ah yes, why do what can be done in an afternoon when you can do it over the course of a decade instead
I don't think you understand the unnecessary amount of work I put into these horse roads. It's taken me about like 2 days of pretty much non-stop blacraft (well, ok no but it seems like it) to get like 400 blocks of it done.

The problem is, I don't like these roads having any bends at all and only subtle gradients soo...
A step by step guide to making a yqt horse road:
1. Planning (involves placing pillars to mark locations)

2. Vague terraforming to make the road

Although I'm not bla level obsessive I try to make it look somewhat realistic at least. The former max height of this island was y=65, now it's basically all at the road level
3. Bridges/tunnels

4. Road surface details

5. Final touches

6. Speed II potion dispensers
(upcoming)At this rate of 400 blocks per 2 days it will only take like 3-5 more days but that may as well be a few years since I'll get bored and do something else with my blacraft time