Friendship-Muffin-288682676
[2012-03-05 18:45:38] <Naru523|afk> My Little Derpy Friendship are Muffins
[2012-03-05 18:46:18] <atomic7732> One thing I learned at school:
[2012-03-05 18:46:25] <atomic7732> Monoceros has a derped up horn
[2012-03-05 18:46:29] <atomic7732> and I didn't even learn that in class
[2012-03-05 18:48:06] <atomic7732> Adult Swim Brony Shoutout wut
[2012-03-05 18:49:31] <atomic7732> http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-s46H6g-hMzk/T1VZvq-zTkI/AAAAAAAAhi8/eHHK6evwBq4/s320/143493+-+artist+gsphere+Daring_Do+DDR+rainbow_dash+twilight_sparkle.jpg
[2012-03-05 18:49:50] <atomic7732> http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-DL8R15Rq12s/T1VZ2Y6K6fI/AAAAAAAAhkE/0IkykVe467U/s320/angelshy_and_devilshy_by_glancojusticar-d4ru8tb.png
[2012-03-05 18:50:27] <atomic7732> http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-FJPRdtaUOzM/T1VZ6eZpiNI/AAAAAAAAhlQ/pwhxvp6xpF0/s320/don__t_do_this_to_me__smarty_pants__by_manateemckenzie-d4r6o86.png wut
[2012-03-05 18:50:35] <atomic7732> http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-roU7huUQwv0/T1VZ69FVVBI/AAAAAAAAhlY/6bUkNIxgANU/s320/dusk_in_the_north_by_naroclie-d4ruyfw.png
[2012-03-05 18:50:51] <atomic7732> why do I copy all the 320px ones
[2012-03-05 18:50:53] <atomic7732> http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-roU7huUQwv0/T1VZ69FVVBI/AAAAAAAAhlY/6bUkNIxgANU/s1600/dusk_in_the_north_by_naroclie-d4ruyfw.png
[2012-03-05 18:51:31] <atomic7732> http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Fd1LVfIRWNs/T1VZ-3FAM2I/AAAAAAAAhmY/hsd-4GQ99Dk/s320/the_flutterfag_tough_guy_by_tess_27-d4rq8ii.png kol
[2012-03-05 18:51:45] <atomic7732> http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-1g4DV0_0R_U/T1VaAFKBPyI/AAAAAAAAhmo/vYNTiiqfm9I/s1600/you_are_a_monster__by_rippedsheet-d4rtqoa.png

Part 4 of 7 (17:30-19:00)
« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 10:09:46 PM by Darvince »


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Re: Strange and/or funny quotes thread
« Reply #469 on: March 06, 2012, 10:04:31 PM »
Part 5 of 7 (19:00-21:00)

[2012-03-05 19:01:37] <atomic7732> “A joke?” said the pine cone, “This is no joke. I’m stuck. You can see I’m stuck. Please help me.”
[2012-03-05 19:01:41] <atomic7732> lol this is so stupid
[2012-03-05 19:02:33] -->| FiahOwl (~Stellarga@pool-108-7-242-130.bstnma.east.verizon.net) has joined ##universesandbox
[2012-03-05 19:02:33] <FiahOwl> ALL HUMANS START AS FECES!
[2012-03-05 19:02:33] =-= Mode ##universesandbox +v FiahOwl by ChanServ
[2012-03-05 19:02:50] <FiahOwl> ChanServ gives "+v" flag to FiahOwl
[2012-03-05 19:03:02] <FiahOwl> Connected.
[2012-03-05 19:03:17] <atomic7732> It began to roll away. Trixie watched it leave in bemusement, questions racing through her head. Was she going mad, or was this pine cone truly sentient?
[2012-03-05 19:03:36] <FiahOwl> FiahOwl!~Stellarga@pool-108-7-242-130.bstnma.east.verizon.net has joined
[2012-03-05 19:05:19] <FiahOwl> Foerfoal raced in hot pursuit of Stellarfoal as the ground behind him collapsed into the ground.
[2012-03-05 19:06:07] <atomic7732> “You are a very silly pine cone,” she said, drifting away, “But I like you.”
[2012-03-05 19:06:24] <FiahOwl> Archinifoal died as she fell into the ground.
[2012-03-05 19:07:01] <atomic7732> "Oh, it was alright. I didn’t have anything to do so I stuck round here, listening to you breathing. It was nice,” said the pine cone.
[2012-03-05 19:07:06] |<-- Naru523|afk has left freenode (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[2012-03-05 19:07:31] <FiahOwl> Meanwhile, Foerfoal was flying up into the Tornado, trying to save Applefoal from certain death.
[2012-03-05 19:08:40] <atomic7732> Rainbow Dash folded her front legs, looking smug. “So much for your flashy exit. Ha, this is priceless! Wait ‘til I tell… wait a minute. Why do you have a pine cone on your back?”
[2012-03-05 19:08:43] <atomic7732> Flustered, Trixie struggled to come up with a suitable retort: “Well, why wouldn’t I have a pine cone on my back?”
[2012-03-05 19:08:44] <atomic7732> Dash was unsure how to respond to that one. She flew close to the stage magician, looking down on her. “Whatever. I hope you enjoy eating humble pie – I’m telling all my friends about this.”
[2012-03-05 19:08:46] <FiahOwl> Silverstar got to Applefoal first, then she kicked Foerfoal out of the tornado up onto of a cold front where she stabilized.
[2012-03-05 19:09:15] <FiahOwl> Flustered, Trixie struggled to come up with a suitable retort: “Well, why wouldn’t I have a pine cone on my back?” -- LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
[2012-03-05 19:09:52] <FiahOwl> I'm going to Ontario
[2012-03-05 19:11:25] <atomic7732> “This – this is amazing!” she cried, “I have wings! I have wings! I – oh my goodness, I’m an alicorn now! Is that allowed? Is that legal? I – oh, Piney!”
[2012-03-05 19:11:27] <atomic7732> WHAT
[2012-03-05 19:11:29] <atomic7732> NO
[2012-03-05 19:11:31] <atomic7732> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
[2012-03-05 19:12:11] <FiahOwl> Lol
[2012-03-05 19:12:27] -->| Naru523|afk (~chatzilla@c-24-23-26-239.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined ##universesandbox
[2012-03-05 19:12:27] =-= Mode ##universesandbox +v Naru523|afk by ChanServ
[2012-03-05 19:13:32] <FiahOwl> Hello, friend!
[2012-03-05 19:13:43] <Naru523|afk> Hello, enemy!
[2012-03-05 19:14:00] <FiahOwl> :(
[2012-03-05 19:14:30] <FiahOwl> Bye, mean person I don't even know!
[2012-03-05 19:15:11] <FiahOwl> wtf the population of Niagra Falls, Canada, TRIPLED between 1961 and 1971!
[2012-03-05 19:15:37] <FiahOwl> 22,000 to 67,000!
[2012-03-05 19:16:27] |<-- Matty406 has left freenode (Quit: Quittin')
[2012-03-05 19:16:35] <FiahOwl> BOSTON WENT FROM 600,000 TO 14,000,000 IN 5 MINUTES!
[2012-03-05 19:17:28] <FiahOwl> atomic7732, does Toronto sound odd to you?
[2012-03-05 19:17:41] <Naru523|afk> sounds like mongolian
[2012-03-05 19:17:53] <atomic7732> not really
[2012-03-05 19:17:54] =-= Naru523|afk is now known as Naru|MC
[2012-03-05 19:17:58] <FiahOwl> Does Boston sound odd?
[2012-03-05 19:18:01] <atomic7732> yes
[2012-03-05 19:18:07] <FiahOwl> wtf
[2012-03-05 19:18:14] <FiahOwl> It does??!!
[2012-03-05 19:18:20] <Naru|MC> http://i.imgur.com/mZMhD.jpg kol
[2012-03-05 19:18:23] <FiahOwl> Does Seiji sound odd?
[2012-03-05 19:19:16] <FiahOwl> Tripanaze Chicago and New York
[2012-03-05 19:19:27] <atomic7732> The pine cone’s tone of voice darkened: “I can help you get the revenge you so obviously crave. I can help you to defeat Twilight Sparkle.”
[2012-03-05 19:19:29] <atomic7732> wtf
[2012-03-05 19:19:30] <atomic7732> wtf
[2012-03-05 19:19:35] <FiahOwl> wtf
[2012-03-05 19:19:38] <Naru|MC> yay
[2012-03-05 19:19:39] <FiahOwl> wtf
[2012-03-05 19:19:43] <FiahOwl> wtf
[2012-03-05 19:19:45] <atomic7732> I don't like Tripianizing things
[2012-03-05 19:19:55] <FiahOwl> Naru finish your bridge in Geogapoet
[2012-03-05 19:20:01] <FiahOwl> Geogaport
[2012-03-05 19:20:18] <Naru|MC> too lazy to walk over there
[2012-03-05 19:20:27] <FiahOwl> Do EEET!
[2012-03-05 19:20:30] <Naru|MC> nou
[2012-03-05 19:20:38] <FiahOwl> Build skyscraper for me!
[2012-03-05 19:21:09] <FiahOwl> gtg
[2012-03-05 19:21:11] |<-- FiahOwl has left freenode (Quit: FiahOwl)
[2012-03-05 19:21:12] <Naru|MC> nobla
[2012-03-05 19:22:04] <atomic7732> That one last temptation finally convinced her. One last scale, one last taste of power. She swallowed the morsel down and felt her magical abilities improve greatly.
[2012-03-05 19:27:33] <Naru|MC> wut compasses in stronghold libraries
[2012-03-05 19:27:56] =-= Naru|MC is now known as Naru|afk
[2012-03-05 19:28:27] <atomic7732> “Trixie, don’t you see? Do you think it was mere chance that we met? I have been looking for someone to become one with since the day I became a pine cone. That someone is you. This is not just your destiny – it is my destiny. What possible reason could you give for not wanting to fulfil it?”
[2012-03-05 19:28:29] <atomic7732> “Because…” Trixie squeezed her eyes shut as the words caught in her throat, the strength of the emotion behind them almost causing her to choke. “B… because… I think I’ve fallen in love with you!”
[2012-03-05 19:30:14] <atomic7732> Piney’s silence spoke volumes, telling her everything she needed to know. She struggled to stop herself from tearing up. She had just poured her heart out and the target of her affections had not even replied. A deathly quiet pervaded, with no noise at all except for the sound of munching… wait. MUNCHING?
[2012-03-05 19:30:16] <atomic7732> She whirled round in horror. Piney was gone – in her place stood a pink pony with a poofy mane who was happily swallowing a mouthful of food. Pine cone crumbs dropped from her lips.
[2012-03-05 19:30:17] <atomic7732> “Mmm, that was delicious!” said Pinkie Pie, and she began to bounce away.
[2012-03-05 19:30:19] <atomic7732> oshi-
[2012-03-05 19:31:40] <atomic7732> “No, I mean I think there was something funny in that pine cone I ate. I… uh oh,” Pinkie gasped as she felt a surge of energy rush through her and her body began to glow.
[2012-03-05 19:32:24] <atomic7732> “Yes and no,” it replied, “Our personalities have become one. I am now both Nightmare Moon and Pinkamina Diane Pie – it feels kinda weird, actually.”
[2012-03-05 19:32:26] <atomic7732> wat
[2012-03-05 19:33:52] <Naru|afk> my eaction: AWW HELL NAW
[2012-03-05 19:33:56] <Naru|afk> reaction
[2012-03-05 19:34:04] <atomic7732> “Right,” said Trixie, who was willing to accept anything by this point. Then she gasped and stepped forward. “Wait, so you remember the time we spent together? You remember me telling you… telling you how much I love you? Is my little Piney still in there, somewhere? How do you feel about me?”
[2012-03-05 19:34:06] <atomic7732> The pink pony smiled and moved in close. “Only one way to find out,” she said, then leaned in for a kiss – one that held for a few minutes.
[2012-03-05 19:34:11] <atomic7732> wtftftftftftftf
[2012-03-05 19:34:41] <Naru|afk> "my reaction if ron paul doesnt become the next president. " my reaction when ron paul becomes president
[2012-03-05 19:35:04] <atomic7732> I thought pinkie was just going to become the feeling pinkie keen pinkie
[2012-03-05 19:37:10] <atomic7732> what just happened
[2012-03-05 19:37:13] <atomic7732> I don't even know
[2012-03-05 19:37:33] <atomic7732> I am very very confused
[2012-03-05 19:38:42] <Naru|afk> mfw deoxy's suggestion
[2012-03-05 19:39:25] <Darv|hw> what the eff
[2012-03-05 19:39:35] <Naru|afk> ">know this pretty rave girl
[2012-03-05 19:39:37] <Naru|afk> >try to get closer
[2012-03-05 19:39:39] <Naru|afk> >feel like creeper
[2012-03-05 19:39:41] <Naru|afk> >people think I'm gonna rape her
[2012-03-05 19:39:42] <Naru|afk> >mfw she rapes me."
[2012-03-05 19:39:54] <Naru|afk> wot
[2012-03-05 19:40:11] <atomic7732> so poetic :)
[2012-03-05 19:42:54] <Darv|hw> i love you
[2012-03-05 19:43:20] <Darv|hw> lame skirtisan left
[2012-03-05 19:43:26] =-= YOU are now known as Darvince
[2012-03-05 19:43:36] <atomic7732> deoxy is failing
[2012-03-05 19:43:52] <atomic7732> darv should be a pinecone
[2012-03-05 19:43:56] <Darvince> wat
[2012-03-05 19:43:57] <Darvince> no
[2012-03-05 19:44:06] <Darvince> oshit pg 100 of blacrafti thread
[2012-03-05 19:44:20] <atomic7732> yes
[2012-03-05 19:44:36] <atomic7732> I WILL GET FIAH TO SYRINGE YOU WITH PINEKONE MEDICINE
[2012-03-05 19:45:15] <Darvince> mfw deoxy's suggestion
[2012-03-05 19:45:46] <atomic7732> mfw afk
[2012-03-05 19:45:49] =-= atomic7732 is now known as a7732|afk
[2012-03-05 19:46:09] <a7732|afk> I'll be back!
[2012-03-05 19:46:15] * a7732|afk pokes darvince with a stick
[2012-03-05 19:46:19] <a7732|afk> he's dead
[2012-03-05 19:46:21] <Darvince> wt
[2012-03-05 19:46:21] <a7732|afk> meh
[2012-03-05 19:46:22] <Darvince> NO U
[2012-03-05 19:46:24] <Darvince> I
[2012-03-05 19:46:26] <Darvince> AMSH
[2012-03-05 19:46:27] <Darvince> ALIEV
[2012-03-05 19:46:32] <a7732|afk> oh
[2012-03-05 19:46:37] <a7732|afk> y u sleep without breathing
[2012-03-05 19:46:47] <Darvince> you're just not with me
[2012-03-05 19:46:58] * a7732|afk pokes darvince with a pencil
[2012-03-05 19:47:02] <Darvince> ow
[2012-03-05 19:47:11] * a7732|afk pokes darvince with a pencil sharpener
[2012-03-05 19:47:16] <Darvince> kolwut
[2012-03-05 19:47:17] * a7732|afk pokes darvince with an eraser
[2012-03-05 19:47:24] * a7732|afk pokes darvince with a laptop
[2012-03-05 19:47:29] * a7732|afk pokes darvince with naru
[2012-03-05 19:47:32] * Darvince pokes nue with a monitor and runs away
[2012-03-05 19:47:44] * Naru|afk pokes chanserv with darvince's heart
[2012-03-05 19:47:47] <Darvince> wtf
[2012-03-05 19:47:50] * a7732|afk runs after darvince with a server password
[2012-03-05 19:48:10] * a7732|afk pokes naru with an integrity
[2012-03-05 19:48:12] <a7732|afk> brb
[2012-03-05 19:48:14] * Darvince teleports irl to atomic's bedroom
[2012-03-05 19:48:25] <Darvince> ohi
[2012-03-05 19:48:39] <a7732|afk> but I'm c- I mean... going to take a shower
[2012-03-05 19:48:43] <a7732|afk> seriously
[2012-03-05 19:48:44] <a7732|afk> I am
[2012-03-05 19:48:46] <a7732|afk> so
[2012-03-05 19:48:51] <a7732|afk> stop bothering me!
[2012-03-05 19:48:53] <a7732|afk> !!!!!!!!!!
[2012-03-05 19:48:54] <a7732|afk> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[2012-03-05 19:48:58] <Darvince> you're an early
[2012-03-05 19:48:59] <a7732|afk> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[2012-03-05 19:49:04] <a7732|afk> I am but I want to be
[2012-03-05 19:49:06] <a7732|afk> so
[2012-03-05 19:49:11] <a7732|afk> QUIET
[2012-03-05 19:49:17] <Darvince> no
[2012-03-05 19:49:22] <Naru|afk> nue's trying to fap
[2012-03-05 19:49:23] <Naru|afk> shhhh
[2012-03-05 19:49:32] <Darvince> 0.025% of the way to 10^6
[2012-03-05 19:49:35] <a7732|afk> ...
[2012-03-05 19:49:39] * a7732|afk goes to take a shower
[2012-03-05 19:49:39] <Darvince> tf naru
[2012-03-05 19:49:40] * Naru|afk gets knifed
[2012-03-05 19:50:01] <Naru|afk> poo you imgur for making jpeg imgaes
[2012-03-05 19:50:10] <Darvince> kolkolkol
[2012-03-05 19:51:24] <Darvince> inb4 march for ctam is like all of late january
[2012-03-05 19:51:35] <Naru|afk> dat world
[2012-03-05 19:51:39] <Darvince> NAERU CTAM
[2012-03-05 19:51:43] <Darvince> NARU|AFK CTAM
[2012-03-05 19:51:48] <Darvince> BECAUSE SKIRTISAN IS A SLEEP
[2012-03-05 19:51:52] <Naru|afk> nou
[2012-03-05 19:53:11] <Darvince> done
[2012-03-05 19:54:07] <Naru|afk> brb for a min
[2012-03-05 19:57:39] <Darvince> that's moar than a min
[2012-03-05 19:59:53] <Darvince> naru|afk you brb'd for a while
[2012-03-05 19:59:54] <Darvince> ttttttttt
[2012-03-05 20:00:23] <Darvince> kol, in one week ctam went from 345 to 1140
[2012-03-05 20:01:16] <Darvince> NARU YOU ARE AN UNRELIABLE POO
[2012-03-05 20:02:05] <Darvince> kol smjjames
[2012-03-05 20:03:59] <Darvince> ttt
[2012-03-05 20:04:03] <Darvince> spring break is POO
[2012-03-05 20:04:20] <Darvince> ok, final time i'm doing this
[2012-03-05 20:04:23] <Darvince> *for today*
[2012-03-05 20:04:27] =-= YOU are now known as Darv|hw
[2012-03-05 20:05:34] <Darv|hw> wtf purim is thursday
[2012-03-05 20:06:21] =-= a7732|afk is now known as atomic7732
[2012-03-05 20:06:22] <atomic7732> :(
[2012-03-05 20:06:41] <Darv|hw> kolwut my birthday is nurses day
[2012-03-05 20:13:03] <Naru|afk> seems like your dream is to be a nurse, non?
[2012-03-05 20:20:25] <atomic7732> http://forum.nationstates.net/viewtopic.php?t=167744&f=20&view=unread#unread
[2012-03-05 20:32:03] <Darv|hw> foodtime
[2012-03-05 20:32:06] =-= YOU are now known as Darv|food
[2012-03-05 20:32:08] <Darv|food> wtf naru
[2012-03-05 20:36:42] <atomic7732> " People favor liberal causes, but are fearful (and justly so) of new things." justly?
[2012-03-05 20:36:46] <atomic7732> They're just stupid
[2012-03-05 20:37:01] <atomic7732> That's what's just about it
[2012-03-05 20:41:55] |<-- Naru|afk has left freenode (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[2012-03-05 20:44:36] -->| Naru523|afk (~chatzilla@c-24-23-26-239.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined ##universesandbox
[2012-03-05 20:46:32] <Darv|food> ohi
[2012-03-05 20:46:36] =-= YOU are now known as Darvince
[2012-03-05 20:46:46] <Darvince> kol atomic
[2012-03-05 20:48:21] <Naru523|afk> I feel depressed.
[2012-03-05 20:48:27] =-= Naru523|afk is now known as Naru523
[2012-03-05 20:48:30] <Darvince> wtf ohio gets school off on the primaries
[2012-03-05 20:48:39] <Darvince> atomic7732 wharu
[2012-03-05 20:48:45] =-= Mode ##universesandbox +v Naru523 by ChanServ
[2012-03-05 20:49:01] <atomic7732> here
[2012-03-05 20:49:02] <atomic7732> there
[2012-03-05 20:49:05] <atomic7732> everywhere!
[2012-03-05 20:49:11] * atomic7732 is shot
[2012-03-05 20:49:38] <Darvince> ohdeer
[2012-03-05 20:49:43] <Darvince> you are god
[2012-03-05 20:49:53] <Darvince> so i'm satan
[2012-03-05 20:50:00] <Darvince> ctamming
[2012-03-05 20:50:14] <Darvince> inb4 satanxgod fics
[2012-03-05 20:50:15] <Naru523> I'm the Master
[2012-03-05 20:50:20] <Naru523> you are all my children
[2012-03-05 20:50:29] <atomic7732> but
[2012-03-05 20:50:34] <Darvince> naru you should make a satanxgod fic
[2012-03-05 20:50:34] <atomic7732> I am the FiktylPegasus
[2012-03-05 20:50:39] <Darvince> ok
[2012-03-05 20:50:43] <atomic7732> nothing in the master of the FiktylPegasus
[2012-03-05 20:50:44] <Darvince> DEN BEKUM IT
[2012-03-05 20:50:46] <Darvince> TO PROVE
[2012-03-05 20:50:48] <Darvince> YOU ARE GOD
[2012-03-05 20:50:58] <atomic7732> But that is not my claim, silly one
[2012-03-05 20:51:13] <Darvince> no
[2012-03-05 20:51:16] === The nickname ``God'' is already in use, use the /nick command to pick a new one.
[2012-03-05 20:51:20] <Darvince> wtf god is in use
[2012-03-05 20:51:23] =-= YOU are now known as satan
[2012-03-05 20:51:23] *NickServ* This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>.
[2012-03-05 20:51:23] *NickServ* You have 30 seconds to identify to your nickname before it is changed.
[2012-03-05 20:51:27] <satan> locking
[2012-03-05 20:51:44] =-= Naru523 is now known as dog
[2012-03-05 20:51:53] =-= YOU are now known as Guest70332
[2012-03-05 20:51:54] =-= YOU are now known as Darvince
[2012-03-05 20:52:11] <Darvince> someone come ctam wif me
[2012-03-05 20:52:15] =-= dog is now known as Guest65389
[2012-03-05 20:52:17] <Darvince> if they have nothing else to do
[2012-03-05 20:52:35] <atomic7732> dogma
[2012-03-05 20:52:37] <atomic7732> catma
[2012-03-05 20:52:50] <atomic7732> I have to color Fluttershy
[2012-03-05 20:52:55] <atomic7732> DO NOT BOTHER ME
[2012-03-05 20:53:04] <atomic7732> inb4 pings
[2012-03-05 20:53:10] <atomic7732> ^ I didn't say that
[2012-03-05 20:53:22] <Guest65389> atomic7732
[2012-03-05 20:53:24] <Guest65389> atomic7732
[2012-03-05 20:53:26] <Darvince> *resists the urge to ping you*'
[2012-03-05 20:53:26] <Guest65389> atomic7732
[2012-03-05 20:53:28] =-= Guest65389 is now known as Naru523
[2012-03-05 20:53:30] <Darvince> Naru523
[2012-03-05 20:53:31] <Darvince> Naru523
[2012-03-05 20:53:31] <Darvince> Naru523
[2012-03-05 20:53:32] <Darvince> Naru523
[2012-03-05 20:53:33] <Darvince> Naru523
[2012-03-05 20:53:42] <Naru523> Darvince
[2012-03-05 20:53:44] <Naru523> Darvince
[2012-03-05 20:53:44] <Darvince> ctam wif meee
[2012-03-05 20:53:45] <Naru523> Darvince
[2012-03-05 20:53:47] <Naru523> Darvince
[2012-03-05 20:53:48] <Naru523> Darvince
[2012-03-05 20:53:51] <Naru523> I dislike you
[2012-03-05 20:53:54] * atomic7732 facehoofs
[2012-03-05 20:53:56] <Naru523> you nid more underwear
[2012-03-05 20:54:01] <Darvince> wtf underwear
[2012-03-05 20:54:50] <atomic7732> AGILEDASH
[2012-03-05 20:56:11] <Darvince> atomic7732 you should ctam wif me when you're done
[2012-03-05 20:56:29] <Naru523> River Flows In You- Lindsey Stirling dat violin
[2012-03-05 20:56:32] <atomic7732> JACKLEMIC.MOV kolwut
[2012-03-05 20:56:34] <Naru523> and
[2012-03-05 20:56:37] <Naru523> harp
[2012-03-05 20:56:43] <Darvince> kolwut
[2012-03-05 20:57:58] <Darvince> godxsatan
[2012-03-05 20:58:01] <Darvince> get to it naru
[2012-03-05 20:58:32] <Darvince> :P
[2012-03-05 20:58:44] <Naru523> nou
[2012-03-05 20:59:00] <Darvince> ok naru
[2012-03-05 20:59:44] <Darvince> post'd

Part 5 of 7 (19:00-21:00)
« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 10:09:13 PM by Darvince »


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Re: Strange and/or funny quotes thread
« Reply #470 on: March 06, 2012, 10:06:52 PM »
Part 6 of 7 (21:00-22:15)

[2012-03-05 21:00:00] <Darvince> godxsatan would be kol
[2012-03-05 21:00:08] <Darvince> because it's nuexdarv really
[2012-03-05 21:00:20] <Darvince> but you don't reveal that until the end
[2012-03-05 21:00:26] <atomic7732> meh
[2012-03-05 21:00:28] <atomic7732> KmScMT 46 minutes ago
[2012-03-05 21:00:34] <atomic7732> PRETTY NICE
[2012-03-05 21:00:36] <atomic7732> KmScMT 41 minutes ago
[2012-03-05 21:00:41] <atomic7732> in fact it's fookin dandy
[2012-03-05 21:00:43] <atomic7732> KmScMT 27 minutes ago
[2012-03-05 21:00:44] <atomic7732> wut?
[2012-03-05 21:01:22] <atomic7732> Flutterstep Hummingbird - Somepon3
[2012-03-05 21:01:40] <Darvince> you are god
[2012-03-05 21:01:56] <Naru523> I am master
[2012-03-05 21:02:02] <Darvince> no
[2012-03-05 21:02:05] <Darvince> you are not god
[2012-03-05 21:02:08] <Darvince> or satan
[2012-03-05 21:02:09] <Darvince> or master
[2012-03-05 21:02:12] <Darvince> you are nirvana
[2012-03-05 21:02:17] <Darvince> *becomes one with you*
[2012-03-05 21:02:41] <Darvince> post;d
[2012-03-05 21:02:45] <atomic7732> "Russia should use him for Euro vision"
[2012-03-05 21:02:48] <atomic7732> I see where you got this from
[2012-03-05 21:03:05] <Naru523> K-POP is invading 'merica quickly
[2012-03-05 21:03:06] <Darvince> inb4 vid link
[2012-03-05 21:03:27] <Darvince> dubstep invaded murrika akwikity
[2012-03-05 21:04:38] <Darvince> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqSvCC8xs0NzdGU4bnZPR25abk1JclcyLUVON2FyWmc#gid=0
[2012-03-05 21:05:48] <atomic7732> Omni is asian
[2012-03-05 21:05:49] <atomic7732> wut
[2012-03-05 21:06:00] <Darvince> wut
[2012-03-05 21:06:02] <Darvince> of course he is
[2012-03-05 21:06:03] <Darvince> kol
[2012-03-05 21:06:18] <atomic7732> BronyFM: All your "bass" are belong to us
[2012-03-05 21:07:22] <Naru523> asian peope make cool music, didn't you know?
[2012-03-05 21:07:50] <Darvince> kol
[2012-03-05 21:07:55] <Darvince> inb4 you realize
[2012-03-05 21:08:23] <Darvince> atomic ctam with me??
[2012-03-05 21:08:26] <Darvince> or not?
[2012-03-05 21:08:26] <atomic7732> asians easily into non-asian accents
[2012-03-05 21:08:28] <atomic7732> no
[2012-03-05 21:08:31] <Darvince> no
[2012-03-05 21:08:32] <Darvince> ok
[2012-03-05 21:12:13] <atomic7732> omni isn't very religious
[2012-03-05 21:12:24] <atomic7732> he doesn't know how to pronounce protestant
[2012-03-05 21:12:24] <atomic7732> XD
[2012-03-05 21:12:46] <Naru523> i pronounce it as praw teh stahnt
[2012-03-05 21:12:58] <Naru523> or praw teh stent
[2012-03-05 21:13:55] <Darvince> i'm more religious than bla
[2012-03-05 21:14:16] <Darvince> except at 2020
[2012-03-05 21:16:57] <atomic7732> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=0SxLg53jNFE#t=672s The nostalgia.
[2012-03-05 21:17:27] <Darvince> 2020
[2012-03-05 21:18:04] <Darvince> 2020
[2012-03-05 21:18:33] <Naru523> 0202
[2012-03-05 21:18:35] <Naru523> 0202
[2012-03-05 21:18:56] <atomic7732> PAINT
[2012-03-05 21:18:58] <atomic7732> used to be epic
[2012-03-05 21:19:02] <atomic7732> and you draw lines
[2012-03-05 21:19:02] <Naru523> then it
[2012-03-05 21:19:09] <atomic7732> and fill stuff in
[2012-03-05 21:19:10] <Naru523> then it
[2012-03-05 21:19:18] <Naru523> then it
[2012-03-05 21:19:23] <atomic7732> and you didn't watch it
[2012-03-05 21:19:32] <Naru523> THEN IT took an upgrade to the face
[2012-03-05 21:19:34] <atomic7732> actually YOu might have
[2012-03-05 21:19:40] <atomic7732> darv didn't that's for sure
[2012-03-05 21:21:56] <atomic7732> omni is awesome
[2012-03-05 21:23:40] <Darvince> kol
[2012-03-05 21:24:04] <Darvince> lmfao i got banned again at wiki-hurricanes
[2012-03-05 21:26:40] <Naru523> http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/062/7/9/minecraft_noob_pt__1_by_avannteth-d4rn2r2.jpg i'm julie and darvince is rissy
[2012-03-05 21:26:55] <Naru523> doggy is nue.
[2012-03-05 21:27:16] <Darvince> kol
[2012-03-05 21:27:20] <Darvince> wtf am i rissy
[2012-03-05 21:27:28] <Naru523> yes
[2012-03-05 21:27:51] <Darvince> why
[2012-03-05 21:27:52] <Darvince> am
[2012-03-05 21:27:54] <Darvince> i
[2012-03-05 21:27:57] <Darvince> RISSY!!?!?
[2012-03-05 21:28:26] <Darvince> i am not rissy
[2012-03-05 21:28:28] <Darvince> i am not rissy
[2012-03-05 21:28:28] <Darvince> i am not rissy
[2012-03-05 21:28:29] <Darvince> i am not rissy
[2012-03-05 21:28:34] <Naru523> http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/064/8/c/minecraft_noobs_pt__2_by_avannteth-d4rt4s7.jpg
[2012-03-05 21:28:54] <Darvince> KOL
[2012-03-05 21:28:57] <Naru523> CHICKENadoifnadsoifnhasodhfaosdfjaisodjfsaiofjasodjfasoidjfaspodkfaspidjfasdf
[2012-03-05 21:29:19] <Darvince> inb4 part three
[2012-03-05 21:30:11] <atomic7732> fluttershy is colored a bit
[2012-03-05 21:30:50] <Darvince> i'm a spambot
[2012-03-05 21:31:10] <Naru523> course you are
[2012-03-05 21:31:14] <Darvince> tf
[2012-03-05 21:31:21] <Darvince> inb4 permabans or something
[2012-03-05 21:31:31] =-= Mode ##universesandbox +o Naru523 by ChanServ
[2012-03-05 21:31:36] <Naru523> okay your wish has been grante
[2012-03-05 21:31:38] <Darvince> Oshii-
[2012-03-05 21:31:43] =-= Naru523 was booted from ##universesandbox by Naru523 (not)
[2012-03-05 21:31:45] -->| Naru523 (~chatzilla@c-24-23-26-239.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined ##universesandbox
[2012-03-05 21:31:45] =-= Mode ##universesandbox +v Naru523 by ChanServ
[2012-03-05 21:31:47] <Darvince> ohi
[2012-03-05 21:31:53] <Naru523> obye
[2012-03-05 21:31:55] =-= Naru523 is now known as Naruslp
[2012-03-05 21:31:56] <Darvince> i'm not a spambot
[2012-03-05 21:32:18] <Naruslp> "kissed: a cajillion times!" umm why do I need to know this
[2012-03-05 21:33:13] <atomic7732> I mustache you a question
[2012-03-05 21:33:20] <atomic7732> trololololololo
[2012-03-05 21:33:37] <Darvince> what
[2012-03-05 21:34:50] <Naruslp> fffffffff
[2012-03-05 21:34:53] <Darvince> lul
[2012-03-05 21:34:54] <Darvince> you
[2012-03-05 21:34:55] <Darvince> are
[2012-03-05 21:34:57] <Darvince> ./deoxy
[2012-03-05 21:35:00] <Darvince> you are me
[2012-03-05 21:35:02] <Darvince> wtf barbies
[2012-03-05 21:35:28] <atomic7732> you are you
[2012-03-05 21:35:34] <atomic7732> wtf australia
[2012-03-05 21:35:41] <Darvince> seibrab
[2012-03-05 21:35:44] <Darvince> oh deer
[2012-03-05 21:35:48] <Darvince> sounds like a fiahplace
[2012-03-05 21:36:14] <Naruslp> sei's bra
[2012-03-05 21:36:17] <Darvince> http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/055/4/9/world_of_waracft__friendship_is_magic_by_foxtheimmortal-d4qv7g6.jpg what the f-
[2012-03-05 21:38:26] <Darvince> tttt
[2012-03-05 21:38:31] <Darvince> i have to help my mother
[2012-03-05 21:38:32] <Darvince> and stuff
[2012-03-05 21:39:21] <Naruslp> obai
[2012-03-05 21:39:30] <Naruslp> kol @pic
[2012-03-05 21:40:31] <Naruslp> Dear Darvince, can you be a queen?
[2012-03-05 21:41:03] <Darvince> ok
[2012-03-05 21:41:36] <atomic7732> Dear Naru, can you explode?
[2012-03-05 21:41:46] <atomic7732> lolwut the ending of the interview
[2012-03-05 21:41:47] <atomic7732> XD
[2012-03-05 21:41:54] <atomic7732> the people are so silly
[2012-03-05 21:41:57] <atomic7732> *these
[2012-03-05 21:44:38] <Naruslp> FREEEEEEEDOM
[2012-03-05 21:44:39] <Naruslp> FREEEDOM
[2012-03-05 21:44:41] <Naruslp> freedumb
[2012-03-05 21:49:32] <Naruslp>  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHjpOzsQ9YI&list=UUyC_4jvPzLiSkJkLIkA7B8g&feature=plcp dubstep violinsssssss
[2012-03-05 21:56:10] <Darvince> atomic do you love lettuce
[2012-03-05 21:56:19] <atomic7732> no
[2012-03-05 21:56:55] <atomic7732> why
[2012-03-05 21:57:22] <Darvince> because i do
[2012-03-05 21:58:12] <Naruslp> I have a love/hate relationship with lettuce
[2012-03-05 21:58:37] <Darvince> tf
[2012-03-05 21:58:49] <atomic7732> you really do think we're the exact same don't you darv
[2012-03-05 21:58:55] <Darvince> nop
[2012-03-05 21:59:22] <Darvince> I'M INTERROGATING YOU
[2012-03-05 21:59:23] <Darvince> TO
[2012-03-05 21:59:25] <Darvince> NARROW
[2012-03-05 21:59:28] <Darvince> YOUU
[2012-03-05 21:59:29] <Darvince> DOWN
[2012-03-05 21:59:36] <Darvince> der[
[2012-03-05 21:59:38] <Darvince> *derp
[2012-03-05 21:59:47] <Darvince> i hate you
[2012-03-05 21:59:59] <Naruslp> I love you too
[2012-03-05 22:00:15] <Darvince> ok
[2012-03-05 22:00:18] <Darvince> i love you
[2012-03-05 22:00:20] <Darvince> then i hate you
[2012-03-05 22:00:22] <Darvince> then i poo u
[2012-03-05 22:00:23] <Darvince> :)
[2012-03-05 22:00:26] <Darvince> then i POO NUE
[2012-03-05 22:00:30] <Darvince> BECAUSE HE IS A POOPIE
[2012-03-05 22:00:32] <Naruslp> http://www.alternatehistory.com/discussion/attachment.php?attachmentid=126322&stc=1&d=1294546244
[2012-03-05 22:00:41] <Darvince> SO POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HIM
[2012-03-05 22:00:51] <Darvince> inb4 nueleave
[2012-03-05 22:01:03] <Darvince> kolwut
[2012-03-05 22:02:27] <atomic7732> darn
[2012-03-05 22:02:32] <atomic7732> I would have really liked to have finished that
[2012-03-05 22:02:40] <Darvince> you're satan
[2012-03-05 22:02:43] <Darvince> and i'm god
[2012-03-05 22:02:48] <Darvince> and naru is not master
[2012-03-05 22:03:51] <atomic7732> I should print out the flag of NP and Twilightopia and put them on my wall
[2012-03-05 22:04:15] <Naruslp> ik that I'm not master
[2012-03-05 22:04:19] <Naruslp> I'm emperor of all
[2012-03-05 22:04:22] <Naruslp> ALL
[2012-03-05 22:04:49] <atomic7732> darv emperor of none
[2012-03-05 22:04:53] <atomic7732> and I emperor of some
[2012-03-05 22:05:07] <Naruslp> The War of 1905
[2012-03-05 22:05:14] <atomic7732> You see there's these three lands
[2012-03-05 22:05:18] <atomic7732> All, None, and Some
[2012-03-05 22:05:23] <atomic7732> they do not live in harmony
[2012-03-05 22:05:26] <Naruslp> Pact of Honor: France, Russia
[2012-03-05 22:05:32] <Darvince> kol
[2012-03-05 22:05:41] <atomic7732> and each one occupies 4i square nanometers
[2012-03-05 22:05:50] <atomic7732> under the Pacific Ocean
[2012-03-05 22:05:50] <Naruslp> Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire
[2012-03-05 22:06:17] <atomic7732> 145.67 km direcly SW of Alofi, Niue
[2012-03-05 22:06:22] <atomic7732> *directly
[2012-03-05 22:06:48] <Naruslp> Defense of the Eastern Nations (on the Pact of Honor's side): Poland, Lietica, Byelorussia, Ukraine
[2012-03-05 22:06:51] <Darvince> Quadruple Alliance: Paraguay, Ghana, Kyrgyzstan, Nauru
[2012-03-05 22:09:01] <atomic7732> Quintuple alliance: Canada, Tuvalu, India, Seychelles, and Pitcairn Islands
[2012-03-05 22:09:06] <atomic7732> (idk)
[2012-03-05 22:09:18] <atomic7732> inb4 idk if I should watch MLP
[2012-03-05 22:09:21] <atomic7732> before sleep
[2012-03-05 22:09:31] <atomic7732> inb4 school again
[2012-03-05 22:09:33] <atomic7732> I want school to die
[2012-03-05 22:09:37] <atomic7732> can you help me with that
[2012-03-05 22:09:51] <atomic7732> let's protest school
[2012-03-05 22:09:55] <atomic7732> against the will of our parents
[2012-03-05 22:10:00] <atomic7732> at the capital
[2012-03-05 22:11:23] <Naruslp> I'm ok
[2012-03-05 22:11:56] <atomic7732> I'm should be sleep
[2012-03-05 22:12:05] <Darvince> no
[2012-03-05 22:12:32] <Naruslp> sleep my young grasshopper
[2012-03-05 22:12:35] <atomic7732> I'm debating whether I should fall asleep after my mom wakes me up
[2012-03-05 22:12:51] <Darvince> the only real motivation i have to do my hw is because i don't want my spring break to be worse than it already will
[2012-03-05 22:12:56] <atomic7732> that probably wouldn't end well
[2012-03-05 22:13:15] <atomic7732> the only motivation I have is my dad wanting A's and such
[2012-03-05 22:13:25] <atomic7732> otherwise I get limited to 2 hours on the computer
[2012-03-05 22:13:30] <atomic7732> and frankly, I don't care
[2012-03-05 22:13:30] <Darvince> tf
[2012-03-05 22:13:40] <Darvince> your dad is a pooisan
[2012-03-05 22:13:41] <atomic7732> because I'm not doing anything I don't care to
[2012-03-05 22:14:02] <atomic7732> I will not be forced to do crap
[2012-03-05 22:14:04] <atomic7732> and also
[2012-03-05 22:14:09] <atomic7732> Simple
[2012-03-05 22:14:14] <atomic7732> 2 hours while my dad's awake
[2012-03-05 22:14:21] <atomic7732> he goes to sleep, right back on the computer
[2012-03-05 22:14:22] <Darvince> kol
[2012-03-05 22:14:45] <atomic7732> because my mom doesn't enforce that
[2012-03-05 22:14:47] <atomic7732> and I'm glad

Part 6 of 7 (21:00-22:15)


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Re: Strange and/or funny quotes thread
« Reply #471 on: March 06, 2012, 10:08:05 PM »
Part 7 of 7 (22:15-23:59)

[2012-03-05 22:15:12] <atomic7732> I also don't like making her mad
[2012-03-05 22:15:19] <atomic7732> You see how that works?
[2012-03-05 22:15:26] <Darvince> i wonder if a higher percentage of atheist or christian parents got divorces
[2012-03-05 22:15:31] <Darvince> -parents +marriages
[2012-03-05 22:15:35] <atomic7732> Someone lets you get your way more often, so you obey them when they want you to do something
[2012-03-05 22:15:46] <atomic7732> because you don't want them to not let you get your way anymore
[2012-03-05 22:15:52] <atomic7732> Someone doesn't let you get your way, you don't care
[2012-03-05 22:15:54] <atomic7732> ever
[2012-03-05 22:15:57] <atomic7732> works well
[2012-03-05 22:16:10] <Naruslp> I dooooooo
[2012-03-05 22:16:30] <atomic7732> I say christian
[2012-03-05 22:16:37] <Darvince> ^
[2012-03-05 22:16:47] <atomic7732> just because everything the majority does is against their own beliefs
[2012-03-05 22:16:50] <atomic7732> for example
[2012-03-05 22:16:52] <atomic7732> Joan of Arc
[2012-03-05 22:16:59] <atomic7732> Argument over, point made.
[2012-03-05 22:17:08] <atomic7732> :P
[2012-03-05 22:17:21] <atomic7732> Assuming there was a God
[2012-03-05 22:17:27] <Darvince> everyone kept calling her jonah of ark
[2012-03-05 22:17:32] <Naruslp> God is real
[2012-03-05 22:17:37] <Naruslp> I'm right here, people. God is here
[2012-03-05 22:17:40] <Darvince> He's just in my pants
[2012-03-05 22:17:47] <Naruslp> I'm not in your pants
[2012-03-05 22:17:51] <Naruslp> wait you wear pants?
[2012-03-05 22:17:54] <Naruslp> I thought you wore skirts
[2012-03-05 22:17:56] <Naruslp> lame
[2012-03-05 22:17:57] <Darvince> no i'm god
[2012-03-05 22:18:01] <atomic7732> You're going to disobey and kill the only person that could transmit messages and stuff from God?
[2012-03-05 22:18:03] <Naruslp> no i'm natas
[2012-03-05 22:18:21] <atomic7732> I mean you don't think that the will of the greedy Church on earth is going to get the wrath of God?
[2012-03-05 22:18:26] <Darvince> i'm atnas
[2012-03-05 22:18:32] <atomic7732> You are god-fearing... remember?
[2012-03-05 22:18:37] <atomic7732> Oh wait no, you don't remember.
[2012-03-05 22:18:54] <atomic7732> And you believe stuff that happened 1000 years ago
[2012-03-05 22:18:58] <atomic7732> not something that happened now?
[2012-03-05 22:19:09] <Darvince> im a sande
[2012-03-05 22:19:10] <Darvince> :)
[2012-03-05 22:19:16] <atomic7732> I think Joan is a lunatic but I think the Church was really dumb too
[2012-03-05 22:19:23] <atomic7732> Why am I capitalizing this stuff
[2012-03-05 22:19:27] <atomic7732> because society wants me to?
[2012-03-05 22:19:30] <atomic7732> WELL FUCK THEM!
[2012-03-05 22:19:38] <Darvince> I'm god
[2012-03-05 22:19:39] <atomic7732> anyway
[2012-03-05 22:19:44] <Darvince> You're master
[2012-03-05 22:19:44] <atomic7732> enough rage for tonight
[2012-03-05 22:19:46] <Darvince> no
[2012-03-05 22:19:48] <Darvince> stay
[2012-03-05 22:19:51] <Darvince> come play with me
[2012-03-05 22:20:01] <Darvince> so i can play with your ...
[2012-03-05 22:20:07] <Darvince> ...yeah i'm not going farther
[2012-03-05 22:20:13] <atomic7732> Go
[2012-03-05 22:20:15] <atomic7732> Go further
[2012-03-05 22:20:46] <atomic7732> You've got me staying, now go further
[2012-03-05 22:21:10] <Darvince> ok
[2012-03-05 22:21:15] <Darvince> i'm female
[2012-03-05 22:21:29] * atomic7732 facehoofs
[2012-03-05 22:21:30] <Darvince> and it's your 8===D
[2012-03-05 22:21:33] <atomic7732> ok TO SLEEP
[2012-03-05 22:21:34] <Darvince> now go to bed
[2012-03-05 22:21:36] <Darvince> oshit
[2012-03-05 22:21:38] [QUIT] Disconnected from irc://freenode/ (irc://chat.freenode.net/). [[Reconnect][Reconnect to freenode][reconnect]]
[2012-03-05 22:22:08] [INFO] Connecting to irc://freenode/ (irc://chat.freenode.net/)… [[Cancel][Cancel connecting to freenode][cancel]]
[2012-03-05 22:22:09] === *** Looking up your hostname...
[2012-03-05 22:22:09] === *** Checking Ident
[2012-03-05 22:22:09] === *** Couldn't look up your hostname
[2012-03-05 22:22:09] === *** No Ident response
[2012-03-05 22:22:10] === 10 unknown connection(s)
[2012-03-05 22:22:11] =-= User mode for Darvince is now +i
[2012-03-05 22:22:11] *NickServ* This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>.
[2012-03-05 22:22:11] *NickServ* You have 30 seconds to identify to your nickname before it is changed.
[2012-03-05 22:22:15] -->| YOU (Darvince) have joined ##universesandbox
[2012-03-05 22:22:15] =-= Topic for ##universesandbox is ``Everypony, welcome to ##universesandbox: 170% content. | TC Tracking - Moderate Tropical Storm Irina (40 kts, 990 hPa), watch the SATL | MLP Tracking - 4.2.20: 7 days | Reminder: Put designations in video title | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqSvCC8xs0NzdGU4bnZPR25abk1JclcyLUVON2FyWmc#gid=0''
[2012-03-05 22:22:15] =-= Topic for ##universesandbox was set by a7732|afk!~chatzilla@unaffiliated/atomic7732 on Monday, March 05, 2012 06:31:40
[2012-03-05 22:22:17] *NickServ* You are now identified for Darvince.
[2012-03-05 22:22:17] === unaffiliated/darvince is now your hidden host (set by services.)
[2012-03-05 22:22:17] =-= Mode ##universesandbox +v Darvince by ChanServ
[2012-03-05 22:22:21] <Darvince> deer
[2012-03-05 22:22:24] [QUIT] Disconnected from irc://freenode/ (irc://chat.freenode.net/). [[Reconnect][Reconnect to freenode][reconnect]]
[2012-03-05 22:22:26] [INFO] Connecting to irc://freenode/ (irc://chat.freenode.net/)… [[Cancel][Cancel connecting to freenode][cancel]]
[2012-03-05 22:22:26] === *** Looking up your hostname...
[2012-03-05 22:22:27] === *** Checking Ident
[2012-03-05 22:22:27] === *** Couldn't look up your hostname
[2012-03-05 22:22:27] === *** No Ident response
[2012-03-05 22:22:28] === 11 unknown connection(s)
[2012-03-05 22:22:29] =-= User mode for Darvince is now +i
[2012-03-05 22:22:29] *NickServ* This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>.
[2012-03-05 22:22:29] *NickServ* You have 30 seconds to identify to your nickname before it is changed.
[2012-03-05 22:22:33] -->| YOU (Darvince) have joined ##universesandbox
[2012-03-05 22:22:33] =-= Topic for ##universesandbox is ``Everypony, welcome to ##universesandbox: 170% content. | TC Tracking - Moderate Tropical Storm Irina (40 kts, 990 hPa), watch the SATL | MLP Tracking - 4.2.20: 7 days | Reminder: Put designations in video title | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqSvCC8xs0NzdGU4bnZPR25abk1JclcyLUVON2FyWmc#gid=0''
[2012-03-05 22:22:33] =-= Topic for ##universesandbox was set by a7732|afk!~chatzilla@unaffiliated/atomic7732 on Monday, March 05, 2012 06:31:40
[2012-03-05 22:22:34] *NickServ* You are now identified for Darvince.
[2012-03-05 22:22:35] === unaffiliated/darvince is now your hidden host (set by services.)
[2012-03-05 22:22:35] =-= Mode ##universesandbox +v Darvince by ChanServ
[2012-03-05 22:22:38] =-= YOU are now known as Archini
[2012-03-05 22:22:39] =-= YOU are now known as Darvince
[2012-03-05 22:22:46] <Naruslp> hi i'm safqing that
[2012-03-05 22:22:48] <Naruslp> good night
[2012-03-05 22:23:50] <Darvince> uhh
[2012-03-05 22:23:51] <Darvince> wat
[2012-03-05 22:23:55] |<-- Naruslp has left freenode (Quit: yours sexual desires are forever on the internet)
[2012-03-05 22:25:15] <Darvince> wtf
[2012-03-05 22:28:59] -->| Naruslp (~chatzilla@c-24-23-26-239.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined ##universesandbox
[2012-03-05 22:29:04] <Naruslp> btw new AVO video darvince
[2012-03-05 22:29:10] <Darvince> wut
[2012-03-05 22:29:11] <Darvince> oh deer
[2012-03-05 22:29:14] <Darvince> inb4 bronysult
[2012-03-05 22:29:18] <Darvince> that one was awesome
[2012-03-05 22:29:19] <Darvince> kol
[2012-03-05 22:30:35] <Naruslp> "Suck a poopnugget you whorebag fuckshit assraper"
[2012-03-05 22:30:36] <Naruslp> wat
[2012-03-05 22:32:19] <Darvince> lmfao
[2012-03-05 22:33:59] * Naruslp notices it's a 27 minute episode
[2012-03-05 22:34:03] * Naruslp yells YESSSSSSS
[2012-03-05 22:37:14] <Darvince> getting skyype
[2012-03-05 22:37:17] <Darvince> inb4 you ad me
[2012-03-05 22:37:18] <Darvince> *add
[2012-03-05 22:37:36] <Naruslp> maybe
[2012-03-05 22:38:33] <Darvince> oshi
[2012-03-05 22:50:38] <Naruslp> "Storm is about to mass upload about 6 episodes. Thumbs this shit up."
[2012-03-05 22:50:40] <Naruslp> yes
[2012-03-05 22:50:41] <Naruslp> just yes
[2012-03-05 22:53:27] <Darvince> yes
[2012-03-05 22:53:28] <Darvince> wut
[2012-03-05 23:01:31] <Darvince> naru i'm at skype
[2012-03-05 23:01:34] <Darvince> inb4 you add me somehow
[2012-03-05 23:01:42] -->| BlaBla44 (~BlaBla44@0x5da7a152.cpe.ge-0-1-0-1105.aroenqu1.customer.tele.dk) has joined ##universesandbox
[2012-03-05 23:01:43] =-= Mode ##universesandbox +v BlaBla44 by ChanServ
[2012-03-05 23:01:46] <Darvince> Hibla
[2012-03-05 23:01:47] <Darvince> POOOOOOOOOOOOOo
[2012-03-05 23:01:50] <Darvince> ctam with me
[2012-03-05 23:01:51] <Darvince> :)
[2012-03-05 23:01:55] <Darvince> count to a million with me
[2012-03-05 23:03:23] <BlaBla44> Hithardar.
[2012-03-05 23:03:29] <BlaBla44> And kolnop. :)
[2012-03-05 23:03:36] <Darvince> no u
[2012-03-05 23:03:39] <Darvince> i havskyp
[2012-03-05 23:04:26] <Naruslp> u butt frustrated?
[2012-03-05 23:04:46] <Darvince> no
[2012-03-05 23:04:50] <Darvince> naruslp come play with me
[2012-03-05 23:05:04] <Naruslp> in the lands of throl?
[2012-03-05 23:05:12] <Darvince> no in the lands of dildo
[2012-03-05 23:05:34] =-= Naruslp is now known as naru523
[2012-03-05 23:05:40] =-= Mode ##universesandbox +v naru523 by ChanServ
[2012-03-05 23:05:53] =-= Mode ##universesandbox +o naru523 by ChanServ
[2012-03-05 23:05:55] =-= YOU (Darvince) have been booted from ##universesandbox by naru523 (Challenge accepted)
[2012-03-05 23:05:55] -->| YOU (Darvince) have joined ##universesandbox
[2012-03-05 23:05:56] =-= Topic for ##universesandbox is ``Everypony, welcome to ##universesandbox: 170% content. | TC Tracking - Moderate Tropical Storm Irina (40 kts, 990 hPa), watch the SATL | MLP Tracking - 4.2.20: 7 days | Reminder: Put designations in video title | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqSvCC8xs0NzdGU4bnZPR25abk1JclcyLUVON2FyWmc#gid=0''
[2012-03-05 23:05:56] =-= Topic for ##universesandbox was set by a7732|afk!~chatzilla@unaffiliated/atomic7732 on Monday, March 05, 2012 06:31:40
[2012-03-05 23:05:56] =-= Mode ##universesandbox +v Darvince by ChanServ
[2012-03-05 23:05:59] <Darvince> what
[2012-03-05 23:06:01] <Darvince> oshi-
[2012-03-05 23:06:40] <BlaBla44> And Heynaru.
[2012-03-05 23:06:49] <BlaBla44> "Heronaru" maybe
[2012-03-05 23:07:26] <naru523> hallobla
[2012-03-05 23:07:50] <Darvince> Cedric of course i think you're a sexist pedo (y)
[2012-03-05 23:07:59] <Darvince> the hell...
[2012-03-05 23:08:21] <naru523> ohonhonhonhon
[2012-03-05 23:14:00] <BlaBla44> Cupeople.
[2012-03-05 23:14:02] |<-- BlaBla44 has left freenode ()
[2012-03-05 23:21:20] <Darvince> bla is slow
[2012-03-05 23:23:43] <naru523> jizz
[2012-03-05 23:23:45] <naru523> in
[2012-03-05 23:23:46] <naru523> my
[2012-03-05 23:23:48] <naru523> skirt
[2012-03-05 23:27:44] <Darvince> tf

Part 7 of 7 (22:15-23:59)


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Re: Strange and/or funny quotes thread
« Reply #472 on: March 06, 2012, 10:11:27 PM »
What ist point of dis.


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Re: Strange and/or funny quotes thread
« Reply #473 on: March 06, 2012, 10:12:22 PM »


  • formerly mudkipz
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Re: Strange and/or funny quotes thread
« Reply #474 on: March 07, 2012, 06:15:50 PM »
[20:14] <+Darvince> CTAM
[20:14] <+Darkvince> ALBINOPOO
[20:14] == Darvince was kicked from ##universesandbox by Naru523 [stfu]

albino poo, it works wonders.


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Re: Strange and/or funny quotes thread
« Reply #475 on: March 07, 2012, 06:56:58 PM »
[20:55] <Darvince> and we're being this drastic because we want to be known
[20:56] <Darvince> kol
[20:56] <Darvince> this is ridiculously drastic
[20:56] <Darvince> oshit


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Re: Strange and/or funny quotes thread
« Reply #476 on: March 08, 2012, 11:06:56 PM »
i like ham. with cheese

Quote from: Mudkipz
<eOm>kol i thought socialism was when blanoxiums spent their day on irc socializing and being nonproductive

Quote from: Mudkipz
<Comrade Mudkipz> bla, that may be true, but is it only a matter of time before i interlink your tongues
« Last Edit: March 10, 2012, 02:52:06 PM by Bla »


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Re: Strange and/or funny quotes thread
« Reply #477 on: March 13, 2012, 08:44:39 PM »
01[18:11] <+matty406> A friend of mine said he would get MLP figures and glue them to my forehead.
#[18:12] <+matty406> Preferablly before I woke up.
[18:12] <+BlaBla44> Kol.
[18:12] <+BlaBla44> Was that me talking in sleep...
[18:12] <+BlaBla44> Whatever, I would have done the same.
#[18:12] <+matty406> lolwut
#[18:13] <+matty406> Blue ponies to my head?
#[18:13] <+matty406> glue*
[18:14] <+BlaBla44> Not just your head. I would cover you completely in ponies, with small holes for the eyes.


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Re: Strange and/or funny quotes thread
« Reply #478 on: March 15, 2012, 12:28:29 AM »
[00:12]   Darvince   holyshit smjjames is between 26 and 30


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Re: Strange and/or funny quotes thread
« Reply #479 on: March 15, 2012, 12:30:38 AM »
chanserv gets her own special line

[2012-03-05 10:34:03] <FictilePegasus> Hi bla hi naru hi guest hi matty hi myself
[2012-03-05 10:34:08] <FictilePegasus> Hi Chanserv