It is public for
the Blacraft Blaist State. We discussed this earlier, right?

Become in one with
Russia us now.

You can still trade with us. Since you're a bunch of soshulists, we might even make an economic treaty to expand our kommon
pwnership and planned ekonomy.
Nue is an autarky, so why would he have access anyway.
Measuring Tape is installed. It might make it easier to measure roads and other staff.

does bla approve? 
It looks really nice.
I didn't plan it as an end station though. The rail system was meant to be modular, so it could always be expanded, and to always stay at y=49.
The torches in the middle were meant to be normal torches every 5 meters, and booster rails with redstone torches on the side walls every 20 meters. That's my design, at least.