really ipressed with it so far , would love to see the following added in the future :
Music please 
or at least the ability to select music while in live mode , I'm sure there is some great classical pieces that would work well
SoundThe ability to apply a sound to an object, for example you could have the roar of the sun playing all the time , getting louder as you zoom into it / move towards it , or at your camera position when an object with sound attatched and playing, starts to come closer
Voice Guided toursThis could be from a construction of a system
And also to record notes?
Visuals I would love for there to be an ability to draw an object (Cuboid or Sphere), or just a single plane which could visually show the effect of gravity based on a gradiant
Save ControlSave As Dialog box
Object List, for easy selection of planets and stars etc
Multiple Camera's ie not just one view at a time
erm well thats my input anyway im loving it so far , still a few crashes here and there , can someone also build some model space craft i can load into in to it for fun