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Author Topic: Chinese Logic  (Read 1663 times)


  • formerly mudkipz
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Chinese Logic
« on: October 04, 2011, 05:01:50 PM »
I saw this today in a movie and lol'd

Bla is going to have a field day with logical fallacies.

Person A is Chinese
Person C is another Chinese person
Person B is from America, visiting China.

A: But why did the American's drop atom bomb on Japan?
B: To save lives
A: How does drop bomb on innocent peoples save life?
B: By ending the war sooner.
A: But Japan had already won the war, it surrendered to the Chinese army! It's a fact.
B: How do you know its a fact? Your newspapers said that China defeated Japan but American newspapers told a different story.
A: That is easy! Chinese newspapers are run by government and confirmed by the people. American capitalists want to make money, they tell good story!
B: *doesn't know quite what to say + distraught expression*
C: *attempt at consolation* It's ok, not just America do this but all Capitalist country! *smiles triumphantly*