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Author Topic: Windows Touch Support  (Read 3668 times)


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Windows Touch Support
« on: May 01, 2011, 01:46:08 AM »
Just picked Universe Sandbox up off of Steam and I'm having a blast with it. An incursion into the inner solar system by a two solar mass neutron star sure does make a mess.

What would make the experience even better though would be if Universe Sandbox supported touch on Windows devices with capacitive touchscreens like the HP TouchSmart series or the Asus Eee Slate. As it is now on my Eee Slate the simulation doesn't recognize input most of the time. I usually have to tap the object or control numerous times to get the desired result. Oddly, the pinch to zoom gesture is recognized. Also, an option to make the inteface larger would make the application more touch friendly.

A good point of reference would be the Microsoft Surface Globe app that comes in the Microsoft Touch Pack for Windows 7. As well as the Windows Touch API, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd562197(v=VS.85).aspx.

Universe Sandbox would be a showcase application for Windows Touch devices. I can just imagine the jaws hitting the floor if I could show it off to my friends on my slate.


Dan Dixon

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Re: Windows Touch Support
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2011, 02:17:46 PM »
Improved touch screen support is on the list of things to do, but it's currently a low priority issue (given the number of users that would be effected). That said I agree it would be awesome.

Thanks for the great info and the link.