Proposed changes to the glorious Union of YQT Provinces for 1.7. Including some new land claims. I kept my promise from December 2012! Over a year with no new land claims

Mystic Marsh (my witch farm) got moved to here, just integrating it better. The western border should just follow the border of Jetblasts land. The eastern flower forest is where I want to build a small flower farm. I like the name Hexe, but Marshlands' name will probably be changed.

Internal border changes. Split Passau in half, giving TMC's his own region and moving the rest of it into Kaministiquia. The dissolution of Verslest region, merging Notre Niege with the remains of Nunatriche. Cut Nunatriche in half because it got cropped.

Savanna island claim I made a while back. Still unnamed.

Changes to the far east. Kinar got partially cropped, so shrink Hidir. Change interior Kinar municipalities a bit, new Aahrus is not it's final name. Claim the swamp peninsula, which I have already begun building on. Claim the ocean and an island. I'd like the savanna island to be moved there eventually, if possible.

I don't want to be too greedy so I hope this is reasonable.

I'll update the map Bla (eventually), because I know that I'm being a bit obsessive over exact borders here.